Can I get help troubleshooting this macro?


New Member
Mar 24, 2018
Hi all

The following is a multipart macro that is supposed to import various .txt files that are created through analyzing images in a software called Scion.

I am having trouble running the macro in Excel 2016 in compatibility mode. When I run the macro part named CL_Air_1, the file dialog does not list the *_CLa files even though they are in the folder I navigate to, and when I manually type in the .txt extension the dialog sees the files but when I click OK I get an error saying "subscript not found".

Any help is much appreciated. I am a biomedical person and have no clue about how to work with macros in excel.


Option ExplicitOption Base 1

'These constants are the only changes made for different magnification macro files
'BWH Leica Scope
Const cMicronsPerPixel = 1.908
Const cSqMicronsPerPixel = 3.642

Private Sub PageSetup()
    With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
'        .LeftHeader = ""
        .CenterHeader = "&F"
        .RightHeader = "Page &P"
'        .LeftFooter = ""
'        .CenterFooter = ""
'        .RightFooter = ""
        .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
        .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
        .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)
        .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)
        .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
        .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
'        .PrintHeadings = False
'        .PrintGridlines = False
'        .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
'        .PrintQuality = 600
'        .CenterHorizontally = False
'        .CenterVertically = False
        .Orientation = xlLandscape
'        .Draft = False
        .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter
        .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic
        .Order = xlOverThenDown
'        .BlackAndWhite = False
'        .Zoom = 100
'        .PrintErrors = xlPrintErrorsDisplayed
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub CenterColTitles()
' Center column titles
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
'        .WrapText = False
'        .Orientation = 0
'        .AddIndent = False
'        .IndentLevel = 0
'        .ShrinkToFit = False
'        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
'        .MergeCells = False
    End With
End Sub

Sub CL_Air_1()
'For each selected chord length (*_CLa.TXT) file in the folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Leave blank column before next data column
On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_1
  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim sFileName() As String     'holds sorted filepaths
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer
  Dim i, iCol As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRange() As Range        'Array of ranges
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer     'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long         'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.

  'Speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
  End If
  'File dialog box
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  fd.InitialFileName = "*_CLa.txt"
  fd.Filters.Add "Chord length measurement files", "*.txt", 1
  'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
  'The user pressed the action button.
  If fd.Show = -1 Then
      'Add new workbook named as selected folder
      Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
      'Extract folder name from path
      iEndPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\") - 1
      iStartPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
      NewBook.Title = Mid$(fd.InitialFileName, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
      'Moved to end: NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls"
      'Add new worksheet
      Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
      NewSheet.Name = NewBook.Title
      'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
      'Store FileDialogSelectedItems filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
      i = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In fd.SelectedItems
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
          sFileName(i) = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
      'If no files or valid filenames, exit
      If i = 0 Then
          MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
          GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
      End If
      SelectionSortStrings sFileName
      iCol = 1
      ReDim aRange(1)
      iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange)
      lMeasCnt = 0
      'For each selected file
      For Each vSelectedItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
          'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewBook.Title & "\" & Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import chord length data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (px)")
          'Group title
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
              .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
              .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
              .WrapText = False
              .Orientation = 0
              .AddIndent = False
              .IndentLevel = 0
              .ShrinkToFit = False
              .ReadingOrder = xlContext
              .MergeCells = True
              .Value = strColTitle
              .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Chord length scaled in microns
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "CL (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
          'Create formula and copy to new range
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy scaled data over raw data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Number format for scaled data
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
          End If
          'Descriptive statistics
          'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
          'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
          'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = 5  'Blank column width
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRange(UBound(aRange) + 1)
          Set aRange(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 4
      Next vSelectedItem
      'Truncate empty range element
      ReDim Preserve aRange(iRangeCnt - 1)
      'All column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (µm)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange) To UBound(aRange)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'Descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'The user pressed Cancel.
  End If

  'Set the object variable to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
  'Save workbook
  'sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  'If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
  On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
  'NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
  NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CLa.xls"
  On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_1
  'End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description
  Resume exit_CL_Air_1
End Sub

Sub CL_Tissue_1()
'For each selected chord length (*_CLt.TXT) file in the folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Leave blank column before next data column
On Error GoTo err_CL_Tissue_1
  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim sFileName() As String     'holds sorted filepaths
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer
  Dim i, iCol As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRange() As Range        'Array of ranges
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer     'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long         'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_1
  End If
  'File dialog box
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  fd.InitialFileName = "*_CLt.txt"
  fd.Filters.Add "Chord length measurement files", "*.txt", 1
  'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
  'The user pressed the action button.
  If fd.Show = -1 Then
      'Add new workbook named as selected folder
      Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
      'Extract folder name from path
      iEndPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\") - 1
      iStartPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
      NewBook.Title = Mid$(fd.InitialFileName, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
      'Moved to end: NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls"
      'Add new worksheet
      Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
      NewSheet.Name = NewBook.Title
      'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
      'Store FileDialogSelectedItems filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
      i = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In fd.SelectedItems
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
          sFileName(i) = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
      'If no files or valid filenames, exit
      If i = 0 Then
          MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
          GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_1
      End If
      SelectionSortStrings sFileName
      iCol = 1
      ReDim aRange(1)
      iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange)
      lMeasCnt = 0
      'For each selected file
      For Each vSelectedItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
          'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewBook.Title & "\" & Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import chord length data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (px)")
          'Group title
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
              .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
              .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
              .WrapText = False
              .Orientation = 0
              .AddIndent = False
              .IndentLevel = 0
              .ShrinkToFit = False
              .ReadingOrder = xlContext
              .MergeCells = True
              .Value = strColTitle
              .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Chord length scaled in microns
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "CL (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
          'Create formula and copy to new range
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy scaled data over raw data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Number format for scaled data
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_1
          End If
          'Descriptive statistics
          'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
          'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
          'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = 5  'Blank column width
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRange(UBound(aRange) + 1)
          Set aRange(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 4
      Next vSelectedItem
      'Truncate empty range element
      ReDim Preserve aRange(iRangeCnt - 1)
      'All column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (µm)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange) To UBound(aRange)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'Descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'The user pressed Cancel.
  End If

  'Set the object variable to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
  'Save workbook
  'sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  'If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
  On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
  'NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
  NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CLt.xls"
  On Error GoTo err_CL_Tissue_1
  'End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description
  Resume exit_CL_Tissue_1
End Sub

Sub AP_No_Edge_1()
'Prompt for folder name
'For each area/perimeter (*_Aalv.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Leave blank column before next data column
On Error GoTo err_AP_No_Edge_1

