I have the following code which happily creates an excel document but after it runs i am seeing an EXCEL.EXE still residing in memory. If i run it multiple times i will see several of them in memory. Does anyone know what i need to do to close it down properly and free up the memory.
Sub ExportToExcel()
'write and format results to excel
strPathExcel = "H:\Circulation\Data ops\Blue Sheep\Daily Report File\"
strFile = "Audit_Report_"
strSaveFile = strPathExcel & strFile
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With objExcel
.Visible = False
Set XLDoc = .Workbooks.Add 'new workbook
.ActiveWorkBook.Worksheets.Add 'new worksheet within new workbook
'create a worksheet
Set XLSheet = .Worksheets(1)
End With
'widen worksheet columns to stop text wrapping in cells
With objExcel
.Worksheets(1).Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 30
.Worksheets(1).Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 35
.Worksheets(1).Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 0 'Hide the empty column
End With
ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH_Audit").CopyTableToClipboard true 'copy QV results chart to clipboard
XLSheet.Paste XLSheet.Range("A1") 'paste in QV results pivot chart at cell A1 on sheet1
objExcel.ActiveSheet.Name = "Daily Data Load - Audit Report" 'rename sheet1
objExcel.Worksheets(1).Rows("1").HorizontalAlignment = -4130 'left align header row on first sheet
objExcel.Worksheets(1).Rows("1").Font.Bold = True 'Bold header row
XLSheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit each column width
XLSheet.Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 0 'rehide the empty column
objExcel.Range("D2").Select 'Freeze first row and first 3 columns
objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False 'disable any popup messages that may appear such as the overwrite existing file message
objExcel.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs strSaveFile & replace(date, "/", "-") & ".xlsx" 'save file with todays date, and overwrite if it exists already
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
objExcel.Quit 'Close spreadsheet
Set objExcel = Nothing 'clear objects from memory
Msgbox "Spreadsheet Saved"
End Sub