The code below allows me to input a complete picture file name into cell (A2), press the “Refresh” control button, and the picture from the file name is displayed. Each time the “Refresh” button is clicked, it clears the current picture and refreshes the picture from the file name referenced in cell (A2). It also corrects for “Non-existent file name” errors.
I would like to add 2 things to the code:
1 - Allow for a “File Description” name to display in place of the actual “File Name”.
2 - Allow for multiple file name pictures to be displayed.
I would like the ability to select any cell, and click an “Add Picture” control button. Then a pop-up displays requesting “File Name?” and “File Description?”. After completing and selecting “OK”, the “File Description” is displayed in the active cell, and the top left corner of the picture from the file is displayed under the cell. Each time the “Refresh” button is clicked, the pictures are cleared and refreshed from the reference file names to eliminate having multiple layers of hidden pictures.
Thanks for any help!
Here is the code I have that allows for one picture to display from the full file name given in cell (A2)…
I would like to add 2 things to the code:
1 - Allow for a “File Description” name to display in place of the actual “File Name”.
2 - Allow for multiple file name pictures to be displayed.
I would like the ability to select any cell, and click an “Add Picture” control button. Then a pop-up displays requesting “File Name?” and “File Description?”. After completing and selecting “OK”, the “File Description” is displayed in the active cell, and the top left corner of the picture from the file is displayed under the cell. Each time the “Refresh” button is clicked, the pictures are cleared and refreshed from the reference file names to eliminate having multiple layers of hidden pictures.
Thanks for any help!
Here is the code I have that allows for one picture to display from the full file name given in cell (A2)…
Private Sub cmdDisplayPhoto_Click()Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myObj
Dim Pictur
Set myObj = ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects
For Each Pictur In myObj
If Left(Pictur.Name, 7) = "Picture" Then
End If
Dim PictureName As String
PictureName = Range("A2")
On Error GoTo errormessage:
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=PictureName, linktofile:=msoFalse, savewithdocument:=msoTrue, Left:=190, Top:=30, Width:=300, Height:=300
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
MsgBox "File does not exist." & vbCrLf & "Check the filename again"
Range("A2").Value = ""
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub