Excel alerts


Board Regular
Mar 28, 2010
Hi everyone,

In an excel file i am refreshing data from a web query every 10 minutes. In the sheet i have some if formulas which check whether certain conditions have been met. If these are met, i would like to get a notification or alert, not necessarily by email but just in excel as i have the file open all day but just not scanning it all the time. Is there an easy way to do this, or can it only be done by vba? Is there some example of this solution/vba script?

Many thanks for your thoughts!!!

Hello again @Valentino.

As I understand it now, you want to record all of the row #s that change to '-1' or '1', at every 10 minute refresh while the workbook is open?

Do you have access to the code that does the 10 minute refresh of the code? The reason I ask is because we will need to delete the values stored in the Value1 & Value2 columns in order to see which values changed in the formula column E. I can put the code to delete those 2 columns at the end of my code, or you would need to include it into your existing code that does the 10 minute refresh of data. If I put the delete code at the end of my code, you would be left with just the result sheet that shows the rows that changed. If you put the delete code into your existing code, you would be left with the result sheet that shows the rows changed as well as the original sheet of data to compare the rows that changed to.

Also, you didn't say if speakers are available. Does excel ever make sounds that you hear? Normally you would hear a sound when a pop up message occurs during some errors.

Here is a short code to test for sound:
VBA Code:
Sub SoundTest()
    Beep ' Sound a tone.
End Sub
Upvote 0
Hello again @Valentino.

As I understand it now, you want to record all of the row #s that change to '-1' or '1', at every 10 minute refresh while the workbook is open?

Do you have access to the code that does the 10 minute refresh of the code? The reason I ask is because we will need to delete the values stored in the Value1 & Value2 columns in order to see which values changed in the formula column E. I can put the code to delete those 2 columns at the end of my code, or you would need to include it into your existing code that does the 10 minute refresh of data. If I put the delete code at the end of my code, you would be left with just the result sheet that shows the rows that changed. If you put the delete code into your existing code, you would be left with the result sheet that shows the rows changed as well as the original sheet of data to compare the rows that changed to.

Also, you didn't say if speakers are available. Does excel ever make sounds that you hear? Normally you would hear a sound when a pop up message occurs during some errors.

Here is a short code to test for sound:
VBA Code:
Sub SoundTest()
    Beep ' Sound a tone.
End Sub
Indeed, all rows should be signalled which changed from zero to another value at every 10 mins the workbook is open.

For the refresh, i don't use code but just the "Data"/"From Web" query functionality built in Excel, with a 10 minutes refresh frequency (see attached image). Thinking of it, perhaps we could come up with a code that could (over)write the existing table as hard value output to a new sheet every 10 minutes, and in the web refreshed table we could include a column with formulas which compare the condition to the hard valued output table, to signal whether there has been an update since refresh--> if so, write the row number to another output sheet?

I don't have sound available. But I will check regularly so it's fine if the macro writes the row numbers which changed to a separate sheet, which i will regularly check to scan for updates.

Hope it's more clear now, thanks!


  • Pic2.JPG
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Place the following code into the worksheet module of the sheet that you want it to run on:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.0
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowValue1  As Long
    Dim FormulaColumn                   As String, Value1Column As String
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       Value1Column = "B"                                           ' <--- Set this to the Value1 Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowValue1 = Range(Value1Column & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row  ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1), "-1") > 0 Then    ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim DestinationSheet            As String
        Dim FormulaColumnArray          As Variant, OutputArray As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        Dim wsDestination               As Worksheet, wsSource  As Worksheet
        DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                       ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
        Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                             ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)                '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True  '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                      '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet     '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)            '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1)  '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    Application.Speech.Speak "At least one value in the," & _
                            "formula Column, was changed to, 1, or, -1.", SpeakAsync:=True   '   Audible alert. Commas are a pause in speach ;)
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & "Row # " & FormulaColumnRow + RowOffset  '           Save the changed to value & row# into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub

Let us know how it goes.
Upvote 0
Place the following code into the worksheet module of the sheet that you want it to run on:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.0
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowValue1  As Long
    Dim FormulaColumn                   As String, Value1Column As String
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       Value1Column = "B"                                           ' <--- Set this to the Value1 Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowValue1 = Range(Value1Column & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row  ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1), "-1") > 0 Then    ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim DestinationSheet            As String
        Dim FormulaColumnArray          As Variant, OutputArray As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        Dim wsDestination               As Worksheet, wsSource  As Worksheet
        DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                       ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
        Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                             ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)                '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True  '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                      '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet     '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)            '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowValue1)  '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    Application.Speech.Speak "At least one value in the," & _
                            "formula Column, was changed to, 1, or, -1.", SpeakAsync:=True   '   Audible alert. Commas are a pause in speach ;)
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & "Row # " & FormulaColumnRow + RowOffset  '           Save the changed to value & row# into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub

Let us know how it goes.
Thanks, thats quite an effort already! I am testing it and from first glance the idea seems to be effective. First quick observations:
- audible is really not necessary: could i therefore delete this part?
" Application.Speech.Speak "At least one value in the," & _
"formula Column, was changed to, 1, or, -1.", SpeakAsync:=True

- If there is a change, the row number is written to the output sheet. Is it possible to change this into the asset name from column A? so for instance if there is a change in column 68, instead of writing "row#68" could it write the value from cell a68 to the output sheet?