  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim sFileName() As String     'holds sorted filepaths
  Dim sAirFileName As String
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim i, iCol, iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRangeAalv() As Range   'Array of ranges for Aalv
  Dim aRangeAsur() As Range   'Array of ranges for Asurf
  Dim aRangeAair() As Range   'Array of ranges for Aair
  Dim aRangeAtis() As Range   'Array of ranges for Atis
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer    'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long        'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_1
  End If
  'Setup file dialog
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  fd.InitialFileName = "*_Aalv.txt"
  fd.Filters.Add "Area/perimeter measurement files", "*.txt", 1
  'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
  'The user pressed the action button.
  If fd.Show = -1 Then
      'Add new workbook named as selected folder
      Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
      'Extract folder name from path
      iEndPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\") - 1
      iStartPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
      NewBook.Title = Mid$(fd.InitialFileName, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
      'Moved to end: NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_A.xls"
      'Add new worksheet
      Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
      NewSheet.Name = NewBook.Title
      'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
      'Store FileDialogSelectedItems filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
      i = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In fd.SelectedItems
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
          sFileName(i) = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
      'If no files or valid filenames, exit
      If i = 0 Then
          MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
          GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_1
      End If
      SelectionSortStrings sFileName
      iCol = 1
      ReDim aRangeAalv(1)
      ReDim aRangeAsur(1)
      ReDim aRangeAair(1)
      ReDim aRangeAtis(1)
      iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv)
      lMeasCnt = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In sFileName()
          'Skip empty array elements
          If vSelectedItem <> "" Then
              'Extract selected file name from path for column label
              iEndPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, ".")
              iStartPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
              'Include parent folder in group name
              strColTitle = NewBook.Title & "\" & Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
              'strColTitle = Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
             'Import corresponding Aair_roi
              sAirFileName = Mid$(vSelectedItem, 1, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "Aalv")) + "air_roi.txt"
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & sAirFileName, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (iCol)))
              End With
              'Find last row
              lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
              'Aair scaled to microns in next column
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Select
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Copy Aroi cell value (last value in column) into destination cell
              Cells(3, iCol + 3) = Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1).Value
              'Sum Air and enter into its cell
              Cells(6, iCol + 3) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(1, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 1)))
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 3).Value = "Aroi (µm²)"
              Cells(5, iCol + 3).Value = "Aair (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = Len("Aroi (µm²)")
              Columns(iCol + 3).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Delete raw and scaled Aair columns.
              Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Import area and perimeter data (pixels)
              'Import resets column widths so do first
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
              End With
              'Column title and width
              Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv(px)"
              Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (px)")
              'Asurf (pixels)
              'Set column title
              '(contiguous cells required to find last cell)
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "."
              Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (px)"
              'Find last row
              Columns(iCol + 1).End(xlDown).Select
              lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Clear 'remove "."
              'Move column over
              Columns(iCol + 1).Select
              ActiveSheet.Paste Columns(iCol + 6)
              'Set column width and number format
              'Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (px)")
              'Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Above commented because column will be overwritten
              'Aalv scaled to microns
              'lEndRow same as Asurf column
              Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
              Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
              ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              Cells(2, iCol).Select
              Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
              'Delete source range
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
              Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
              'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
              'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
              'Quicker to prompt here.
              lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
              If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
                MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
                GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_1
              End If
              'Aalv descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
              Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                              Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                              Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
              'Set column width
              Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16
              'Set number format except for count which remains an integer
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Airspace percent (Aair/Aroi)
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 4).Value = "Aair (%)"
              Columns(iCol + 4).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
              Cells(3, iCol + 4).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Calculate value
              'Cells(3, iCol + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(C[-4])/(C[-1])*100"
              Cells(3, iCol + 4) = (Cells(6, iCol + 3) / Cells(3, iCol + 3)) * 100
              'Tissue area (Aroi - Aair)
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 5).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol + 5).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
              Cells(3, iCol + 5).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Calculate value
              'Cells(3, iCol + 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=(C[-2])-SUM(C[-5])"
              Cells(3, iCol + 5) = Cells(3, iCol + 3) - Cells(6, iCol + 3)
              'Asurf scaled to microns (uses non-squared conversion factor because it is perimeter (length)
              Cells(3, iCol + 7).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(3, iCol + 7).Select
              Range(Cells(4, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
              ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              Cells(2, iCol + 6).Select
              Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
              'Delete source range
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 6).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
              Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
             'Asurf descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
              Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)), _
                              Cells(2, iCol + 7), "C", True, True
              'Set column width
              Columns(iCol + 7).ColumnWidth = 16
              'Set number format for stats (limit range to keep Count a whole number)
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 8), Cells(15, iCol + 8)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Set blank column width
              Columns(iCol + 9).ColumnWidth = 5
              'Group title
              'Done at end of loop because cells used for title need to have text
              ' added to make contiguous column for finding last cell.  Once cells
              ' are merged to store title, cannot add text to B1 and could not find
              ' last cell in column.
              'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
              Cells(1, iCol).Select
              With Selection
                  .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
                  .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
                  .WrapText = False
                  .Orientation = 0
                  .AddIndent = False
                  .IndentLevel = 0
                  .ShrinkToFit = False
                  .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                  .MergeCells = True
                  .Value = strColTitle
                  .Font.Bold = True
              End With
              'Store current range in array
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(UBound(aRangeAalv) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(UBound(aRangeAsur) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(UBound(aRangeAair) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(UBound(aRangeAtis) + 1)
              Set aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
              Set aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6))
              Set aRangeAair(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 4), Cells(3, iCol + 4))
              Set aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 5), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 5))
              iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
              iCol = iCol + 10
          End If
      Next vSelectedItem
      'Truncate empty range elements
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt - 1)
      'All Aalv column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aalv"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
      'Move each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv) To UBound(aRangeAalv)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aalv descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Asurf column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Asurf"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAsur) To UBound(aRangeAsur)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Asurf descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Aair% column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aair"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aair (%)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAair) To UBound(aRangeAair)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aair descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Atis% column title and width
      'Values are calculate from preceding Aair column
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (%)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
      'Atis % = 100-Aair%
      Cells(3, iCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=100-(+RC[-4])"
      Cells(3, iCol).Select
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select 'Endrow from Aair column
      'Convert formulas to values
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
      Cells(3, iCol).Select
      Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aair descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Atis column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAtis) To UBound(aRangeAtis)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Atis descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  End If

  'Set the object variable to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
  'Save workbook
  'sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  'If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
  On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
  'NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
  NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_A.xls"
  On Error GoTo err_AP_No_Edge_1
 'End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description
  Resume exit_AP_No_Edge_1
End Sub

Sub AP_With_Edge_1()
'Prompt for folder name
'For each area/perimeter (*_Aalv_e.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Leave blank column before next data column
On Error GoTo err_AP_With_Edge_1

  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim sFileName() As String     'holds sorted filepaths
  Dim sAirFileName As String
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim i, iCol, iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRangeAalv() As Range   'Array of ranges for Aalv
  Dim aRangeAsur() As Range   'Array of ranges for Asurf
  Dim aRangeAair() As Range   'Array of ranges for Aair
  Dim aRangeAtis() As Range   'Array of ranges for Atis
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer    'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long        'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.

  'Speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_1
  End If
  'Setup file dialog
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  fd.InitialFileName = "*_Aalv_e.txt"
  fd.Filters.Add "Area/perimeter measurement files", "*.txt", 1
  'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
  'The user pressed the action button.
  If fd.Show = -1 Then
      'Add new workbook named as selected folder
      Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
      'Extract folder name from path
      iEndPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\") - 1
      iStartPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
      NewBook.Title = Mid$(fd.InitialFileName, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
      'Moved to end: NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_A.xls"
      'Add new worksheet
      Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
      NewSheet.Name = NewBook.Title
      'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
      'Store FileDialogSelectedItems filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
      i = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In fd.SelectedItems
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
          sFileName(i) = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
      'If no files or valid filenames, exit
      If i = 0 Then
          MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
          GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_1
      End If
      SelectionSortStrings sFileName
      iCol = 1
      ReDim aRangeAalv(1)
      ReDim aRangeAsur(1)
      ReDim aRangeAair(1)
      ReDim aRangeAtis(1)
      iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv)
      lMeasCnt = 0

      For Each vSelectedItem In sFileName()
          'Skip empty array elements
          If vSelectedItem <> "" Then
              'Extract selected file name from path for column label
              iEndPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, ".")
              iStartPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
              'Include parent folder in group name
              strColTitle = NewBook.Title & "\" & Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
              'strColTitle = Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
             'Import corresponding Aair_roi file
              sAirFileName = Mid$(vSelectedItem, 1, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "Aalv_e")) + "air_roi.txt"
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & sAirFileName, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (iCol)))
              End With
              'Find last row
              lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
              'Aair scaled to microns in next column
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Select
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Copy Aroi cell value (last value in column) into destination cell
              Cells(3, iCol + 3) = Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1).Value
              'Sum Air and enter into its cell
              Cells(6, iCol + 3) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(1, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 1)))
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 3).Value = "Aroi (µm²)"
              Cells(5, iCol + 3).Value = "Aair (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = Len("Aroi (µm²)")
              Columns(iCol + 3).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Delete raw and scaled Aair columns.
              Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Import area and perimeter data (pixels)
              'Import resets column widths so do first
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
              End With
              'Column title and width
              Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv(px)"
              Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (px)")
              'Asurf (pixels)
              'Set column title
              '(contiguous cells required to find last cell)
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "."
              Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (px)"
              'Find last row
              Columns(iCol + 1).End(xlDown).Select
              lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
              Cells(1, iCol + 1).Clear 'remove "."
              'Move column over
              Columns(iCol + 1).Select
              ActiveSheet.Paste Columns(iCol + 6)
              'Set column width and number format
              'Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (px)")
              'Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Above commented because column will be overwritten
              'Aalv scaled to microns
              'lEndRow same as Asurf column
              Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
              Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
              ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              Cells(2, iCol).Select
              Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
              'Delete source range
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
              Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
              'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
              'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
              'Quicker to prompt here.
              lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
              If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
                MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
                GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_1
              End If
              'Aalv descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
              Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                              Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                              Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
              'Set column width
              Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16
              'Set number format except for count which remains an integer
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Airspace percent (Aair/Aroi)
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 4).Value = "Aair (%)"
              Columns(iCol + 4).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
              Cells(3, iCol + 4).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Calculate value
              'Cells(3, iCol + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(C[-4])/(C[-1])*100"
              Cells(3, iCol + 4) = (Cells(6, iCol + 3) / Cells(3, iCol + 3)) * 100
              'Tissue area (Aroi - Aair)
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 5).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
              Columns(iCol + 5).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
              Cells(3, iCol + 5).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Calculate value
              'Cells(3, iCol + 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=(C[-2])-SUM(C[-5])"
              Cells(3, iCol + 5) = Cells(3, iCol + 3) - Cells(6, iCol + 3)
              'Asurf scaled to microns (uses non-squared conversion factor because it is perimeter (length)
              Cells(3, iCol + 7).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
              Cells(3, iCol + 7).Select
              Range(Cells(4, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
              ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              Cells(2, iCol + 6).Select
              Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
              'Delete source range
              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
              'Set column title, width and number format
              Cells(2, iCol + 6).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
              Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
             'Asurf descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
              Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                              Range(Cells(2, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)), _
                              Cells(2, iCol + 7), "C", True, True
              'Set column width
              Columns(iCol + 7).ColumnWidth = 16
              'Set number format for stats (limit range to keep Count a whole number)
              Range(Cells(3, iCol + 8), Cells(15, iCol + 8)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
              'Set blank column width
              Columns(iCol + 9).ColumnWidth = 5
              'Group title
              'Done at end of loop because cells used for title need to have text
              ' added to make contiguous column for finding last cell.  Once cells
              ' are merged to store title, cannot add text to B1 and could not find
              ' last cell in column.
              'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
              Cells(1, iCol).Select
              With Selection
                  .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
                  .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
                  .WrapText = False
                  .Orientation = 0
                  .AddIndent = False
                  .IndentLevel = 0
                  .ShrinkToFit = False
                  .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                  .MergeCells = True
                  .Value = strColTitle
                  .Font.Bold = True
              End With
              'Store current range in array
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(UBound(aRangeAalv) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(UBound(aRangeAsur) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(UBound(aRangeAair) + 1)
              ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(UBound(aRangeAtis) + 1)
              Set aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
              Set aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6))
              Set aRangeAair(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 4), Cells(3, iCol + 4))
              Set aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 5), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 5))
              iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
              iCol = iCol + 10
          End If
      Next vSelectedItem
      'Truncate empty range elements
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(iRangeCnt - 1)
      ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt - 1)
      'All Aalv column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aalv"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
      'Move each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv) To UBound(aRangeAalv)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aalv descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Asurf column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Asurf"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAsur) To UBound(aRangeAsur)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Asurf descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Aair% column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aair"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aair (%)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAair) To UBound(aRangeAair)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aair descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Atis% column title and width
      'Values are calculate from preceding Aair column
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (%)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
      'Atis % = 100-Aair%
      Cells(3, iCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=100-(+RC[-4])"
      Cells(3, iCol).Select
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select 'Endrow from Aair column
      'Convert formulas to values
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
      Cells(3, iCol).Select
      Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Aair descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      iCol = iCol + 4
      'All Atis column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAtis) To UBound(aRangeAtis)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'All Atis descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  End If

  'Set the object variable to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
  'Save workbook
  'sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  'If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
  On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
  'NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
  NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_Ae.xls"
  On Error GoTo err_AP_With_Edge_1
 'End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description
  Resume exit_AP_With_Edge_1
End Sub

Sub CL_Air_Multi()
'Open folder picker filedialog box
'For each selected folder:
'For each selected chord length (*_CLa.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Move data from each column into 'All' column and display descriptive stats
'Move 'All' column into Histo sheet
On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_Multi

  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'Folder picker dialog
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim fs As FileSearch          'used with file searches-returns founditems
  Dim vFoundItem As Variant     'contains file paths found in vSelectedItem
  Dim sFolderName() As String   'folder names array
  Dim sFileName() As String     'file names array
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim i As Integer              'loop counter
  Dim iCol As Integer           'Data sheet column position
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim iAllStatsRow, iAllDataCol, iAllStatsCol, iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol As Integer ''All' sheet position
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer  'string parsing

