I need the following formula, which has been input to data validation,=IF($P$48="EXCLUDED",$P$48,IF($Q$44=5%,$V$43:$V$44,$V$41:$V$42))to return certain conditions in a dro pdown choice list with one of those options as default depending upon the prior selected choices. For example - if P48 returns the value "EXCLUDED" I need E37 to default to the value "EXCLUDED" and only that value - if not then I need it to return the second statement conditional to which Q44 will either equal "5%" or "2%". If it returns 2% I need E37 to have a list of two choices, 1. "2%", 2. "5% (10% Credit)", and I need that selection to default to 2% if Q44 is 2%. If Q44 equals "5%" then I need to it return a drop down with "5%" as the default and "3% (5% Debit)" as the second choice. The formula above does everything except default to the applicable choice. For example if the last time I was in the spreadsheet and selected the conditions options that would return on "EXCLUDED" in P48, it doesn't default to that, you'd have to manually select it from the list.Any ideas?