Oh, I see, you're talking about setting a reference to a workbook so that a variable can be passed to a procedure in that referenced workbook. I was actually talking about referring to a variable from another workbook, as per the example provided in the original post.
Hi again
But you are right, that's what I was referring to!
I think this thread is interesting but I think it's getting very confusing.
I think there are 2 different syntax questions being mixed up:
Question 1:
- how to access a public variable in another workbook (directly, like you access them when in the same workbook)
Question 2:
- how to pass a variable as a parameter to a routine in another workbook
I understood the original problem here was Question 1. This does not mean that Question 2 is not a solution to the problem, it's just a different approach.
So, coming back to Question 1, this is an example of what I meant.
1 - I created 2 workbooks and save them, Book1.xlsm and Book2.xlsm
2 - In Book1.xlsm I inserted a module and pasted:
Option Explicit
Sub Book1_Init()
s = "Hi!"
Set r = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
MsgBox "I'm in Book1" & vbLf & _
"s: " & s & vbLf & _
"r: " & r.Address(external:=True)
' calls a public procedure in Book2.xlm
MsgBox "I'm in Book1 again" & vbLf & _
"s: " & s & vbLf & _
"r: " & r.Address(external:=True)
End Sub
Notice that the code uses 2 variables ( s and r) and 1 routine (Book2_Init) that are not declared. That's because they will be declared as public in the other workbook.
3 - In Book2.xlsm, I inserted a module and pasted:
Option Explicit
Public s As String
Public r As Range
Public Sub Book2_Init()
MsgBox "I'm in Book2" & vbLf & _
"s: " & s & vbLf & _
"r: " & r.Address(external:=True)
' changes the public variables
s = "Hi again!"
Set r = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B2")
End Sub
4 - While a module of Book2.xlsm was active, I changed the project name (in Tools->VBAProject Properties) to VBAProject_Book2. This will allow me to identify the project easily, when I have several projects open.
5 - I activated a module in Book1.xlsm. In Tools->References I enabled the reference to VBAProject_Book2. This makes its variables directly accessable.
6 - I ran Book1_Init.
2 points to notice
- no syntax errors, the code knew that s, r and Book2_Init existed.
- check the values in the msgboxes. The variables are manipulated as if they were in the same workbook. That's how I think a public variable should behave.
Please test.