  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRange() As Range        'Array of ranges
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer     'Range array index
  Dim iDupCnt As Integer
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long         'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_CL_Air_Multi
  End If
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
  'Add unnamed new workbook
  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "Info"
  iDupCnt = 1
  'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
  'Folder picker dialog does not allow multiple selection (unlike
  ' file picker), so store each separate folder selection in array.
  'Cancel button ends selection loop.
  i = 0
    'Show Folder Picker dialog. Returns -1 if selection made, 0 if canceled
    If fd.Show = 0 Then
      Exit Do
      i = i + 1
      ReDim Preserve sFolderName(i)
      sFolderName(i) = fd.SelectedItems.Item(1)
      Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 1) = Mid$(sFolderName(i), InStrRev(sFolderName(i), "\") + 1)
    End If
  'If no folder selected, exit
  If i = 0 Then GoTo exit_CL_Air_Multi
  'Disable screen update to speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  ' (do after folder picker so selected folders are shown on Info sheet).
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Extract parent folder name from first selected folder to use as file name
  iEndPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\") - 1
  iStartPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
  NewBook.Title = Mid$(sFolderName(1), iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
  'Create new sheet for All data
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All CL"
  Set fs = Application.FileSearch
  iAllDataCol = 0
  iAllStatsRow = 1
  iAllStatsCol = UBound(sFolderName) + 3
  iAllMeansCol = iAllStatsCol + 3
  iAllMeansRow = 2
  For Each vSelectedItem In sFolderName()
    'Search for files in selected folder
    With fs
      .LookIn = vSelectedItem
      .SearchSubFolders = False
      .fileName = "*_CLa.txt"
      If .Execute > 0 Then
        'Store found files filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
        i = 0
        For Each vFoundItem In .FoundFiles
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
            sFileName(i) = Mid$(vFoundItem, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\") + 1)
        'If no files or valid filenames, exit
        If i = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
            GoTo exit_CL_Air_Multi
        End If
        SelectionSortStrings sFileName
        'Create new sheet
        Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
        NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
        iCol = 1
        ReDim aRange(1)
        iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange)
        lMeasCnt = 0

        'For each file in sorted array
        For Each vFoundItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
         'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewSheet.Name & "\" & Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'strColTitle = Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import chord length data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & vFoundItem, _
                                           Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (px)")
          'Group title
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = True
            .Value = strColTitle
            .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Chord length scaled in microns
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "CL (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
          'Create formula and copy to new range
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy scaled data over raw data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Number format for scaled data
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_CL_Air_Multi
          End If
          'Descriptive statistics
          'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
          'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
          'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = 5  'Blank column width
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRange(UBound(aRange) + 1)
          Set aRange(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 4
        Next vFoundItem
        'Truncate empty range element
        ReDim Preserve aRange(iRangeCnt - 1)
        'All column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (µm)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange) To UBound(aRange)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All CL descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'Move All data to All sheet in first available column
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All CL").Activate
        iAllDataCol = iAllDataCol + 1
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All CL").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16     'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        iAllMeansRow = iAllMeansRow + 1
        'Increment to next group stats row
        iAllStatsRow = iAllStatsRow + 17
        MsgBox "No files found in folder " & vSelectedItem, vbExclamation, "Message"
      End If
    End With
  Next vSelectedItem
  'All means
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'end of All means
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Move to home position in all sheet

  'Set object variables to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Set fs = Nothing
  'Save workbook
  sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CLa.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
    On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
    NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
    'NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls"
    On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_Multi
  End If

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  'If same folder chosen (only when testing) increment the sheet name to prevent duplicate sheet error.
  If Left(Err.Description, 55) = "Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet" Then
    NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1) & " Copy" & iDupCnt
    iDupCnt = iDupCnt + 1
    Resume Next
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_CL_Air_Multi
  End If
End Sub

Sub CL_Tissue_Multi()
'Open folder picker filedialog box
'For each selected folder:
'For each selected chord length (*_CLt.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Move data from each column into 'All' column and display descriptive stats
'Move 'All' column into Histo sheet
On Error GoTo err_CL_Tissue_Multi

  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'Folder picker dialog
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim fs As FileSearch          'used with file searches-returns founditems
  Dim vFoundItem As Variant     'contains file paths found in vSelectedItem
  Dim sFolderName() As String   'folder names array
  Dim sFileName() As String     'file names array
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim i As Integer              'loop counter
  Dim iCol As Integer           'Data sheet column position
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim iAllStatsRow, iAllDataCol, iAllStatsCol, iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol As Integer ''All' sheet position
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer  'string parsing

  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRange() As Range        'Array of ranges
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer     'Range array index
  Dim iDupCnt As Integer       'Counter for handling duplicate sheet name error
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long         'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_Multi
  End If
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
  'Add unnamed new workbook
  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "Info"
  iDupCnt = 1
  'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
  'Folder picker dialog does not allow multiple selection (unlike
  ' file picker), so store each separate folder selection in array.
  'Cancel button ends selection loop.
  i = 0
    'Show Folder Picker dialog. Returns -1 if selection made, 0 if canceled
    If fd.Show = 0 Then
      Exit Do
      i = i + 1
      ReDim Preserve sFolderName(i)
      sFolderName(i) = fd.SelectedItems.Item(1)
      Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 1) = Mid$(sFolderName(i), InStrRev(sFolderName(i), "\") + 1)
    End If
  'If no folder selected, exit
  If i = 0 Then GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_Multi
  'Disable screen update to speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  ' (do after folder picker so selected folders are shown on Info sheet).
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Extract parent folder name from first selected folder to use as file name
  iEndPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\") - 1
  iStartPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
  NewBook.Title = Mid$(sFolderName(1), iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
  'Create new sheet for All data
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All CL"
  Set fs = Application.FileSearch
  iAllDataCol = 0
  iAllStatsRow = 1
  iAllStatsCol = UBound(sFolderName) + 3
  iAllMeansCol = iAllStatsCol + 3
  iAllMeansRow = 2
  For Each vSelectedItem In sFolderName()
    'Search for files in selected folder
    With fs
      .LookIn = vSelectedItem
      .SearchSubFolders = False
      .fileName = "*_CLt.txt"
      If .Execute > 0 Then
        'Store found files filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
        i = 0
        For Each vFoundItem In .FoundFiles
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
            sFileName(i) = Mid$(vFoundItem, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\") + 1)
        'If no files or valid filenames, exit
        If i = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
            GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_Multi
        End If
        SelectionSortStrings sFileName
        'Create new sheet
        Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
        NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
        iCol = 1
        ReDim aRange(1)
        iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange)
        lMeasCnt = 0

        'For each file in sorted array
        For Each vFoundItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
         'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewSheet.Name & "\" & Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'strColTitle = Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import chord length data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & vFoundItem, _
                                           Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (px)")
          'Group title
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = True
            .Value = strColTitle
            .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Chord length scaled in microns
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "CL (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
          'Create formula and copy to new range
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy scaled data over raw data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Number format for scaled data
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_CL_Tissue_Multi
          End If
          'Descriptive statistics
          'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
          'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
          'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = 5  'Blank column width
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRange(UBound(aRange) + 1)
          Set aRange(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 4
        Next vFoundItem
        'Truncate empty range element
        ReDim Preserve aRange(iRangeCnt - 1)
        'All column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (µm)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange) To UBound(aRange)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All CL descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'Move All data to All sheet in first available column
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All CL").Activate
        iAllDataCol = iAllDataCol + 1
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All CL").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16     'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        iAllMeansRow = iAllMeansRow + 1

        'Increment to next groups stats row
        iAllStatsRow = iAllStatsRow + 17
        MsgBox "No files found in folder " & vSelectedItem, vbExclamation, "Message"
      End If
    End With
  Next vSelectedItem
  'All means
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'end of All means

  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Move to home position in all sheet

  'Set object variables to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Set fs = Nothing
  'Save workbook
  sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CLt.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
    On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
    NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
    'NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls"
    On Error GoTo err_CL_Tissue_Multi
  End If

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  'If same folder chosen (only when testing) increment the sheet name to prevent duplicate sheet error.
  If Left(Err.Description, 55) = "Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet" Then
    NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1) & " Copy" & iDupCnt
    iDupCnt = iDupCnt + 1
    Resume Next
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_CL_Tissue_Multi
  End If
End Sub

