Find same value and Changing a cell & tex color WITHOUT using Conditional Formatting


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Feb 20, 2015
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data range A1:T27
i want to find out same number And change their "cell color and text color" in data range A1:T26 of row no 27's 20 number in pink colour.
Without using Conditional Formatting
Because i copy it and use it to another data set in same worksheet e.g. range U1:AO27
In MS Excel 2007
your code not working means

when run the macro there is no change in font color or cell color
of A1:T26 And A27:T27

it is viewing normal
:confused: It worked as expected for me using the file I downloaded from you. First I cleared the fill color and turned all the font colors to black for the range A1:T26, then I ran my macro and it filled the cells and colored the fonts for the numbers matching those in Row 27. I cannot duplicate your problem using your file.
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so sorry it was my mistake
that before run the macro not change color of cell,font and style of A27:T27
that's why it is not showing result
but it is not doing automatically every time do change color of cell,font and style of range e.g.A27:T27

can i repeat this or copy and past it and use it to another data set in same worksheet e.g. range V1:AO27 to XEK1:XFD27 different number of sets
Okay, first then... the code is working but if I understand what you are saying above, you want it to clear old colors so that if you make number changes, the old numbers do not remain colored. Second, you asked if this code could be used on other ranges. Yes, it can, with the modified code below, just put the comma delimited ranges in as I show below in red...
[table="width: 500"]
	[td]Sub MatchNumbersCopyFormats()
  Dim C As Long, LastRow As Long, DataRange As Range, DR As Range
  Set DataRange = Range("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]A1:T27,V7:AO33,XEK1:XFD27[/COLOR][/B]")
  For Each DR In DataRange.Areas
    LastRow = Split(DR.Address, "$")(4)
    DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Interior.Color = xlNone
    DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Font.Color = vbBlack
    For C = DR.Column To DR.Column + DR.Columns.Count - 1
      Application.ReplaceFormat.Interior.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Interior.Color
      Application.ReplaceFormat.Font.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Font.Color
      DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Replace Cells(LastRow, C), "", xlWhole, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=True
End Sub[/td]

but it is not doing automatically every time do change color of cell,font and style of range e.g.A27:T27
If this is asking for what I am thinking it is asking for, I can give you VBA event code (it gets installed to a different place than macros - see below), but it will only work in a limited way. VBA has no ability to see when something in a cell changes color, but it can see when a cell value changes. So, the event code below will only work automatically when you change or, if the number isn't being changed, reenter the number in a cell, but not when you only change a cell or font's color. So, if you want to change colors and the number, do the colors first and change the value last... if you only want to change colors, select any cell in any table and press F2 (engages edit mode) and immediately afterwards, press the Enter key (exits edit mode and fools VBA into thinking a value was changed).
[table="width: 500"]
	[td]Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim C As Long, LastRow As Long, DataRange As Range, DR As Range
  Set DataRange = Range("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]A1:T27,V7:AO33,XEK1:XFD27[/COLOR][/B]")
  If Not Intersect(Target, DataRange) Is Nothing Then
    For Each DR In DataRange.Areas
      LastRow = Split(DR.Address, "$")(4)
      DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Interior.Color = xlNone
      DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Font.Color = vbBlack
      For C = DR.Column To DR.Column + DR.Columns.Count - 1
        Application.ReplaceFormat.Interior.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Interior.Color
        Application.ReplaceFormat.Font.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Font.Color
        DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Replace Cells(LastRow, C), "", xlWhole, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=True
  End If
End Sub[/td]
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but it is not doing automatically every time do change color of cell,font and style of range e.g.A27:T27
If this is asking for what I am thinking it is asking for, I can give you VBA event code (it gets installed to a different place than macros - see below), but it will only work in a limited way. VBA has no ability to see when something in a cell changes color, but it can see when a cell value changes. So, the event code below will only work automatically when you change or, if the number isn't being changed, reenter the number in a cell, but not when you only change a cell or font's color. So, if you want to change colors and the number, do the colors first and change the value last... if you only want to change colors, select any cell in any table and press F2 (engages edit mode) and immediately afterwards, press the Enter key (exits edit mode and fools VBA into thinking a value was changed).
[table="width: 500"]
	[td]Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim C As Long, LastRow As Long, DataRange As Range, DR As Range
  Set DataRange = Range("[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]A1:T27,V7:AO33,XEK1:XFD27[/COLOR][/B]")
  If Not Intersect(Target, DataRange) Is Nothing Then
    For Each DR In DataRange.Areas
      LastRow = Split(DR.Address, "$")(4)
      DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Interior.Color = xlNone
      DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Font.Color = vbBlack
      For C = DR.Column To DR.Column + DR.Columns.Count - 1
        Application.ReplaceFormat.Interior.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Interior.Color
        Application.ReplaceFormat.Font.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Font.Color
        DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Replace Cells(LastRow, C), "", xlWhole, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=True
  End If
End Sub[/td]
I forgot the install instructions for the above VBA event code.

