Feedback on this code to learn more efficient programming


New Member
Apr 10, 2018
Hello Mr. Excel forum!

In the past month and a half I have designed a macro at work, that after much sweat and many tears, finally does what I intended it to do. It was the second time that I made a macro with the last time many years ago. Since I had to google a lot to figure out how to write the code and since I found many answers within these fora, I thought it appropriate to post my code here to ask for feedback.

So my question is this: despite the code doing exactly what it needs to do, I have the feeling that it could be written a bit more neatly here and there, so I would like feedback if my code could have been written a bit more elegantly with better commands that currently I do not know how to make?

The code was developed to do this:
As a company we are supplying several devices to a client that all have varying amounts of hardwired IO. These IO are listed in an IO spreadsheet, with each device having it's own worksheet and each worksheet listsing all of the IO per device. There are hardwired IO as well as digital IO.
Depending on some parameters these digital IO need to be copied from the original IO spreadsheet (the source file) to another spreadsheet (the target file) to allow an import of all these digital signals into a SCADA system that monitors all devices. Whenever the combination of parameters determine that a certain IO needs to be copied from source to target file then four or five cells in row i in the source file get copied to row n in the target file.
In addition, the target file contains three worksheets that need to be filled with the same data, yet (annoyingly) the columns in the target file change from one worksheet to the other, therefore the macro needed to be set up such that it dynamically sets the columns before each itteration of a target file worksheet.