Sub AP_With_Edge_Multi()
                  'Open folderpicker filedialog box
'For each selected folder:
'For each area/perimeter (*_Aalv_e.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Move data from each column into 'All' column and display descriptive stats
'Move 'All' column into separate sheets: Aalv, Asurf, Aair, Atis%, Atis
On Error GoTo err_AP_With_Edge_Multi
  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog         'file/folder picker dialog
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant 'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim fs As FileSearch         'used with file searches-returns founditems
  Dim vFoundItem As Variant    'contains file paths found in vSelectedItem
  Dim sFolderName() As String  'folder names array
  Dim sFileName() As String    'file names array
  Dim sAirFileName As String
  Dim sFileSaveName As String  'workbook save name
  Dim iFileNum As Integer
  Dim iFileNumMax As Integer
  Dim iDupCnt As Integer      'Counter for handling duplicate sheet name error
  Dim i As Integer            'loop counter
  Dim iCol As Integer         'Data sheet position
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim iAllStatsRow, iAllDataCol, iAllStatsCol, iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol As Integer  ''All' sheet position
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer  'string parsing
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRangeAalv() As Range  'Array of ranges for Aalv
  Dim aRangeAsur() As Range  'Array of ranges for Asurf
  Dim aRangeAair() As Range  'Array of ranges for Aair
  Dim aRangeAtis() As Range  'Array of ranges for Atis
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer   'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long       'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_Multi
  End If
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
  'Add unnamed new workbook
  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "Info"
  iDupCnt = 1
  'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
  'Folder picker dialog does not allow multiple selection (unlike
  ' file picker), so store each separate folder selection in array.
  'Cancel button ends selection loop.
  i = 0
    'Show Folder Picker dialog. Returns -1 if selection made, 0 if canceled
    If fd.Show = 0 Then
      Exit Do
      i = i + 1
      ReDim Preserve sFolderName(i)
      sFolderName(i) = fd.SelectedItems.Item(1)
      Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 1) = Mid$(sFolderName(i), InStrRev(sFolderName(i), "\") + 1)
    End If
  'If no folder selected, exit
  If i = 0 Then GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_Multi
  'Disable screen update to speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  ' (do after folder picker so selected folders are shown on Info sheet).
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  'Extract parent folder name from first selected folder to use as file name
  iEndPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\") - 1
  iStartPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
  NewBook.Title = Mid$(sFolderName(1), iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Aalv"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Asurf"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Aair%"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Atis%"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Atis"
  Set fs = Application.FileSearch
  iAllDataCol = 0
  iAllStatsRow = 1
  iAllStatsCol = UBound(sFolderName) + 3
  iAllMeansCol = iAllStatsCol + 3
  iAllMeansRow = 2

  For Each vSelectedItem In sFolderName()
    'Search for files in selected folder
    With fs
      .LookIn = vSelectedItem
      .SearchSubFolders = False
      .fileName = "*_Aalv_e.txt"  'Handles Aalv and Aalve files
      If .Execute > 0 Then
        'Store found files filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
        i = 0
        For Each vFoundItem In .FoundFiles
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
            sFileName(i) = Mid$(vFoundItem, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\") + 1)
        'If no files or valid filenames, exit
        If i = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
            GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_Multi
        End If
        SelectionSortStrings sFileName
        'Create new sheet
        Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
        NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
        iCol = 1
        ReDim aRangeAalv(1)
        ReDim aRangeAsur(1)
        ReDim aRangeAair(1)
        ReDim aRangeAtis(1)
        iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv)
        lMeasCnt = 0
        'For each file in sorted array
        For Each vFoundItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
          'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewSheet.Name & "\" & Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'strColTitle = Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import corresponding Aair_roi file
          sAirFileName = Mid$(vFoundItem, 1, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "Aalv_e")) + "air_roi.txt"
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & sAirFileName, _
                                           Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Find last row
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          'Aair scaled to microns in next column
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Select
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy Aroi cell value (last value in column) into destination cell
          Cells(3, iCol + 3) = Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1).Value
          'Sum Air and enter into its cell
          Cells(6, iCol + 3) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(1, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 1)))
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 3).Value = "Aroi (µm²)"
          Cells(5, iCol + 3).Value = "Aair (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = Len("Aroi (µm²)")
          Columns(iCol + 3).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Delete raw and scaled Aair columns.
          Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Import area and perimeter data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & vFoundItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv(px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (px)")
          'Asurf (pixels)
          'Set column title
          '(contiguous cells required to find last cell)
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "."
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (px)"
          'Find last row
          Columns(iCol + 1).End(xlDown).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Clear 'remove "."
          'Move column over
          Columns(iCol + 1).Select
          ActiveSheet.Paste Columns(iCol + 6)
          'Set column width and number format
          'Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (px)")
          'Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Above commented because column will be overwritten
          'Aalv scaled to microns
          'lEndRow same as Asurf column
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_AP_With_Edge_Multi
          End If
          'Aalv descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          'Set column width
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16
          'Set number format except for count which remains an integer
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Airspace percent (Aair/Aroi)
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 4).Value = "Aair (%)"
          Columns(iCol + 4).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
          Cells(3, iCol + 4).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Calculate value
          'Cells(3, iCol + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(C[-4])/(C[-1])*100"
          Cells(3, iCol + 4) = (Cells(6, iCol + 3) / Cells(3, iCol + 3)) * 100
          'Tissue area (Aroi - Aair)
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 5).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol + 5).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
          Cells(3, iCol + 5).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Calculate value
          'Cells(3, iCol + 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=(C[-2])-SUM(C[-5])"
          Cells(3, iCol + 5) = Cells(3, iCol + 3) - Cells(6, iCol + 3)
          'Asurf scaled to microns (uses non-squared conversion factor because it is perimeter (length)
          Cells(3, iCol + 7).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 7).Select
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol + 6).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 6).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Asurf descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 7), "C", True, True
          'Set column width
          Columns(iCol + 7).ColumnWidth = 16
          'Set number format for stats (limit range to keep Count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 8), Cells(15, iCol + 8)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Set blank column width
          Columns(iCol + 9).ColumnWidth = 5
          'Group title
          'Done at end of loop because cells used for title need to have text
          ' added to make contiguous column for finding last cell.  Once cells
          ' are merged to store title, cannot add text to B1 and could not find
          ' last cell in column.
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = True
            .Value = strColTitle
            .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(UBound(aRangeAalv) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(UBound(aRangeAsur) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(UBound(aRangeAair) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(UBound(aRangeAtis) + 1)
          Set aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          Set aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6))
          Set aRangeAair(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 4), Cells(3, iCol + 4))
          Set aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 5), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 5))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 10
        Next vFoundItem
        'Truncate empty range elements
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt - 1)
        'All Aalv column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aalv"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv) To UBound(aRangeAalv)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aalv descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        iCol = iCol + 4
        'All Asurf column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Asurf"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAsur) To UBound(aRangeAsur)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Asurf descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        iCol = iCol + 4
        'All Aair% column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aair"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aair (%)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAair) To UBound(aRangeAair)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aair descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        iCol = iCol + 4
        'All Atis% column title and width
        'Values are calculate from preceding Aair column
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (%)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
        'Atis % = 100-Aair%
        Cells(3, iCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=100-(+RC[-4])"
        Cells(3, iCol).Select
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select 'Endrow from Aair column
        'Convert formulas to values
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Cells(3, iCol).Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aair descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        iCol = iCol + 4
        'All Atis column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAtis) To UBound(aRangeAtis)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Atis descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        iAllDataCol = iAllDataCol + 1
        'Move All Aalv data to Aalv sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol - 16
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16  'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Asurf column to Asurf sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16  'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Aair column to Aair sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16    'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Atis% column to Atis% sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16    'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Atis column to Atis sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        iAllMeansRow = iAllMeansRow + 1
        iAllStatsRow = iAllStatsRow + 17
        MsgBox "No files found in folder " & vSelectedItem, vbExclamation, "Message"
      End If
    End With
  Next vSelectedItem
  '-------All means
  Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
  'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Aair (%)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Atis (%)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  '-------- end of All means

