The title is pretty self explanatory. Any idea how to do this? Here's the code I have so far which calls some functions to paste excel charts into the PowerPoint:
I need to replace any instance of the string "_STATE_" with my variable, State_Name.
Sub ExcelToPres()
Dim PPT As PowerPoint.Application
Dim MyPPT As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set PPT = New PowerPoint.Application
PPT.Visible = True
Set MyPPT = PPT.Presentations.Open(Filename:="H:\HC Assignments\Macros\State Study Template.pptx")
Dim State_Name As String
Dim Directory_File As String
copy_chart "Sheet1", 3, "Chart 1"
copy_range "Sheet1", 2, "A1:B3"
copy_group "Sheet1", 2, "Group 4"
State_Name = Worksheets("Sheet1").range("A1").Value
Directory_File = "H:\Test\" & State_Name & ".pptx"
MyPPT.SaveAs Directory_File
End Sub
I need to replace any instance of the string "_STATE_" with my variable, State_Name.