Sub EMS()
' EMS Macro

    Dim BI As Integer           'variable for amount of BI IO type per device
    Dim BO As Integer           'variable for amount of BO IO type per device
    Dim CT As Integer           'variable for amount of CT IO type per device
    Dim VT As Integer           'variable for amount of VT IO type per device
    Dim Tx As Integer           'variable for amount of Transmitters per device
    Dim IntS As Integer         'variable for amount of internal signals per device
    Dim IO As Integer           'variable to read amount of IO per worksheet (device) and per IO type
    Dim i As Integer            'variable for looping through amount IO based on BI/BO/CT/VT
    Dim j As Integer            'variable for amount of sheets in source file
    Dim n As Integer            'variable for next row target file
    Dim DP As Integer           'variable to determine double value or single value IO
    Dim k As Integer            'variable to make another line in target file in case double signal
    Dim m As Integer            'variable for reading sheet j a second time to copy internal signals
    Dim S1 As Integer           'variable for amount of sheets in target file
    Dim S2 As Integer           'variable for amount of sheets in source file
    Dim Of As Integer           'variable to determine amount of row offset from first row in source file
    Dim columnNrObj As Integer   'variable to determine which column to paste data to in target file
    Dim columnNrTi As Integer    'variable to determine which column to paste data to in target file
    Dim VeldNm As String        'variable for fieldname
    Dim SourceFN As String      'variable to select source (source) file
    Dim FileNameS As String     'variable to read only the file name from source file
    Dim TargetFN As Variant     'variable to select target (target) file
    Dim FileNameT As String     'variable to read only the file name from target file
    Dim IOType1 As String       'variable to select IO type of internal signals
    Dim IOType2 As String       'variable to select IO type of internal signals
    Dim IOType3 As String       'variable to select IO type of internal signals
    Dim Colour As Boolean       'variable switch on / off colouring of cells in source file
    Colour = False
    On Error GoTo EndMacro
    MsgBox "Please open IO List source file"                     'Ask user to select source file
        SourceFN = Application.GetOpenFilename                      'Load source file
        If SourceFN = "False" Then GoTo EndMacro                    'When a source file is not selected: end macro
        FileNameS = Dir(SourceFN, vbDirectory)                      'Read source file name
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Workbooks.Open SourceFN                                         'Open source file
    On Error Resume Next                                            'When source file is already open ignore error and continue macro
    UserForm1.Show                            'Show window with text "Running Macro, Please Wait"
    On Error GoTo CloseSource                        'On error close source file before end macro
    For S1 = 2 To 4                             'Loop through sheets 2 to 4 of target file
    Windows("Target File.xlsm").Activate
    n = 0                                   'Restore variable n to 0 at start of macro
    BI = 0                                  'Restore variable BI to 0 at start of macro
    BO = 0                                  'Restore variable BO to 0 at start of macro
    CT = 0                                  'Restore variable CT to 0 at start of macro
    VT = 0                                  'Restore variable VT to 0 at start of macro
    Tx = 0                                  'Restore variable Tx to 0 at start of macro
    Of = 0                                  'Restore variable Of to 0 at start of macro
    IntS = 0                                'Restore variable IntS to 0 at start of macro
    S2 = Sheets.Count                       'Count amount of sheets in source file
        For j = 3 To S2                     'Loop through sheets 3 to last sheet in source file
        Sheets(j).Activate                  'Start copying in sheet j of source file
            If Cells(16, 21).Value <> "NCC" Then            'check if source file contains the valid data by reading cell(16, 21)
            If MsgBox("This source file does not seem to be matching this macro!" & vbCrLf & "Do you want to continue running this macro?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then GoTo CloseSource
            End If                        'when the source file does not match let the user choose to continue or end the macro
            BI = Cells(3, 14).Value         'Read the amount of BI in sheet j
            BO = Cells(4, 14).Value         'Read the amount of BO in sheet j
            CT = Cells(5, 14).Value         'Read the amount of CT in sheet j
            VT = Cells(6, 14).Value         'Read the amount of VT in sheet j
            Tx = Cells(7, 14).Value         'Read the amount of Tx in sheet j
            IntS = Cells(9, 14).Value       'Read the amount of IntS in sheet j
        For m = 1 To 2                'Extra for loop to allow reading each sheet (j) twice
            If S1 = 2 Then
                If m = 1 Then
                    IO = BI                     'for DI worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of BI in sheet j of source file
                    Of = 0                      'for DI worksheet in target file put variable offset to 0
                    IO = IntS                   'for DI worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of IntS in sheet j of source file
                    Of = 4 + BI + 4 + BO + 4 + CT + VT + Tx
                                                'for DI worksheet in target file set offset to the first row of internal signals
                End If
                columnNrObj = 35                'for DI worksheet in target file set columnnumber for object to 35
                columnNrTi = 34                 'for DI worksheet in target file set columnnumber for Ti to 34
                IOType1 = "SP"                  'for DI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                IOType2 = "DP"                  'for DI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                IOType3 = "ST"                  'for DI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                If S1 = 3 Then            
                    If m = 1 Then        
                        IO = BO                 'for DO worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of BI in sheet j of source file
                        Of = 4 + BI             'for DO worksheet in target file put variable offset to 0
                        IO = IntS               'for DO worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of IntS in sheet j of source file
                        Of = 4 + BI + 4 + BO + 4 + CT + VT + Tx
                                               'for DO worksheet in target file set offset to the first row of internal signals 
                    End If
                    columnNrObj = 17            'for DO worksheet in target file set columnnumber for object to 17
                    columnNrTi = 16             'for DO worksheet in target file set columnnumber for Ti to 16
                    IOType1 = "SC"              'for DO worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                    IOType2 = "DC"              'for DO worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                    IOType3 = "DC"              'for DO worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                    If m = 1 Then
                        IO = CT + VT + Tx         'for AI worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of BI in sheet j of source file  