In the meantime i'll test some more, but already many many thanks for this progress!

Upvote 0
How about:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.1
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowAssetColummn    As Long
    Dim FormulaColumn                   As String, AssetColumn          As String
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       AssetColumn = "A"                                            ' <--- Set this to the Asset Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowAssetColummn = Range(AssetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "-1") > 0 Then  ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim DestinationSheet            As String
        Dim AssetColumnArray            As Variant, FormulaColumnArray          As Variant
        Dim OutputArray                 As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        Dim wsDestination               As Worksheet, wsSource                  As Worksheet
        DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                       ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
        Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                             ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)                '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True  '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                      '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet     '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)            '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
' Save Assets into array
        AssetColumnArray = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & AssetColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the Asset Column range into the 2D 1 based AssetColumnArray RC
' Save formulas into array
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
' Load previous formula results into array
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & AssetColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1)    '           Save the changed to value & Asset into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub

Editted: 5 minutes later with code correction.
Last edited:
Upvote 0
How about:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.1
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowAssetColummn    As Long
    Dim FormulaColumn                   As String, AssetColumn          As String
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       AssetColumn = "A"                                            ' <--- Set this to the Asset Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowAssetColummn = Range(AssetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "-1") > 0 Then  ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim DestinationSheet            As String
        Dim AssetColumnArray            As Variant, FormulaColumnArray          As Variant
        Dim OutputArray                 As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        Dim wsDestination               As Worksheet, wsSource                  As Worksheet
        DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                       ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
        Set wsSource = Sheets("Sheet1")                             ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)                '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True  '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                      '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet     '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = Sheets(DestinationSheet)            '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
' Save Assets into array
        AssetColumnArray = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & AssetColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the Asset Column range into the 2D 1 based AssetColumnArray RC
' Save formulas into array
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
' Load previous formula results into array
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & AssetColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1)    '           Save the changed to value & Asset into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub

Editted: 5 minutes later with code correction.
Hi Johnny,

I tested the code and many thanks for all the work, the solution works really well!
Only thing is that i cannot use it in background of some other excel work, there seems to be a conflict and its throwing a runtime error (9): see attached picture, is there a workaround for this? I already tried opening a separate Excel session, but did not solve.

Also i thought it is a bit easier if i setup my file differently, so that i can test for 3 conditions per asset. See second picture for this. if the conditions 1 and 2 for eg Asset1 are met (ie changed from 0 to 1), it would mention in the output sheet: "Asset1: Plus-Condition1, Plus-Condition2" (see blue area in picture for notation). Would it be possible to make "Condition1" dynamic, ie when i change the name/table header it will change in the output? Could this be done?

Many thanks again!!!!



  • Pic3.JPG
    13.8 KB · Views: 11
  • Pic4.JPG
    26.8 KB · Views: 11
Upvote 0
Hi Johnny,

I tested the code and many thanks for all the work, the solution works really well!
Only thing is that i cannot use it in background of some other excel work, there seems to be a conflict and its throwing a runtime error (9): see attached picture, is there a workaround for this? I already tried opening a separate Excel session, but did not solve.

When you get the error, click the 'debug' button and tell us what line of code is highlighted.
Upvote 0
When you get the error, click the 'debug' button and tell us what line of code is highlighted.
Of course, i tested again and got the error when one specific other workbook is open. See attached for the screenprint of the debug.
Also, it happened that the "TenMinuteUpdates" sheet was created in another workbook that happened to be open, is there a way to keep this in the same workbook (ie where the "Sheet1" table is)

thanks again :)


