Try this;
Code:Sub Test() Dim FileNum As Long Dim FileData() As Byte Dim MyFile As String Dim WHTTP As Object On Error Resume Next Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5.1") End If On Error GoTo 0 MyFile = "" WHTTP.Open "GET", MyFile, False WHTTP.Send FileData = WHTTP.ResponseBody Set WHTTP = Nothing If Dir("C:\MyDownloads", vbDirectory) = Empty Then MkDir "C:\MyDownloads" FileNum = FreeFile Open "C:\MyDownloads\tree-winter-xxx.JPG" For Binary Access Write As #FileNum Put #FileNum, 1, FileData Close #FileNum MsgBox "Open the folder [ C:\MyDownloads ] for the downloaded file..." End Sub
I am trying to do the same thing as the original poster, but I wrote in an extra bit of code to make it so that I can use it for a variable number of rows within the spreadsheet. The code below ran without any error messages, and the intermediate window seems to indicate it got the file from the Internet, but there is no file in the specified folder. Any suggestions as to why that is would be greatly appreciated
Sub imagestore()
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim beginningRow As Long
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim columnNum As Long
Dim FileData() As Byte
Dim filesLocation As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim message As String
Dim WHTTP As Object
beginningRow = 55
lastRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(17)) + beginningRow - 2
filesLocation = "C:\Users\<username>\</username>Desktop\<foldername></foldername>" 'Specifies where to put file
columnNum = 17 'Specifies column number to pull from
On Error Resume Next
Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5.1")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If Dir(filesLocation, vbDirectory) = Empty Then MkDir filesLocation
For i = beginningRow To lastRow 'Sets range from row variables
MyFile = Cells(i, columnNum).Text
TempFile = Right(MyFile, InStr(1, StrReverse(MyFile), "/") - 1)
WHTTP.Open "GET", MyFile, False
FileData = WHTTP.ResponseBody
FileNum = FreeFile
Open filesLocation & TempFile For Binary Access Write As #FileNum
Put #FileNum, 1, FileData
Close #FileNum
Set WHTTP = Nothing
message = "Files downloaded to " & filesLocation
MsgBox message 'Alerts user to location of download
End Sub
I am trying to do the same thing as the original poster, but I wrote in an extra bit of code to make it so that I can use it for a variable number of rows within the spreadsheet. The code below ran without any error messages, and the intermediate window seems to indicate it got the file from the Internet, but there is no file in the specified folder. Any suggestions as to why that is would be greatly appreciated
Sub imagestore()
Dim i As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim beginningRow As Long
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim columnNum As Long
Dim FileData() As Byte
Dim filesLocation As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim message As String
Dim WHTTP As Object
beginningRow = 55
lastRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(17)) + beginningRow - 2
filesLocation = "C:\Users\<username>\</username>Desktop\<foldername></foldername>" 'Specifies where to put file
columnNum = 17 'Specifies column number to pull from
On Error Resume Next
Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5.1")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
If Dir(filesLocation, vbDirectory) = Empty Then MkDir filesLocation
For i = beginningRow To lastRow 'Sets range from row variables
MyFile = Cells(i, columnNum).Text
TempFile = Right(MyFile, InStr(1, StrReverse(MyFile), "/") - 1)
WHTTP.Open "GET", MyFile, False
FileData = WHTTP.ResponseBody
FileNum = FreeFile
Open filesLocation & TempFile For Binary Access Write As #FileNum
Put #FileNum, 1, FileData
Close #FileNum
Set WHTTP = Nothing
message = "Files downloaded to " & filesLocation
MsgBox message 'Alerts user to location of download
End Sub
hi is it also possible to tweak this macro so that it works for links pointing to files stored on a server?
i have a shared path on a server where documents are stored which i like to download. This macro works fine for documents with http links but how can i tweak it so that it works for links like this: \\files\32\testdocument.docx
thanks for your help
I have a similar problem.
I've got a link like that: and there I get a CSV file.
Is it possible to save the file under a new name (like file.csv)?
Public Function funcFileDownload(strURL As String, strPath As String, strFile As String, Optional strUserName As String = "", Optional strPassWord As String = "")
'** Variablen deklarieren
Dim objWinHttpReq As Object
Dim objStream As Object
Dim wksBlatt As Object
Dim i As Integer
'** Quellcode Funktion
'** HTTP Verbindung aufbauen,
Set objWinHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objWinHttpReq.Open "GET", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
If objWinHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
With objStream
.Type = 1
.Write objWinHttpReq.responseBody
.SaveToFile strPath & strFile, 2 ' 1 = no overwrite, 2 = overwrite
End With
End If