                        Of = 4 + BI + 4 + BO    'for AI worksheet in target file put variable offset to 0
                        IO = IntS               'for AI worksheet in target file set variable IO to the amount of IntS in sheet j of source file
                        Of = 4 + BI + 4 + BO + 4 + CT + VT + Tx
                                                'for AI worksheet in target file set offset to the first row of internal signals 
                    End If
                    columnNrObj = 32             'for AI worksheet in target file set columnnumber for object to 32
                    columnNrTi = 31              'for AI worksheet in target file set columnnumber for Ti to 31
                    IOType1 = "MV"              'for AI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                    IOType2 = "MV"              'for AI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                    IOType3 = "MV"              'for AI worksheet in target file only copy internal signals that match criterium
                End If
            End If
                For i = 1 To IO                 'Loop through all IO per IO type in source file to determine if each IO needs to be copied or not
                    If m = 1 Then
                       If Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Value = "Y" Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Value = "y" Then
                                'If a cell in column 21 contains value Y or y several cells in this row need to be copied to target file
                       If Colour = True Then
                       Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select              'Make cell(16 + Of + i, 21) red when macro determins it needs to be copied
                            With Selection.Interior
                                .Pattern = xlSolid
                                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                .Color = 255
                                .TintAndShade = 0
                                .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                            End With
                       End If
                       GoTo StartCopy                 
                        If Colour = True Then
                        Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'If this cell in column 21 does not contain value Y or y make cell(16 + Of + i, 21) yellow and go to DontCopy 
                            With Selection.Interior        'so the macro will read the next row in the source file
                                .Pattern = xlSolid
                                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                .Color = 65535
                                .TintAndShade = 0
                                .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                            End With
                        End If
                        GoTo DontCopy
                        End If
                    GoTo DontCopy
                    End If
                    If m = 2 Then                'In second loop of reading IO in sheet (j) if a cell in column 21 contains value Y or y AND
                                'if a cell in column 13 matches one variable IOType 1, IOType 2 or IOType 3 several 
                                'cells in this row need to be copied to target file
                       If Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Value = "Y" Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Value = "y" Then
                           If Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = IOType1 Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = IOType2 Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = IOType3 Then
                           If S1 = 2 Then
                           If Colour = True Then
                           Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select    'Make cell(16 + Of + i, 21) color 12611584 when macro determins it needs to be copied
                                With Selection.Interior
                                     .Pattern = xlSolid
                                     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                     .Color = 12611584
                                     .TintAndShade = 0
                                     .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                                End With
                            End If
                            ElseIf S1 = 3 Then
                            If Colour = True Then
                            Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'If True set color of cell to 16711935
                                With Selection.Interior
                                     .Pattern = xlSolid
                                     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                     .Color = 16711935
                                     .TintAndShade = 0
                                     .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                                End With
                            End If
                            If Colour = True Then
                            Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'If True set color of cell to 5287936
                                With Selection.Interior
                                     .Pattern = xlSolid
                                     .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                     .Color = 5287936
                                     .TintAndShade = 0
                                     .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                                End With
                            End If
                            End If
                           GoTo StartCopy
                           If Colour = True Then
                           Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'In case value in column 21 does not equal Y or y set color of cell to 49407
                               With Selection.Interior
                                   .Pattern = xlSolid
                                   .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                   .Color = 49407
                                   .TintAndShade = 0
                                   .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                                End With
                            End If
                            GoTo DontCopy
                            End If
                        If Colour = True Then
                        Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'In case value in column 21 does not equal Y or y set color of cell to 65535
                            With Selection.Interior
                                .Pattern = xlSolid
                                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                .Color = 65535
                                .TintAndShade = 0
                                .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                            End With
                        End If
                        GoTo DontCopy
                        End If
                    If Colour = True Then
                    Cells(16 + Of + i, 21).Select           'In case value in column 21 does not equal Y or y set color of cell to 65535
                            With Selection.Interior
                                .Pattern = xlSolid
                                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                                .Color = 65535
                                .TintAndShade = 0
                                .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                            End With
                    End If
                    GoTo DontCopy
                    End If