  • Pic5.JPG
    124.8 KB · Views: 9
Upvote 0
See if this eliminates the problems you discussed:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.2
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowAssetColummn    As Long
    Dim DestinationSheet                As String
    Dim AssetColumn                     As String, FormulaColumn        As String
    Dim wsDestination                   As Worksheet, wsSource          As Worksheet
    DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                           ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
    Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")                    ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       AssetColumn = "A"                                            ' <--- Set this to the Asset Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowAssetColummn = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "-1") > 0 Then  ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim AssetColumnArray            As Variant, FormulaColumnArray          As Variant
        Dim OutputArray                 As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)   '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True      '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                                  '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet    '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)           '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
' Save Assets into array
        AssetColumnArray = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & AssetColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the Asset Column range into the 2D 1 based AssetColumnArray RC
' Save formulas into array
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
' Load previous formula results into array
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & AssetColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1)    '           Save the changed to value & Asset into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub
Upvote 0
See if this eliminates the problems you discussed:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'   V1.2
'   1st 10 minute refresh will create the destination if it doesn't exist & will save the Formula column results to create a base line to compare to.
'   All other 10 minute refreshes will compare the current formula column to the previous formula column and display the row #s that changed to '1' or '-1'.
'   Check the lines at the top of the script that end with ' <---
'       Those lines are the lines that may need to be changed to reflect your particular setup.
    Dim FormulaStartRow                 As Long, LastRowAssetColummn    As Long
    Dim DestinationSheet                As String
    Dim AssetColumn                     As String, FormulaColumn        As String
    Dim wsDestination                   As Worksheet, wsSource          As Worksheet
    DestinationSheet = "TenMinuteUpdates"                           ' <--- Set this to the name of the sheet to store 10 minute results into
    Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")                    ' <--- Set this to the sheetname that has the '1's & '0's
      FormulaColumn = "E"                                           ' <--- Set this to the formula Column letter
    FormulaStartRow = 2                                             ' <--- Set this to the start row of formulas in the FormulaColumn
       AssetColumn = "A"                                            ' <--- Set this to the Asset Column letter, this column is used to determine last row
    LastRowAssetColummn = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' Determine last row of data
    If Application.CountIf(wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "1") > 0 Or _
            Application.CountIf(wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & FormulaStartRow & _
            ":" & FormulaColumn & LastRowAssetColummn), "-1") > 0 Then  ' If the range contains any value of 1 or -1 then ...
        Dim DestinationSheetExists      As Boolean
        Dim FormulaColumnRow            As Long, OutputArrayRow As Long
        Dim LastDestinationColumnNumber As Long
        Dim RowOffset                   As Long
        Dim AssetColumnArray            As Variant, FormulaColumnArray          As Variant
        Dim OutputArray                 As Variant, PreviousFormulaResultArray  As Variant
        On Error Resume Next                                        '   Bypass error generated in next line if sheet does not exist
        Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)   '   Assign DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        On Error GoTo 0                                             '   Turn Excel error handling back on
        If Not wsDestination Is Nothing Then DestinationSheetExists = True      '   Check to see if the DestinationSheet exists
' Create DestinationSheet if it doesn't exist
        If DestinationSheetExists = False Then                                  '   If DestinationSheet does not exist then ...
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=wsSource).Name = DestinationSheet    '       Create the DestinationSheet after the Source sheet
            Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(DestinationSheet)           '       Assign the DestinationSheet to wsDestination
        End If
' Save Assets into array
        AssetColumnArray = wsSource.Range(AssetColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & AssetColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the Asset Column range into the 2D 1 based AssetColumnArray RC
' Save formulas into array
        FormulaColumnArray = wsSource.Range(FormulaColumn & _
                FormulaStartRow & ":" & FormulaColumn & _
                LastRowAssetColummn)                                '   Save the values of the formula Column range into the 2D 1 based FormulaColumnArray RC
        ReDim OutputArray(1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray))          '   Establish # of rows in 1D 1 based OutputArray
' Create Saved formula result column on DestinationSheet
        If wsDestination.Range("A1") = vbNullString Then
            wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                        '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                      '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"        '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
                FormulaColumnArray                                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
            wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit            '   Autofit all of the columns
            GoTo SubExit
        End If
' Load previous formula results into array
        PreviousFormulaResultArray = wsDestination.Range("A4:A" & _
                wsDestination.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)    '   Load previous formula results into PreviousFormulaResultArray
        OutputArrayRow = 0                                          '   Initialize OutputArrayRow to zero
        RowOffset = FormulaStartRow - LBound(FormulaColumnArray)    '   Determine Row difference between FormulaStartRow and start row of FormulaColumnArray
        For FormulaColumnRow = 1 To UBound(FormulaColumnArray, 1)   '   Loop through the FormulaColumnArray to check for '1's & '-1's
            If FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "1" Or _
                    FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = "-1" Then '       If a '1' or '-1' is found then ...
                If PreviousFormulaResultArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) = 0 Then '       If previous value was '0' then ...
                    OutputArrayRow = OutputArrayRow + 1                 '           Increment OutputArrayRow
                    OutputArray(OutputArrayRow) = "(" & _
                            FormulaColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1) & _
                            ") " & AssetColumnArray(FormulaColumnRow, 1)    '           Save the changed to value & Asset into OutputArray
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                        '   Loop Back
        LastDestinationColumnNumber = wsDestination.Cells.Find("*", _
                , xlFormulas, , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column     '   Get last Column Number used in the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(1, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Date      '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(2, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = Time()    '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(3, LastDestinationColumnNumber + 1) = "------------------"  '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Cells(4, LastDestinationColumnNumber _
                + 1).Resize(UBound(OutputArray)) = _
                Application.Transpose(OutputArray)                  '   Display results to DestinationSheet
'Save current formula results to the DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A1") = Date                            '   Display the Date on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A2") = Time()                          '   Display the Time on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A3") = "------------------"            '   Display spacer line on DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.Range("A4").Resize(UBound(FormulaColumnArray)) = _
            FormulaColumnArray                                      '   Display results to DestinationSheet
        wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                '   Autofit all of the columns
    End If
End Sub
Thanks man, running it as we speak - will keep you updated
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