Extract years between two dates


Active Member
May 16, 2007

I need to extract the years between two dates.

For example:

Start Date 2010-09-07
End Date 2014-08-30

The number of years between the Start Date and End Date are four.

As part of my query result, I need to see only the years between these two dates. So I would see,

2011 2012 2013 2014

If I have
Start Date 2010-09-07
End Date 2013-08-30

I need to see 2011 2012 2013

I hope that someone can assist.

Thanks in advance.
I am getting an error when the I have more than one application record.

dbs.Execute sSQL
End With
End Sub

The error occurs at the dbs.Execute sSQL line. It works perfectly with one record.
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Create a Pivot Table on a Map
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Run-time error '3134':

Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

I have removed 2 fields from the query and here is the revised code:

sSQL = "Insert Into " & sTempTableName & "(ApplicationID, EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, AmountApproved, " & sYearFlds & ")" _
             & "Values (" & .Fields("ApplicationID").Value & ", " & .Fields("EmployeeID").Value & ", #" & .Fields("StartDate").Value & "#, #" & .Fields("EndDate").Value & "#, '" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value & "', " & sAmount & ")"
        'insert values into temptable
        dbs.Execute sSQL
End With
End Sub
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I can't explain why it doesn't work, if I addapt your changes into the code here, it still runs without any problems. And I'm testing with a few records. :confused:

Can you paste the complete bit of code as you use it?


Are there by any change comma's in the data you try to append? (exept for the amounts)
Last edited:
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No problem.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function SQL_ABSYears() As String

Const sTableName As String = "tblApplication"
SQL_ABSYears = "SELECT Min(StartDate) AS FirstStartDate, Max(EndDate) AS LastEndDate " _
             & "FROM " & sTableName
End Function

Public Function SQL_Application() As String
    SQL_Application = "Select * from tblApplication"
End Function

Public Sub CreateTempTable()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim sSQL As String
Const sTempTableName As String = "ttblForeCast"
Dim sYears() As String
Dim sYearFlds As String
Dim iFYear As Integer
Dim iLYear As Integer
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim sAmounts() As String
Dim sAmount As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Delete temptable if exists
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
    If tdf.Name = sTempTableName Then dbs.TableDefs.Delete sTempTableName
Next tdf
'Fetch the absolute first date and last date
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_ABSYears)
With rs
    If Not .EOF And Not .BOF Then
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("FirstStartDate").Value) + 1
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("LastEndDate").Value)
        MsgBox "No data found", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
End With
'Create array holding all years between startdate and enddate
'- Amt in (US$)"
For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
    ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
    sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)] Double"
Next iCnt
'Join years for create table sql
sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
sYearFlds = "ApplicationID Long, EmployeeID Long, StartDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime, AmountApproved Double, " & sYearFlds
'create the temptable and index
sSQL = "Create Table " & sTempTableName & " (" & sYearFlds & ")"
dbs.Execute sSQL
sSQL = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [PrimaryKey] ON " & sTempTableName & " ([ApplicationID])  WITH PRIMARY DISALLOW NULL "
dbs.Execute sSQL
'Section to append data from Application to forecast
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_Application)
With rs
    Do Until .EOF
        'First determine the years to forecast
        sYearFlds = vbNullString
        ReDim sYears(0)
        ReDim sAmounts(0)
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("StartDate").Value) + 1
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("EndDate").Value)
        'create array for years to append
        For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
            ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
            ReDim Preserve sAmounts(iCnt)
            sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)]"
            sAmounts(iCnt) = "'" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value / (iLYear - (iFYear - 1)) & "'"
        Next iCnt
        sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
        sAmount = Join(sAmounts, ", ")
        'construct the insert statment
        sSQL = "Insert Into " & sTempTableName & "(ApplicationID, EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, AmountApproved, " & sYearFlds & ")" _
             & "Values (" & .Fields("ApplicationID").Value & ", " & .Fields("EmployeeID").Value & ", #" & .Fields("StartDate").Value & "#, #" & .Fields("EndDate").Value & "#, '" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value & "', " & sAmount & ")"
        'insert values into temptable
        dbs.Execute sSQL
End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
Works as designed.
So it has to be something with the data.

Could you please post an example of the actual data you try to append?
Upvote 0
My apologies. The "error" is on my end.

Employees will sometimes take short courses that are less than 1 year. In those instances, the entire Amount Approved is disbursed.

I assume that is the error as when I changed the End Dates so that it is at least a year, it works.

Any idea how I would handle the applications where the course of study is less than a year?
Upvote 0
No problem. This is an easy fix, assuming that if the start and end date are in the same year, the forecast will also be in that year.

