I am trying to divide $18.29/$43.36. The correct answer is 0.421817 which is 42.18%. But when I type the formula into excel (B70/B61) it is giving me 0.421877 which is making the percentage be 42.19%.[
Make your formula =ROUND(B70,2)/ROUND(B61,2)
That is indeed the right answer, and it is the correct arithmetic in all cases with all dollar amounts (that are $9,999,999,999,999.99 or less

Ktyn111.... You are confusing how the cell values
appear (18.29 and 43.36) with what their
actual values are.
If you
temporarily format B70, B61 and the quotient to display 13 decimal places, you will see that one or all actual values are not 18.29, 43.36 and 42.1877%.
In particular, B70 is between 18.285 and 18.2949999999999, B61 is between 43.355 and 43.3649999999999, and the quotient is between 42.18765% and 42.1877499999999%.
If you want to divide the values as they
appear, use the ROUND expressions that kellaboosa provided.
Alternatively, you might consider explicitly rounding the calculations in one or both cells. That is, change
=expression to
We choose 2 decimal places because that seems to be the accuracy that you expect, based on the cell format and the expectations that you document in this thread. In general, you should round to the degree of accuracy that you expect.