  'Set object variables to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Set fs = Nothing
  'Save workbook
  sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_Ae.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
    On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
    NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
    'NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_A.xls"
    On Error GoTo err_AP_With_Edge_Multi
  End If

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  'If same folder chosen (only when testing) increment the sheet name to prevent duplicate sheet error.
  If Left(Err.Description, 55) = "Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet" Then
    NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1) & " Copy" & iDupCnt
    iDupCnt = iDupCnt + 1
    Resume Next
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_AP_With_Edge_Multi
  End If
End Sub

Sub AP_No_Edge_Multi()
'Open folderpicker filedialog box
'For each selected folder:
'For each area/perimeter (*_Aalv.TXT) file in the selected folder:
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Move data from each column into 'All' column and display descriptive stats
'Move 'All' column into separate sheets: Aalv, Asurf, Aair, Atis%, Atis
On Error GoTo err_AP_No_Edge_Multi
  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'file/folder picker dialog
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim fs As FileSearch          'used with file searches-returns founditems
  Dim vFoundItem As Variant     'contains file paths found in vSelectedItem
  Dim sFolderName() As String   'folder names array
  Dim sFileName() As String     'file names array
  Dim sAirFileName As String
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim iFileNum As Integer
  Dim iFileNumMax As Integer
  Dim iDupCnt As Integer        'Counter for handling duplicate sheet name error
  Dim i As Integer              'loop counter
  Dim iCol As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim iAllStatsRow, iAllDataCol, iAllStatsCol, iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol As Integer  ''All' sheet position
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer  'string parsing
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRangeAalv() As Range  'Array of ranges for Aalv
  Dim aRangeAsur() As Range  'Array of ranges for Asurf
  Dim aRangeAair() As Range  'Array of ranges for Aair
  Dim aRangeAtis() As Range  'Array of ranges for Atis
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer   'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long       'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.
  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_Multi
  End If
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
  'Add unnamed new workbook
  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "Info"
  iDupCnt = 1
  'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
  NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
  'Folder picker dialog does not allow multiple selection (unlike
  ' file picker), so store each separate folder selection in array.
  'Cancel button ends selection loop.
  i = 0
    'Show Folder Picker dialog. Returns -1 if selection made, 0 if canceled
    If fd.Show = 0 Then
      Exit Do
      i = i + 1
      ReDim Preserve sFolderName(i)
      sFolderName(i) = fd.SelectedItems.Item(1)
      Worksheets("Info").Cells(i, 1) = Mid$(sFolderName(i), InStrRev(sFolderName(i), "\") + 1)
    End If
  'If no folder selected, exit
  If i = 0 Then GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_Multi
  'Disable screen update to speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  ' (do after folder picker so selected folders are shown on Info sheet).
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 'Extract parent folder name from first selected folder to use as file name
  iEndPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\") - 1
  iStartPos = InStrRev(sFolderName(1), "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
  NewBook.Title = Mid$(sFolderName(1), iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
  'Create new sheet for file info
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Aalv"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Asurf"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Aair%"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Atis%"
  Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
  NewSheet.Name = "All Atis"
  Set fs = Application.FileSearch
  iAllDataCol = 0
  iAllStatsRow = 1
  iAllStatsCol = UBound(sFolderName) + 3
  iAllMeansCol = iAllStatsCol + 3
  iAllMeansRow = 2
  For Each vSelectedItem In sFolderName()
    'Search for files in selected folder
    With fs
      .LookIn = vSelectedItem
      .SearchSubFolders = False
      .fileName = "*_Aalv.txt"  'Handles Aalv and Aalve files
      If .Execute > 0 Then
        'Store found files filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
        i = 0
        For Each vFoundItem In .FoundFiles
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
            sFileName(i) = Mid$(vFoundItem, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\") + 1)
        'If no files or valid filenames, exit
        If i = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
            GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_Multi
        End If
        SelectionSortStrings sFileName
        'Create new sheet
        Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
        NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
        iCol = 1
        ReDim aRangeAalv(1)
        ReDim aRangeAsur(1)
        ReDim aRangeAair(1)
        ReDim aRangeAtis(1)
        iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv)
        lMeasCnt = 0
        'For each file in sorted array
        For Each vFoundItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vFoundItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
          'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewSheet.Name & "\" & Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'strColTitle = Mid$(vFoundItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import corresponding Aair_roi file
          sAirFileName = Mid$(vFoundItem, 1, InStrRev(vFoundItem, "Aalv")) + "air_roi.txt"
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & sAirFileName, _
                                           Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(1, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Find last row
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          'Aair scaled to microns in next column
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Select
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy Aroi cell value (last value in column) into destination cell
          Cells(3, iCol + 3) = Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1).Value
          'Sum Air and enter into its cell
          Cells(6, iCol + 3) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(1, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 1)))
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 3).Value = "Aroi (µm²)"
          Cells(5, iCol + 3).Value = "Aair (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = Len("Aroi (µm²)")
          Columns(iCol + 3).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Delete raw and scaled Aair columns.
          Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Import area and perimeter data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem & "\" & vFoundItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv(px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (px)")
          'Asurf (pixels)
          'Set column title
          '(contiguous cells required to find last cell)
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "."
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (px)"
          'Find last row
          Columns(iCol + 1).End(xlDown).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(1, iCol + 1).Clear 'remove "."
          'Move column over
          Columns(iCol + 1).Select
          ActiveSheet.Paste Columns(iCol + 6)
          'Set column width and number format
          'Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (px)")
          'Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow - 1, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Above commented because column will be overwritten
          'Aalv scaled to microns
          'lEndRow same as Asurf column
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cSqMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_AP_No_Edge_Multi
          End If
          'Aalv descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          'Set column width
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16
          'Set number format except for count which remains an integer
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Airspace percent (Aair/Aroi)
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 4).Value = "Aair (%)"
          Columns(iCol + 4).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
          Cells(3, iCol + 4).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Calculate value
          'Cells(3, iCol + 4).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(C[-4])/(C[-1])*100"
          Cells(3, iCol + 4) = (Cells(6, iCol + 3) / Cells(3, iCol + 3)) * 100
          'Tissue area (Aroi - Aair)
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 5).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
          Columns(iCol + 5).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
          Cells(3, iCol + 5).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Calculate value
          'Cells(3, iCol + 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=(C[-2])-SUM(C[-5])"
          Cells(3, iCol + 5) = Cells(3, iCol + 3) - Cells(6, iCol + 3)
          'Asurf scaled to microns (uses non-squared conversion factor because it is perimeter (length)
          Cells(3, iCol + 7).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 7).Select
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          'Overwrite raw data with scaled data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol + 6).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 7), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 7)).Select
          'Set column title, width and number format
          Cells(2, iCol + 6).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 6).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Asurf descriptive statistics (first row of range is column title)
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 7), "C", True, True
          'Set column width
          Columns(iCol + 7).ColumnWidth = 16
          'Set number format for stats (limit range to keep Count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 8), Cells(15, iCol + 8)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'Set blank column width
          Columns(iCol + 9).ColumnWidth = 5
          'Group title
          'Done at end of loop because cells used for title need to have text
          ' added to make contiguous column for finding last cell.  Once cells
          ' are merged to store title, cannot add text to B1 and could not find
          ' last cell in column.
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = True
            .Value = strColTitle
            .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(UBound(aRangeAalv) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(UBound(aRangeAsur) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(UBound(aRangeAair) + 1)
          ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(UBound(aRangeAtis) + 1)
          Set aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          Set aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 6), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 6))
          Set aRangeAair(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 4), Cells(3, iCol + 4))
          Set aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol + 5), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 5))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 10
        Next vFoundItem
        'Truncate empty range elements
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAalv(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAsur(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAair(iRangeCnt - 1)
        ReDim Preserve aRangeAtis(iRangeCnt - 1)
        'All Aalv column title and width
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aalv"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAalv) To UBound(aRangeAalv)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aalv descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Asurf column title and width
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Asurf"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAsur) To UBound(aRangeAsur)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Asurf descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aair% column title and width
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Aair"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Aair (%)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAair) To UBound(aRangeAair)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aair descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Atis% column title and width
        'Values are calculate from preceding Aair column
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (%)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
        'Atis % = 100-Aair%
        Cells(3, iCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=100-(+RC[-4])"
        Cells(3, iCol).Select
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select 'Endrow from Aair column
        'Convert formulas to values
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Cells(3, iCol).Select
        Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Aair descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Atis column title and width
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All Atis"
        Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(2, iCol).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
        Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
        'Paste each column into all column
        For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRangeAtis) To UBound(aRangeAtis)
            'Find last row of destination column
            lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
            Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
            'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        'Find last row of destination column
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        'All column number format
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
        'All Atis descriptive statistics
        Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                        Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                        Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
        Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
        Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"

