[table="width: 500"]
[td]Sub SplitLeadInTextFromTrailingDate()
Dim R As Long, TempText As String, Data As Variant, Result As Variant
Data = Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
ReDim Result(1 To UBound(Data), 1 To 2)
For R = 1 To UBound(Data)
If Right(Data(R, 1), 1) = ")" Then
Data(R, 1) = Application.Replace(Left(Data(R, 1), Len(Data(R, 1)) - 1), InStrRev(Data(R, 1), "(") - 1, 1, "")
Data(R, 1) = Application.Replace(Data(R, 1), InStrRev(Data(R, 1), "("), 1, "")
End If
TempText = Replace(Replace(Replace(Data(R, 1), " ", ""), "/", ""), ")", "")
If Mid(TempText, Len(TempText) - 2, 1) = "-" Then TempText = Application.Replace(TempText, Len(TempText) - 2, 1, "")
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(TempText, Len(TempText) - 3, 1)) Then TempText = Application.Replace(TempText, Len(TempText) - 2, 0, 0)
If Mid(TempText, Len(TempText) - 4, 1) = "-" Then TempText = Application.Replace(TempText, Len(TempText) - 4, 1, "")
Result(R, 1) = Left(TempText, Len(TempText) - 4)
Result(R, 2) = Format(Right(TempText, 4), "00""/01/""00")
Range("B1:C" & UBound(Result)) = Result
End Sub[/td]