how to extract the characters between the 2nd and the 3rd space in a string? The number of these characters can vary.
For example: "spaces in a string" => returns "a".
In this thread there is a solution for the value between the 1st and the 2nd space:
=mid(a1,find(" ",a1)+1,find(" ",a1,find(" ",a1)+1)-find(" ",a1))
But I don't know how to find the position of the 3rd space.
how to extract the characters between the 2nd and the 3rd space in a string? The number of these characters can vary.
For example: "spaces in a string" => returns "a".
In this thread there is a solution for the value between the 1st and the 2nd space:

Extract the value between 2 spaces in a string
Hi, I have some text in a single cell (example below) but want to extract the "-3000" value form it. So essentially the value/text between the 1st and 2nd space. Is there a simple method of doing this Pay -3000 house gas Thanks
=mid(a1,find(" ",a1)+1,find(" ",a1,find(" ",a1)+1)-find(" ",a1))
But I don't know how to find the position of the 3rd space.