        iAllDataCol = iAllDataCol + 1
        'Move All Aalv data to Aalv sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol - 16
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16  'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Asurf column to Asurf sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16  'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Aair column to Aair sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16    'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Atis% column to Atis% sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16    'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        'Move All Atis column to Atis sheet
        Worksheets(NewSheet.Name).Activate 'select data sheet
        iCol = iCol + 4
        Columns(iCol).End(xlDown).Select  'Find last row
        lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
        Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
        Cells(2, iAllDataCol).Select
        'Reserve row 1 for titles
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Font.Bold = True
        Cells(1, iAllDataCol).Value = NewSheet.Name
        'Move All stats to All sheet
        'NewSheet.Name still refers to data sheet since it was the last sheet created
        Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(16, iCol + 2)).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
        Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 1, iAllStatsCol).Select
        Columns(iAllStatsCol).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
        Columns(iAllStatsCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 12
        'Group title
        Cells(iAllStatsRow, iAllStatsCol).Select
        With Selection
          .Value = NewSheet.Name & "  (All)"
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
        'Copy mean value into All Means column
        'Group title
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Value = "All Means"
        Cells(1, iAllMeansCol).Font.Bold = True
        'Copy group stats mean into All Means column
        Cells(iAllStatsRow + 3, iAllStatsCol + 1).Select
        Cells(iAllMeansRow, iAllMeansCol).Select
        Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset all sheet position
        iAllMeansRow = iAllMeansRow + 1
        iAllStatsRow = iAllStatsRow + 17
        MsgBox "No files found in folder " & vSelectedItem, vbExclamation, "Message"
      End If
    End With
  Next vSelectedItem
  '-------All means
  Worksheets("All Aalv").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
  'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Aalv (µm²)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Aalv (µm²)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Asurf").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Asurf (µm)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Asurf (µm)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Aair%").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Aair (%)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Aair (%)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Atis%").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Atis (%)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (%)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'All means
  Worksheets("All Atis").Activate
  iCol = iAllMeansCol
  'Find last row of destination column
  lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
  'All column number format
  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'Descriptive statistics
  Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                  Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                  Cells(1, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
  Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
  'Stats column title
  Cells(1, iCol + 1).Value = "Atis (µm²)"
  'Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("Atis (µm²)")
  'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
  Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(14, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  '-------- end of All means

  'Set object variables to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Set fs = Nothing
  'Save workbook
  sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_A.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
    On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
    NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
    'NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_A.xls"
    On Error GoTo err_AP_No_Edge_Multi
  End If

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub

  'If same folder chosen (only when testing) increment the sheet name to prevent duplicate sheet error.
  If Left(Err.Description, 55) = "Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet" Then
    NewSheet.Name = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1) & " Copy" & iDupCnt
    iDupCnt = iDupCnt + 1
    Resume Next
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_AP_No_Edge_Multi
  End If
End Sub
You've posted ~3800 lines of code, and as far as I can see, ~3700 lines of which are not relevant to your problem. Can you distill it down to a much shorter example subroutine and post that to illustrate the specific problem you are having?
Upvote 0
Thanks. I have posted the portion of the macro that is relevant. The trouble I have is as described in my OP.

When I get to the portion of the code where I need to select the relevant .txt files through the file dialog those files are not seen in the dialog box, and when I type the .txt extension the files show up, but I click OK and I get a new excel workbook as should be the case except that it is empty with the error "subscript out of range".


Option ExplicitOption Base 1

'These constants are the only changes made for different magnification macro files
'BWH Leica Scope
Const cMicronsPerPixel = 1.908
Const cSqMicronsPerPixel = 3.642

Private Sub PageSetup()
    With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
'        .LeftHeader = ""
        .CenterHeader = "&F"
        .RightHeader = "Page &P"
'        .LeftFooter = ""
'        .CenterFooter = ""
'        .RightFooter = ""
        .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
        .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
        .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)
        .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1)
        .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
        .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
'        .PrintHeadings = False
'        .PrintGridlines = False
'        .PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
'        .PrintQuality = 600
'        .CenterHorizontally = False
'        .CenterVertically = False
        .Orientation = xlLandscape
'        .Draft = False
        .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter
        .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic
        .Order = xlOverThenDown
'        .BlackAndWhite = False
'        .Zoom = 100
'        .PrintErrors = xlPrintErrorsDisplayed
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub CenterColTitles()
' Center column titles
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
'        .WrapText = False
'        .Orientation = 0
'        .AddIndent = False
'        .IndentLevel = 0
'        .ShrinkToFit = False
'        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
'        .MergeCells = False
    End With
End Sub

Sub CL_Air_1()
[COLOR=#ff0000]'For each selected chord length (*_CLa.TXT) file in the folder:[/COLOR]
'Display data
'Display descriptive statistics in adjacent columns
'Leave blank column before next data column
On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_1
  Dim NewBook As Workbook
  Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
  Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
  Dim vSelectedItem As Variant  'contains selected file path- variant required for For Each...Next
  Dim sFileName() As String     'holds sorted filepaths
  Dim sFileSaveName As String   'workbook save name
  Dim iStartPos, iEndPos As Integer
  Dim i, iCol As Integer
  Dim lEndRow As Long
  Dim strColTitle As String
  Dim aRange() As Range        'Array of ranges
  Dim iRangeCnt As Integer     'Range array index
  Dim lMeasCnt As Long         'Running total nr of measurements to prevent exceeding Excel row limit of 65536.

