Awake now...
The Percentile calculation that I used is based on another way of calculating the percentile --
[Percentile] = ([RCount]-[Rank])/[RCount], where [RCount] is the calculation that gives the number of records in the query.
If you want to use this in your query, select the 2 fields you want to use (one will be descriptive, one will be the numeric field whose percentile you want).
Copy the SQL I gave you, into Notepad
Replace UK_CarSales with YourTableName (or [Your Table Name] if there are spaces)
Replace Manufacturer with YourDescriptiveField (eg Name)
Replace Sales with YourNumericField (eg Score)
Note: for the fields, make sure that the names are in square brackets if they have spaces, or Access will spit the dummy.
Now, start a new query. Dismiss the dialog that prompts you to pick a table.
click the SQL icon at top left, and paste the whole SQL statement from Notepad into the SQL view. Make sure you completely replace whatever was there.
Take a look, and see how you go.
You should end up with 3 fields to the right of your 2 table fields. The first will be a ranking, starting at 1. The second is the record count, it will be the same for every record. The third is the percentile, to several decimal places.
To get every item from percentile 90 to percentile 95, you use the expression Between 90 And 95 in the Criteria row of the Percentile field.