If you are new to event code procedures, they are easy to install. To install it, right-click the name tab at the bottom of the worksheet that is to have the functionality to be provided by the event code and select "View Code" from the popup menu that appears. This will open up the code window for that worksheet. Copy/Paste the event code into that code window. That's it... the code will now operate automatically when its particular event procedure is raised by an action you take on the worksheet itself. Note... if you are using XL2007 or above, make sure you save your file as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) and answer the "do you want to enable macros" question as "yes" or "OK" (depending on the button label for your version of Excel) the next time you open your workbook.
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This code is working only for 28 Ranges which is 15849 cells (highlight in red color) but not running with all ranges that past below in brown color (link is in #24 & #25 post)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim C As Long, LastRow As Long, DataRange As Range, DR As Range
Set DataRange = Range(" A2:T28,V2:AO28,AQ2:BJ28,BL2:CE28,CG2:CZ28,DB2:DU28,DW2:EP28,ER2:FK28,FM2:GF28,GH2:HA28,HC2:HV28,HX2:IQ28,IS2:JL28,JN2:KG28,KI2:LB28,LD2:LW28,LY2:MR28,MT2:NM28,NO2:OH28,OJ2:PC28,PE2:PX28,PZ2:QS28,QU2:RN28,RP2:SI28,SK2:TD28,TF2:TY28,UA2:UT28,UV2:VO28")
If Not Intersect(Target, DataRange) Is Nothing Then
For Each DR In DataRange.Areas
LastRow = Split(DR.Address, "$")(4)
DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Interior.Color = xlNone
DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Font.Color = vbBlack
For C = DR.Column To DR.Column + DR.Columns.Count - 1
Application.ReplaceFormat.Interior.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Interior.Color
Application.ReplaceFormat.Font.Color = Cells(LastRow, C).Font.Color
DR.Resize(LastRow - DR.Row).Replace Cells(LastRow, C), "", xlWhole, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=True
End If
End Sub

