When I noticed that FileSearch was missing after I updated to Office 2007, I decided to recreate the class and save it as a file to import anytime I needed to use it. I tried to use as little code as possible, so if there is some property you would need to add then you may have to add it yourself, but this will at least give you most of the funcitonality of the original Class without having to update your existing code too much. You have to just reference the class and then it can still be used in a with block or however you are accustomed. Here are the two class files that I have, the first I named FileSearch (go figure):
so it works exactly the same. The only difference I know of is, if the file you're looking for may have any extension use "*" instead of "*.*" as microsoft put out. I was lazy and just did a like comparison instead of breaking out the file extensions. All others should theoretically work fine i.e. "*.xls" or "*.txt"
That's it. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Dim pLookIn As String
Dim pSearchSubFolders As Boolean
Dim pFileName As String
Public FoundFiles As New Collection
Public Property Get LookIn() As String
LookIn = pLookIn
End Property
Public Property Let LookIn(value As String)
pLookIn = value
End Property
Public Property Get SearchSubFolders() As Boolean
LookIn = pSearchSubFolders
End Property
Public Property Let SearchSubFolders(value As Boolean)
pSearchSubFolders = value
End Property
Public Property Get fileName() As String
fileName = pFileName
End Property
Public Property Let fileName(value As String)
pFileName = value
End Property
Public Function Execute() As Long
Dim ex As Long
Dim sLookIn As String
Dim sDirName As String
Dim sSubDir As String
Dim sFileName As String
Dim ff As FilesFound
Set ff = New FilesFound
sLookIn = LookIn
sDirName = Dir(sLookIn, vbDirectory)
sFileName = Dir(sLookIn & "\", vbNormal)
Do Until Len(sFileName) = 0
If sFileName Like fileName Then
ff.AddFile sLookIn, sFileName
FoundFiles.Add (ff.FoundFileFullName)
End If
sFileName = Dir
If SearchSubFolders Then
Do Until Len(sDirName) = 0
If GetAttr(sLookIn & sDirName) = vbDirectory Then
sSubDir = sDirName
Do Until Len(sFileName) = 0
If GetAttr(sDirName) = vbNormal Then
sFileName = sDirName
ff.AddFile sDirName, sFileName
FoundFiles.Add (ff)
End If
End If
sDirName = Dir
End If
Execute = FoundFiles.Count
End Function
The second I named FilesFound and the code is as follows:
Public FoundFileFullName As String
Public Function AddFile(path As String, fileName As String)
FoundFileFullName = path & "\" & fileName
End Function
That should do it.
To use it in your code just create the two class modules and then use it as such:
Dim sFile as String
Dim fs As New FileSearh
With fs
.LookIn = sPath
.SearchSubFolders = True
.fileName = "*"
If .Execute > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
sFile = .FoundFiles(i)
' your code here
End If
End With
That's it. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
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