The changes are marked

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function SQL_ABSYears() As String
Const sTableName As String = "Application"
SQL_ABSYears = "SELECT Min(StartDate) AS FirstStartDate, Max(EndDate) AS LastEndDate " _
             & "FROM " & sTableName
End Function
Public Function SQL_Application() As String
    SQL_Application = "Select * from Application"
End Function
Public Sub CreateTempTable()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim sSQL As String
Const sTempTableName As String = "ttblForeCast"
Dim sYears() As String
Dim sYearFlds As String
Dim iFYear As Integer
Dim iLYear As Integer
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim sAmounts() As String
Dim sAmount As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Delete temptable if exists
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
    If tdf.Name = sTempTableName Then dbs.TableDefs.Delete sTempTableName
Next tdf
'Fetch the absolute first date and last date
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_ABSYears)
With rs
    If Not .EOF And Not .BOF Then
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("FirstStartDate").Value)[B][COLOR=darkred] ' + 1[/COLOR][/B]
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("LastEndDate").Value)
        MsgBox "No data found", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
End With
'Create array holding all years between startdate and enddate
'- Amt in (US$)"
For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
    ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
    sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)] Double"
Next iCnt
'Join years for create table sql
sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
sYearFlds = "ApplicationID Long, EmployeeID Long, StartDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime, AmountApproved Double, " & sYearFlds
'create the temptable and index
sSQL = "Create Table " & sTempTableName & " (" & sYearFlds & ")"
dbs.Execute sSQL
sSQL = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [PrimaryKey] ON " & sTempTableName & " ([ApplicationID])  WITH PRIMARY DISALLOW NULL "
dbs.Execute sSQL
'Section to append data from Application to forecast
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_Application)
With rs
    Do Until .EOF
        'First determine the years to forecast
        sYearFlds = vbNullString
        ReDim sYears(0)
        ReDim sAmounts(0)
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("StartDate").Value) + 1
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("EndDate").Value)
      [B][COLOR=darkred]  If iFYear > iLYear Then iFYear = iFYear - 1[/COLOR][/B]
        'create array for years to append
        For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
            ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
            ReDim Preserve sAmounts(iCnt)
            sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)]"
            sAmounts(iCnt) = "'" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value / (iLYear - (iFYear - 1)) & "'"
        Next iCnt
        sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
        sAmount = Join(sAmounts, ", ")
        'construct the insert statment
        sSQL = "Insert Into " & sTempTableName & "(ApplicationID, EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, AmountApproved, " & sYearFlds & ")" _
             & "Values (" & .Fields("ApplicationID").Value & ", " & .Fields("EmployeeID").Value & ", #" & .Fields("StartDate").Value & "#, #" & .Fields("EndDate").Value & "#, '" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value & "', " & sAmount & ")"
        'insert values into temptable
        dbs.Execute sSQL
End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
on the other hand, you say the amount is disbursed when a course ends within the same year, so you don't want it in your forecast.

Maybe this option is the best one. Code below skips the courses ending in the same year.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function SQL_ABSYears() As String
Const sTableName As String = "Application"
SQL_ABSYears = "SELECT Min(StartDate) AS FirstStartDate, Max(EndDate) AS LastEndDate " _
             & "FROM " & sTableName
End Function
Public Function SQL_Application() As String
    SQL_Application = "Select * from Application"
End Function
Public Sub CreateTempTable()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim sSQL As String
Const sTempTableName As String = "ttblForeCast"
Dim sYears() As String
Dim sYearFlds As String
Dim iFYear As Integer
Dim iLYear As Integer
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim sAmounts() As String
Dim sAmount As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Delete temptable if exists
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
    If tdf.Name = sTempTableName Then dbs.TableDefs.Delete sTempTableName
Next tdf
'Fetch the absolute first date and last date
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_ABSYears)
With rs
    If Not .EOF And Not .BOF Then
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("FirstStartDate").Value) + 1
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("LastEndDate").Value)
        MsgBox "No data found", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
End With
'Create array holding all years between startdate and enddate
'- Amt in (US$)"
For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
    ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
    sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)] Double"
Next iCnt
'Join years for create table sql
sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
sYearFlds = "ApplicationID Long, EmployeeID Long, StartDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime, AmountApproved Double, " & sYearFlds
'create the temptable and index
sSQL = "Create Table " & sTempTableName & " (" & sYearFlds & ")"
dbs.Execute sSQL
sSQL = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [PrimaryKey] ON " & sTempTableName & " ([ApplicationID])  WITH PRIMARY DISALLOW NULL "
dbs.Execute sSQL
'Section to append data from Application to forecast
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL_Application)
With rs
    Do Until .EOF
        'First determine the years to forecast
        sYearFlds = vbNullString
        ReDim sYears(0)
        ReDim sAmounts(0)
        iFYear = Year(.Fields("StartDate").Value) + 1
        iLYear = Year(.Fields("EndDate").Value)
        If iFYear > iLYear Then
                GoTo skipAppl
        End If
        'create array for years to append
        For iCnt = 0 To iLYear - iFYear '- 1
            ReDim Preserve sYears(iCnt)
            ReDim Preserve sAmounts(iCnt)
            sYears(iCnt) = "[" & (iFYear + iCnt) & " - Amt in (US$)]"
            sAmounts(iCnt) = "'" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value / (iLYear - (iFYear - 1)) & "'"
        Next iCnt
        sYearFlds = Join(sYears, ", ")
        sAmount = Join(sAmounts, ", ")
        'construct the insert statment
        sSQL = "Insert Into " & sTempTableName & "(ApplicationID, EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, AmountApproved, " & sYearFlds & ")" _
             & "Values (" & .Fields("ApplicationID").Value & ", " & .Fields("EmployeeID").Value & ", #" & .Fields("StartDate").Value & "#, #" & .Fields("EndDate").Value & "#, '" & .Fields("AmountApproved").Value & "', " & sAmount & ")"
        'insert values into temptable
        dbs.Execute sSQL
End With
End Sub
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