                    If m = 1 Then
                        If Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DP" Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DC" Then
                        DP = 2                                  'In case cell value matches DP/DC, set variabele DP to 2
                        DP = 1                                  'In case cell value does not match DP/DC, set variabele DP to 1
                        End If
                        DP = 1
                    End If
                        For k = 1 To DP                             'In case cell value matches DP/DC, make additional loop
                            VeldNm = ActiveSheet.Name               'write sheetname of targetfile to variabele VeldNm
                            Cells(5 + n, 2).Value = VeldNm          'write variabele VeldNm to second cell in row target file
                                If k = 1 Then                'in first k-loop read value from line i for unique identifier
                                    VeldNm = (ActiveSheet.Name & "_" & Cells(16 + Of + i, 8).Value)    'Give unique identifier to each signal 
                                    Cells(5 + n, 4).Value = VeldNm
                                    If Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DP" Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DC" Then
                                    VeldNm = Cells(16 + Of + i, 58).Value & " " & Cells(16 + Of + i, 19).Value
                                    VeldNm = Cells(16 + Of + i, 58).Value
                                    End If
                                                                                        'assign two cell values to variable VeldNm 
                                    Cells(5 + n, 3).Value = VeldNm                      'write variabele VeldNm to cell in source file
                                Else                    'in second k-loop read value from line i+1 for unique identifier
                                    VeldNm = (ActiveSheet.Name & "_" & Cells(16 + Of + i + 1, 8).Value)    'Give unique identifier to each signal
                                    Cells(5 + n, 4).Value = VeldNm
                                    If Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DP" Or Cells(16 + Of + i, 13).Value = "DC" Then
                                    VeldNm = Cells(16 + Of + i, 58).Value & " " & Cells(16 + Of + i, 19).Value
                                    VeldNm = Cells(16 + Of + i, 58).Value
                                    End If
                                                                                        'assign two cell values to variable VeldNm
                                    Cells(5 + n, 3).Value = VeldNm                      'write variabele VeldNm to cell in source file
                                End If
                            VeldNm = ("'=" & Cells(4, 9).Value & " " & Cells(5, 9).Value & " " & Cells(6, 9).Value & " " & Cells(7, 9).Value)    'Assign cell values to variabele VeldNm 
                            Cells(5 + n, 5).Value = VeldNm        'write value of variable VeldNm to cell source file
                            Cells(5 + n, KolomNrObj).Select         'select cell in source file via variabele KolomNrObj
                            Cells(16 + Of + i, 39).Select           'Select cell in source file
                            Application.CutCopyMode = False
                            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                                :=False, Transpose:=False           'paste value to source file
                            Cells(5 + n, KolomNrTi).Select          'select cell in source file via variabele KolomNrTi
                            Cells(16 + Of + i, 40).Select           'Select cell in source file
                            Application.CutCopyMode = False
                            Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
                                :=False, Transpose:=False           'paste value to source file
                            n = n + 1                               'next row target file
                        Next k                    'next row target file in case DP / DC type signal
                    Next i          'next row source file

                Next m         'second loop reading values from sheet j source file to copy internal signals
        Next j      'next sheet source file
    Next S1     'next sheet in target file
    Windows("Target File.xlsm").Activate        'Select target file
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    TargetFN = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="Target File", filefilter:=" Excel Macro Free Workbook (*.xlsx), *.xlsx,")
    Loop Until TargetFN <> False                                                    'force user to save target file as .xlsx to user selectable location
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=TargetFN, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook     
        MsgBox "File Saved!"

    If Colour = False Then
    Windows(FileNameS).Close        'close source file
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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Welcome to the forum. :)

The first thing I would suggest is that you learn not to activate/select things in order to manipulate them. For example, you don't need to do this:

        Sheets(j).Activate                  'Start copying in sheet j of source file
            If Cells(16, 21).Value <> "NCC" Then

you can fully qualify the Cells call with the relevant sheet, like this:

            If Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(j).Cells(16, 21).Value <> "NCC" Then

Better still, use a worksheet variable, so that if you need to change the code to refer to another sheet, you only need to do that in one place:

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(j)
If ws.Cells(16, 21).Value <> "NCC" Then

Also, it is better to use Workbooks rather than Windows as a rule (unless you are specifically trying to manipulate a Window property).
Upvote 0
Another thing to learn about how to write efficient fast vba is to learn to use Variant arrays instead of accessing cells or ranges directly.
One of the main reasons that Vba is slow is the time taken to access the worksheet from VBa is a relatively long time.
To speed up vba the easiest way is to minimise the number of accesses to the worksheet. What is interesting is that the time taken to access a single cell on the worksheet in vba is almost identical as the time taken to access a large range if it is done in one action.
So instead of writing a loop which loops down a range copying one row at a time which will take along time if you have got 50000 rows it is much quicker to load the 50000 lines into a variant array ( one worksheet access), then copy the lines to a variant array and then write the array back to the worksheet, ( one worksheet access for each search that you are doing),
I have a simple rule for fast VBA: NEVER ACCESS THE WORKSHEET IN A LOOP.
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Thanks for the replies!


It certainly seems more efficient to use instructions like Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(j).Cells(16, 21).Value rather than activate window, activate sheet, select cell, etc. Yet I find it peculiar that when recording the Macro, the recorder shows the command like it does. Yet, I guess it has to do with the way I manually copy from one workbook to another versus just writing proper VBA code.
I have been adding to my code this week and tried coding in the way you suggested, but it does not seems to work yet.

This code doesn't work:

Windows(FileNameS)).Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

This code does work however:

Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

So I don't understand yet when commands like Workbooks(FileNameS) work and when they dont.


I have actually been fiddling with arrays this week to try to make some extra functionality in the macro, but I haven't got it working yet.
The source files became a bit more complex, because before the copying can commence, the macro first needs to group each worksheet in the source file into one of four categories. It has to do this by first reading two cell values in each worksheet and then only copy values from the worksheets that belong to one particular category. These worksheets may be in any random order in the source file. I thought it would be a good idea to first build an array with the four categories and which worksheet belongs to which category, but I haven't found or thought up of some code that does this.
It's not the complete code, obviously, but so far I've tried this that (not obvious for me) doesn't do anything:

S2 = Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets.Count                          'Tellen van het aantal sheets in bron bestand
        For j = 3 To S2                                             'Lus door het aantal sheets van bron bestand
        myarray(j) = Array((Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(j).Cells(7, 6).Value & "_" & Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(j).Cells(4, 9).Value))
        Next j
        Windows(FileNameS).Range(a:a).Value = Application.Transpose(myarray)

Regards, Eins
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Upvote 0
You haven't specified the workbook for the second and third calls to the Sheets property. It should be:

Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets.Add After:=Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets(Workbooks(FileNameS).Sheets.Count)

which you can shorten using a workbook variable, and/or use a With block like this:

With Workbooks(FileNameS)
   .Sheets.Add After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
end with
Upvote 0
Something odd has happened in my code.
I added a messagebox at the beginning that asks the user to set the colouring feature TRUE or FALSE.
I also added a bit of code that deletes the CommandButton1 at the end of the macro, before the user is asked to save the file as a .xlsx instead of .xlsm.
The costumer also asked to copy the data to a few different colums than in the code I posted above.
These additions seem quite insignificant to me and I see no reason why the code should freeze after it has finished all the copy-pasting-action, but yet it does. Excel freezes before the user is prompted to save the file. I then have to kill Exel via taskmanager and consequently loose the file that had just been created.
At first I noticed in Excel's statusbox that it said to SELECT or PRESS ENTER, so I figured I needed to add a Application.CutCopyMode = False at the end of the copy-pasting-actions. Still with this addition Excel froze before the macro finished.
Then I was wondering if the Application.DisplayAlerts = False would cause Excel to freeze, but removing that line also didn't solve the issue.
Eventually I decided to add a messagebox at the end of all the copy-pasting-actions that displays all the loop variables (i, j, S1, S2, k, m, etc) and then suddenly after pressing the OK of the messagebox the code strangely continued and the macro finishes as intended
So now I have implemented a silly messagebox there that says: Almost! which the user than has to click. But obviously I would prefer not to annoy the user with unnecessary messageboxes.

Does anyone understand why the macro behaves like this?

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Sounds like you might have turned Screenupdating off and the code is terminating before resetting it for some reason.
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