A range of cells in my workbook are linked to another workbook. I want to update this link (which is nested in an IF function) every month from E.g. update from
'I:\HSD\SD\PE\SA\IY\IYM 2014-15\IYM from SA\Social Assistance\DECEMBER\[SASSA 2014-15 IYM DECEMBER 2014.xlsm
''I:\HSD\SD\PE\SA\IY\IYM 2014-15\IYM from SA\Social Assistance\JANUARY\[SASSA 2014-15 IYM JANUARY 2014.xlsm
Basically, change 'DECEMBER' to 'JANUARY' to 'FEBRUARY' so on and so forth as each month goes by.
Now I can run a basic Find and replace function macro to automatically update from a given month to the enxt, but to automate this process I would like to run a macro which performs the function as below which replaces the data link with the name of the previous month with that of the current month:
' Macro3 Macro
Selection.Replace What:="=VLOOKUP(MonthNo.-1,Dashboard!S3:T14,2,FALSE)", Replacement:="=VLOOKUP(MonthNo.,Dashboard!S3:T14,2,FALSE)", LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
This doesn't work. Could someone please help me understand how to use the VLOOKUP function with the Find and replace function in VBA?
Thank you!
A range of cells in my workbook are linked to another workbook. I want to update this link (which is nested in an IF function) every month from E.g. update from
'I:\HSD\SD\PE\SA\IY\IYM 2014-15\IYM from SA\Social Assistance\DECEMBER\[SASSA 2014-15 IYM DECEMBER 2014.xlsm
''I:\HSD\SD\PE\SA\IY\IYM 2014-15\IYM from SA\Social Assistance\JANUARY\[SASSA 2014-15 IYM JANUARY 2014.xlsm
Basically, change 'DECEMBER' to 'JANUARY' to 'FEBRUARY' so on and so forth as each month goes by.
Now I can run a basic Find and replace function macro to automatically update from a given month to the enxt, but to automate this process I would like to run a macro which performs the function as below which replaces the data link with the name of the previous month with that of the current month:
' Macro3 Macro
Selection.Replace What:="=VLOOKUP(MonthNo.-1,Dashboard!S3:T14,2,FALSE)", Replacement:="=VLOOKUP(MonthNo.,Dashboard!S3:T14,2,FALSE)", LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
This doesn't work. Could someone please help me understand how to use the VLOOKUP function with the Find and replace function in VBA?
Thank you!