Dear All,
I tried using method below but it does not
Other way which works<o
How can I fix so that I can use aDict?<o
Vba works but no using Dictionary. Full code is listed below.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried using method below but it does not
[COLOR=#1f497d][COLOR=black]aDestinationArray(u) = aDict(aResultArray(aRowCount, 1)) -[FONT=Wingdings]à[/FONT] It does not passes value at all<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>[/COLOR]

Other way which works<o

aDestinationArray(u) = aResultArray(aRowCount, 1)<o:p></o:p>

How can I fix so that I can use aDict?<o


Vba works but no using Dictionary. Full code is listed below.

Sub FasterWay(myVRng As Range, tRange As Range)
Dim aDict As Object, aDataArray(), aResultArray(), aDestinationArray(), NewArray(), aRowCount As Long, au As Long
Dim j As Long, u As Long, y As Long
Dim newJGLCode As Range, R As Range
Set newJGLCode = Sheets("Forecast").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
aDataArray = Sheets(tRange.Parent.Name).Range(tRange.Address).Value 'Check add new items tRange.Address
Set aDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For aRowCount = 1 To UBound(aDataArray, 1)
aDict(aDataArray(aRowCount, 1)) = aDataArray(aRowCount, 1)
Next aRowCount
aResultArray = Sheets(myVRng.Parent.Name).Range(myVRng.Address).Value 'Full List <=====
ReDim aDestinationArray(1 To UBound(aResultArray))
u = 1
For aRowCount = 2 To UBound(aResultArray, 1)
If Not aDict.Exists(aResultArray(aRowCount, 1)) Then 'If key exists
'aResultArray(aRowCount, 1) = aDict(aResultArray(aRowCount, 1)) 'Get row of data from dictionary
'aDestinationArray(u) = aDict(aResultArray(aRowCount, 1))
aDestinationArray(u) = aResultArray(aRowCount, 1)
u = u + 1
End If
Next aRowCount
'Remove Empty values
ReDim NewArray(LBound(aDestinationArray) To UBound(aDestinationArray))
For y = LBound(aDestinationArray) To UBound(aDestinationArray)
If aDestinationArray(y) <> "" Then
j = j + 1
NewArray(j) = aDestinationArray(y)
End If
Next y
ReDim Preserve NewArray(LBound(aDestinationArray) To j)
' put the array values on the worksheet
Set R = newJGLCode.Resize(j - LBound(NewArray) + 1)
R.Value = Application.Transpose(NewArray)
'Release memory
Set R = Nothing
'Erase Arrays
Erase aDataArray
Erase aResultArray
Erase aDestinationArray
Erase NewArray
End Sub
Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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