' Set DataRange = Range("A2:T28, V2:AO28, AQ2:BJ28, BL2:CE28, CG2:CZ28, DB2:DU28, DW2:EP28, ER2:FK28, FM2:GF28, GH2:HA28, HC2:HV28, HX2:IQ28, IS2:JL28, JN2:KG28, KI2:LB28, LD2:LW28, LY2:MR28, MT2:NM28, NO2:OH28, OJ2:PC28, PE2:PX28, PZ2:QS28, QU2:RN28, RP2:SI28, SK2:TD28, TF2:TY28, UA2:UT28, UV2:VO28, VQ2:WJ28, WL2:XE28, XG2:XZ28, YB2:YU28, YW2:ZP28, ZR2:AAK28, AAM2:ABF28, ABH2:ACA28, ACC2:ACV28, ACX2:ADQ28, ADS2:AEL28, AEN2:AFG28, AFI2:AGB28, AGD2:AGW28, AGY2:AHR28, AHT2:AIM28, AIO2:AJH28, AJJ2:AKC28, AKE2:AKX28, AKZ2:ALS28, ALU2:AMN28, AMP2:ANI28, ANK2:AOD28, AOF2:AOY28, APA2:APT28, APV2:AQO28, AQQ2:ARJ28, ARL2:ASE28, ASG2:ASZ28, ATB2:ATU28, ATW2:AUP28, AUR2:AVK28, AVM2:AWF28, AWH2:AXA28, AXC2:AXV28, AXX2:AYQ28, AYS2:AZL28, AZN2:BAG28, BAI2:BBB28, BBD2:BBW28, BBY2:BCR28, BCT2:BDM28, BDO2:BEH28, BEJ2:BFC28, BFE2:BFX28, BFZ2:BGS28, BGU2:BHN28, BHP2:BII28, BIK2:BJD28, BJF2:BJY28, B2:CBS28, CBU2:CCN28, CCP2:CDI28, CDK2:CED28, CEF2:CEY28, CFA2:CFT28, CFV2:CGO28, CGQ2:CHJ28, CHL2:CIE28, CIG2:CIZ28, CJB2:CJU28, CJW2:CKP28, CKR2:CLK28, CLM2:CMF28, CMH2:CNA28, CNC2:CNV28, CNX2:COQ28, COS2:CPL28, CPN2:CQG28, CQI2:CRB28, CRD2:CRW28, CRY2:CSR28, CST2:CTM28, CTO2:CUH28, CUJ2:CVC28, CVE2:CVX28, CVZ2:CWS28, CWU2:CXN28, CXP2:CYI28, CYK2:CZD28, CZF2:CZY28, DAA2:DAT28, DAV2:DBO28, DBQ2:DCJ28, DCL2:DDE28, DDG2:DDZ28, DEB2:DEU28, DEW2:DFP28, DFR2:DGK28, DGM2:DHF28, DHH2:DIA28, DIC2:DIV28, DIX2:DJQ28, DJS2:DKL28, DKN2:DLG28, DLI2:DMB28, DMD2:DMW28, DMY2:DNR28, DNT2:DOM28, DOO2:DPH28, DPJ2:DQC28, DQE2:DQX28, DQZ2:DRS28, DRU2:DSN28, DSP2:DTI28, DTK2:DUD28, DUF2:DUY28, DVA2:DVT28, DVV2:DWO28, DWQ2:DXJ28, DXL2:DYE28, DYG2:DYZ28, DZB2:DZU28, DZW2:EAP28, EAR2:EBK28, EBM2:ECF28, ECH2:EDA28, EDC2:EDV28, EDX2:EEQ28, EES2:EFL28, EFN2:EGG28, EGI2:EHB28, EHD2:EHW28, EHY2:EYV28, EYX2:EZQ28, EZS2:FAL28, FAN2:FBG28, FBI2:FCB28, FCD2:FCW28, FCY2:FDR28, FDT2:FEM28, FEO2:FFH28, FFJ2:FGC28, FGE2:FGX28, FGZ2:FHS28, FHU2:FIN28, FIP2:FJI28, FJK2:FKD28, FKF2:FKY28, FLA2:FLT28, FLV2:FMO28, FMQ2:FNJ28, FNL2:FOE28, FOG2:FOZ28, FPB2:FPU28, FPW2:FQP28, FQR2:FRK28, FRM2:FSF28, FSH2:FTA28, FTC2:FTV28, FTX2:FUQ28, FUS2:FVL28, FVN2:FWG28, FWI2:FXB28, FXD2:FXW28, FXY2:FYR28, FYT2:FZM28, FZO2:GAH28, GAJ2:GBC28, GBE2:GBX28, GBZ2:GCS28, GCU2:GDN28, GDP2:GEI28, GEK2:GFD28, GFF2:GFY28, GGA2:GGT28, GGV2:GHO28, GHQ2:GIJ28, GIL2:GJE28, GJG2:GJZ28, GKB2:GKU28, GKW2:GLP28, GLR2:GMK28, GMM2:GNF28, GNH2:GOA28, GOC2:GOV28, GOX2:GPQ28, GPS2:GQL28, GQN2:GRG28, GRI2:GSB28, GSD2:GSW28, GSY2:GTR28, GTT2:GUM28, GUO2:GVH28, GVJ2:GWC28, GWE2:GWX28, GWZ2:GXS28, GXU2:GYN28, GYP2:GZI28, GZK2:HAD28, HAF2:HAY28, HBA2:HBT28, HBV2:HCO28, HCQ2:HDJ28, HDL2:HEE28, HEG2:HEZ28, HFB2:HVY28, HWA2:HWT28, HWV2:HXO28, HXQ2:HYJ28, HYL2:HZE28, HZG2:HZZ28, IAB2:IAU28, IAW2:IBP28, IBR2:ICK28, ICM2:IDF28, IDH2:IEA28, IEC2:IEV28, IEX2:IFQ28, IFS2:IGL28, IGN2:IHG28, IHI2:IIB28, IID2:IIW28, IIY2:IJR28, IJT2:IKM28, IKO2:ILH28, ILJ2:IMC28, IME2:IMX28, IMZ2:INS28, INU2:ION28, IOP2:IPI28, IPK2:IQD28, IQF2:IQY28, IRA2:IRT28, IRV2:ISO28, ISQ2:ITJ28, ITL2:IUE28, IUG2:IUZ28, IVB2:IVU28, IVW2:IWP28, IWR2:IXK28, IXM2:IYF28, IYH2:IZA28, IZC2:IZV28, IZX2:JAQ28, JAS2:JBL28, JBN2:JCG28, JCI2:JDB28, JDD2:JDW28, JDY2:JER28, JET2:JFM28, JFO2:JGH28, JGJ2:JHC28, JHE2:JHX28, JHZ2:JIS28, JIU2:JJN28, JJP2:JKI28, JKK2:JLD28, JLF2:JLY28, JMA2:JMT28, JMV2:JNO28, JNQ2:JOJ28, JOL2:JPE28, JPG2:JPZ28, JQB2:JQU28, JQW2:JRP28, JRR2:JSK28, JSM2:JTF28, JTH2:JUA28, JUC2:JUV28, JUX2:JVQ28, JVS2:JWL28, JWN2:JXG28, JXI2:JYB28, JYD2:JYW28, JYY2:JZR28, JZT2:KAM28, KAO2:KBH28, KBJ2:KCC28, KCE2:KTB28, KTD2:KTW28, KTY2:KUR28, KUT2:KVM28, KVO2:KWH28, KWJ2:KXC28, KXE2:KXX28, KXZ2:KYS28, KYU2:KZN28, KZP2:LAI28, LAK2:LBD28, LBF2:LBY28, LCA2:LCT28, LCV2:LDO28, LDQ2:LEJ28, LEL2:LFE28, LFG2:LFZ28, LGB2:LGU28, LGW2:LHP28, LHR2:LIK28, LIM2:LJF28, LJH2:LKA28, LKC2:LKV28, LKX2:LLQ28, LLS2:LML28, LMN2:LNG28, LNI2:LOB28, LOD2:LOW28, LOY2:LPR28, LPT2:LQM28, LQO2:LRH28, LRJ2:LSC28, LSE2:LSX28, LSZ2:LTS28, LTU2:LUN28, LUP2:LVI28, LVK2:LWD28, LWF2:LWY28, LXA2:LXT28, LXV2:LYO28, LYQ2:LZJ28, LZL2:MAE28, MAG2:MAZ28, MBB2:MBU28, MBW2:MCP28, MCR2:MDK28, MDM2:MEF28, MEH2:MFA28, MFC2:MFV28, MFX2:MGQ28, MGS2:MHL28, MHN2:MIG28, MII2:MJB28, MJD2:MJW28, MJY2:MKR28, MKT2:MLM28, MLO2:MMH28, MMJ2:MNC28, MNE2:MNX28, MNZ2:MOS28, MOU2:MPN28, MPP2:MQI28, MQK2:MRD28, MRF2:MRY28, MSA2:MST28, MSV2:MTO28, MTQ2:MUJ28, MUL2:MVE28, MVG2:MVZ28, MWB2:MWU28, MWW2:MXP28, MXR2:MYK28, MYM2:MZF28, MZH2:NQE28, NQG2:NQZ28, NRB2:NRU28, NRW2:NSP28, NSR2:NTK28, NTM2:NUF28, NUH2:NVA28, NVC2:NVV28, NVX2:NWQ28, NWS2:NXL28, NXN2:NYG28, NYI2:NZB28, NZD2:NZW28, NZY2:OAR28, OAT2:OBM28, OBO2:OCH28, OCJ2:ODC28, ODE2:ODX28, ODZ2:OES28, OEU2:OFN28, OFP2:OGI28, OGK2:OHD28, OHF2:OHY28, OIA2:OIT28, OIV2:OJO28, OJQ2:OKJ28, OKL2:OLE28, OLG2:OLZ28, OMB2:OMU28, OMW2:ONP28, ONR2:OOK28, OOM2:OPF28, OPH2:OQA28, OQC2:OQV28, OQX2:ORQ28, ORS2:OSL28, OSN2:OTG28, OTI2:OUB28, OUD2:OUW28, OUY2:OVR28, OVT2:OWM28, OWO2:OXH28, OXJ2:OYC28, OYE2:OYX28, OYZ2:OZS28, OZU2:PAN28, PAP2:PBI28, PBK2:PCD28, PCF2:PCY28, PDA2:PDT28, PDV2:PEO28, PEQ2:PFJ28, PFL2:PGE28, PGG2:PGZ28, PHB2:PHU28, PHW2:PIP28, PIR2:PJK28, PJM2:PKF28, PKH2:PLA28, PLC2:PLV28, PLX2:PMQ28, PMS2:PNL28, PNN2:POG28, POI2:PPB28, PPD2:PPW28, PPY2:PQR28, PQT2:PRM28, PRO2:PSH28, PSJ2:PTC28, PTE2:PTX28, PTZ2:PUS28, PUU2:PVN28, PVP2:PWI28, PWK2:QNH28, QNJ2:QOC28, QOE2:QOX28, QOZ2:QPS28, QPU2:QQN28, QQP2:QRI28, QRK2:QSD28, QSF2:QSY28, QTA2:QTT28, QTV2:QUO28, QUQ2:QVJ28, QVL2:QWE28, QWG2:QWZ28, QXB2:QXU28, QXW2:QYP28, QYR2:QZK28, QZM2:RAF28, RAH2:RBA28, RBC2:RBV28, RBX2:RCQ28, RCS2:RDL28, RDN2:REG28, REI2:RFB28, RFD2:RFW28, RFY2:RGR28, RGT2:RHM28, RHO2:RIH28, RIJ2:RJC28, RJE2:RJX28, RJZ2:RKS28, RKU2:RLN28, RLP2:RMI28, RMK2:RND28, RNF2:RNY28, ROA2:ROT28, ROV2:RPO28, RPQ2:RQJ28, RQL2:RRE28, RRG2:RRZ28, RSB2:RSU28, RSW2:RTP28, RTR2:RUK28, RUM2:RVF28, RVH2:RWA28, RWC2:RWV28, RWX2:RXQ28, RXS2:RYL28, RYN2:RZG28, RZI2:SAB28, SAD2:SAW28, SAY2:SBR28, SBT2:SCM28, SCO2:SDH28, SDJ2:SEC28, SEE2:SEX28, SEZ2:SFS28, SFU2:SGN28, SGP2:SHI28, SHK2:SID28, SIF2:SIY28, SJA2:SJT28, SJV2:SKO28, SKQ2:SLJ28, SLL2:SME28, SMG2:SMZ28, SNB2:SNU28, SNW2:SOP28, SOR2:SPK28, SPM2:SQF28, SQH2:SRA28, SRC2:SRV28, SRX2:SSQ28, SSS2:STL28, STN2:TKK28, TKM2:TLF28, TLH2:TMA28, TMC2:TMV28, TMX2:TNQ28, TNS2:TOL28, TON2:TPG28, TPI2:TQB28, TQD2:TQW28, TQY2:TRR28, TRT2:TSM28, TSO2:TTH28, TTJ2:TUC28, TUE2:TUX28, TUZ2:TVS28, TVU2:TWN28, TWP2:TXI28, TXK2:TYD28, TYF2:TYY28, TZA2:TZT28, TZV2:UAO28, UAQ2:UBJ28, UBL2:UCE28, UCG2:UCZ28, UDB2:UDU28, UDW2:UEP28, UER2:UFK28, UFM2:UGF28, UGH2:UHA28, UHC2:UHV28, UHX2:UIQ28, UIS2:UJL28, UJN2:UKG28, UKI2:ULB28, ULD2:ULW28, ULY2:UMR28, UMT2:UNM28, UNO2:UOH28, UOJ2:UPC28, UPE2:UPX28, UPZ2:UQS28, UQU2:URN28, URP2:USI28, USK2:UTD28, UTF2:UTY28, UUA2:UUT28, UUV2:UVO28, UVQ2:UWJ28, UWL2:UXE28, UXG2:UXZ28, UYB2:UYU28, UYW2:UZP28, UZR2:VAK28, VAM2:VBF28, VBH2:VCA28, VCC2:VCV28, VCX2:VDQ28, VDS2:VEL28, VEN2:VFG28, VFI2:VGB28, VGD2:VGW28, VGY2:VHR28, VHT2:VIM28, VIO2:VJH28, VJJ2:VKC28, VKE2:VKX28, VKZ2:VLS28, VLU2:VMN28, VMP2:VNI28, VNK2:VOD28, VOF2:VOY28, VPA2:VPT28, VPV2:VQO28, VQQ2:WHN28, WHP2:WII28, WIK2:WJD28, WJF2:WJY28, WKA2:WKT28, WKV2:WLO28, WLQ2:WMJ28, WML2:WNE28, WNG2:WNZ28, WOB2:WOU28, WOW2:WPP28, WPR2:WQK28, WQM2:WRF28, WRH2:WSA28, WSC2:WSV28, WSX2:WTQ28, WTS2:WUL28, WUN2:WVG28, WVI2:WWB28, WWD2:WWW28, WWY2:WXR28, WXT2:WYM28, WYO2:WZH28, WZJ2:XAC28, XAE2:XAX28, XAZ2:XBS28, XBU2:XCN28, XCP2:XDI28, XDK2:XED28, XEF2:XEY28")

Now, What to do?

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