I have a data sheet with many entries. In column "E" I have the station name entered. In other columns I have a timestamp, username, and dollars and tickets they are issued (we are selling tickets).
I want my user, on a separate sheet, to be able to select a station name and have a report built that reports all the transactions for that station.
I can make all this happen with the indirect function for each column I want to look up, but getting the row number for each instance of the station name is tripping me up. I can get the first one with the function:
it returns row 15 in my test case. But, how do I get the next formula (1 row down in the report sheet) to start at row E15 and search to E1001? Every attempt I have made at building a relative reference has returned an error. Many thanks
I want my user, on a separate sheet, to be able to select a station name and have a report built that reports all the transactions for that station.
I can make all this happen with the indirect function for each column I want to look up, but getting the row number for each instance of the station name is tripping me up. I can get the first one with the function:
it returns row 15 in my test case. But, how do I get the next formula (1 row down in the report sheet) to start at row E15 and search to E1001? Every attempt I have made at building a relative reference has returned an error. Many thanks