  'Speed up macro execution (restored to True at exit)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  'Load Analysis Toolpak if it is not currently loaded...
  'The password to access function definintions is: Wildebeest
  If fAddInLoaded("Analysis ToolPak - VBA") = -1 Then
    ' Error finding Analysis Toolpak...
    MsgBox "Analysis ToolPak Not Found", vbExclamation
    GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
  End If
  'File dialog box
  Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  fd.InitialFileName = "*_CLa.txt"
  fd.Filters.Add "Chord length measurement files", "*.txt", 1
  'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
  'The user pressed the action button.
  If fd.Show = -1 Then
      'Add new workbook named as selected folder
      Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
      'Extract folder name from path
      iEndPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\") - 1
      iStartPos = InStrRev(fd.InitialFileName, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
      NewBook.Title = Mid$(fd.InitialFileName, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos + 1)
      'Moved to end: NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls"
      'Add new worksheet
      Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
      NewSheet.Name = NewBook.Title
      'Hide default sheets instead of deleting, to prevent warning
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
      NewBook.Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
      'Store FileDialogSelectedItems filename (text after last "\") in array then sort
      i = 0
      For Each vSelectedItem In fd.SelectedItems
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve sFileName(i)
          sFileName(i) = Mid$(vSelectedItem, InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\") + 1)
      'If no files or valid filenames, exit
      If i = 0 Then
          MsgBox "No files to measure.", vbCritical, "Message"
          GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
      End If
      SelectionSortStrings sFileName
      iCol = 1
      ReDim aRange(1)
      iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange)
      lMeasCnt = 0
      'For each selected file
      For Each vSelectedItem In sFileName()
          'Extract selected file name from path for column label
          iEndPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, ".")
          iStartPos = InStrRev(vSelectedItem, "\", iEndPos - 1) + 1
          'Include parent folder in group name
          strColTitle = NewBook.Title & "\" & Mid$(vSelectedItem, iStartPos, iEndPos - iStartPos)
          'Import chord length data (pixels)
          'Import resets column widths so do first
          With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & vSelectedItem, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, (iCol)))
          End With
          'Column title and width
          Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (px)"
          Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (px)")
          'Group title
          'Range(Cells(1, iCol), Cells(1, iCol + 2)).Select
          Cells(1, iCol).Select
          With Selection
              .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
              .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
              .WrapText = False
              .Orientation = 0
              .AddIndent = False
              .IndentLevel = 0
              .ShrinkToFit = False
              .ReadingOrder = xlContext
              .MergeCells = True
              .Value = strColTitle
              .Font.Bold = True
          End With
          'Chord length scaled in microns
          Cells(2, iCol + 1).Value = "CL (µm)"
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
          'Create formula and copy to new range
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-1]*" & cMicronsPerPixel
          Cells(3, iCol + 1).Select
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Range(Cells(4, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Copy scaled data over raw data, converting formulas to values
          ' (will not work with cut- use copy)
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          Cells(2, iCol).Select
          Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
          'Delete source range
          Range(Cells(2, iCol + 1), Cells(lEndRow, iCol + 1)).Select
          'Number format for scaled data
          Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          'If the total number of measurements exceeds Excel limit prompt and end macro.
          'Although the imported column will contain fewer rows than the Excel limit,
          'the Excel limit would be reached at the cut/paste into the All column stage.
          'Quicker to prompt here.
          lMeasCnt = lMeasCnt + Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).Count
          If lMeasCnt > 65536 Then
            MsgBox "The total number of measurements has exceeded the Excel limit of 65536.", vbCritical
            GoTo exit_CL_Air_1
          End If
          'Descriptive statistics
          'Descr function: input range, output range, grouped, labels, summary, ds_large, ds_small, confidence
          'Grouped="C" for columns, "R" for rows
          Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                          Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                          Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
          Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
          'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
          Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
          Columns(iCol + 3).ColumnWidth = 5  'Blank column width
          'Store current range in array
          ReDim Preserve aRange(UBound(aRange) + 1)
          Set aRange(iRangeCnt) = Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol))
          iRangeCnt = iRangeCnt + 1
          iCol = iCol + 4
      Next vSelectedItem
      'Truncate empty range element
      ReDim Preserve aRange(iRangeCnt - 1)
      'All column title and width
      Cells(1, iCol).Value = "All"
      Cells(1, iCol).Font.Bold = True
      Cells(2, iCol).Value = "CL (µm)"
      Columns(iCol).ColumnWidth = Len("CL (µm)")
      'Paste each column into all column
      For iRangeCnt = LBound(aRange) To UBound(aRange)
          'Find last row of destination column
          lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
          Cells(lEndRow + 1, iCol).Select
          'Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
      'Find last row of destination column
      lEndRow = ActiveCell.Row
      'All column number format
      Range(Cells(3, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
      'Descriptive statistics
      Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLA!Descr", _
                      Range(Cells(2, iCol), Cells(lEndRow, iCol)), _
                      Cells(2, iCol + 1), "C", True, True
      Columns(iCol + 1).ColumnWidth = 16 'stats col width
      'Set numberformat for stats (limit range to keep count a whole number)
      Range(Cells(3, iCol + 2), Cells(15, iCol + 2)).NumberFormat = "0.0"
  'The user pressed Cancel.
  End If

  'Set the object variable to Nothing.
  Set fd = Nothing
  Cells(1, 1).Select  'Reset data sheet position
  'Save workbook
  'sFileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(NewBook.Title & "_CL.xls", "Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls")
  'If sFileSaveName <> "False" Then
  On Error Resume Next  'ignore rte 1004 if No reply to overwrite
  'NewBook.SaveAs sFileSaveName
  NewBook.SaveAs fileName:=NewBook.Title & "_CLa.xls"
  On Error GoTo err_CL_Air_1
  'End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description
  Resume exit_CL_Air_1
End Sub
Upvote 0
Will trying the macro in an older version of Excel be different than using Excel 2016 in compatibility mode? I ask because the source of this macro tells me that they have had no trouble with this macro using Excel 2007.
Upvote 0
'For each selected chord length (*_CLa.TXT) file in the folder:
'Test the ability of the file dialog to "see" it
Sub FileSelectionExample()
    Dim fd As FileDialog          'File Picker dialog box.
    Dim I As Long
    Dim S As String

    'File dialog box
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    With fd
        .InitialView = msoFileDialogViewDetails
        .InitialFileName = "*_CLa*"
        .Filters.Add "Chord length files", "*.txt"

        'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action.
        If fd.Show = -1 Then    'User picked one or more files
            For I = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
                S = S & .SelectedItems(I) & vbCr
            Next I
            MsgBox "User Selected:" & vbCr & S
        Else    'The user pressed Cancel.
            MsgBox "User Cancel"
        End If
    End With

    'Set the object variable to Nothing.
    Set fd = Nothing
End Sub
Upvote 0
Will trying the macro in an older version of Excel be different than using Excel 2016 in compatibility mode? I ask because the source of this macro tells me that they have had no trouble with this macro using Excel 2007.

Unlikely. Compatibility mode has little to do with VBA. I regularly run 2016 macros in 2010 and while there are a few places where the 2016 flavor of VBA differs, mostly they are fine.
Upvote 0

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