What is the best way to describe this operation's working period? It appears that 1 month consists of 20 working days. Does one work day (the time during which work is actually accomplished) consist of 8 h or 24 h?
In order to fulfill a single inquiry, does that actually require full time attention from a single person for three full workdays on average...or is the actual "hands on" time something less? Similarly, does it require two full workdays to determine whom shall be tasked with the job to answer an inquiry?
The results suggest that 125 staff are needed to satisfy the workload requirement; however, in order to also satisfy the occupancy goal (so that staff are not completely overwhelmed), the staff size needs to be 142...and then to further burden the staffing requirement with shrinkage, those same baseline values increase to 179 and 203.
And if the Target Answer Time were reduced to one day (within one day of an inquiry being made, it will have been assigned to someone for response), and the staff member's Average Handling Time were reduced to 1.5 days, then the results become 64 and 71 (staff to handle basic workload, but overwhelmed, and staff needed to achieve occupancy), which staff sizes are further burdened to satisfy shrinkage, yielding 92 and 102...so 102 for all conditions.