The URL is made up of various parts:-
- /
- 2011
- /
- /fo
- 18JUL2011
You need to build the URL from these parts. Where the parts are static and unchanging (parts 1,2,4,6,8), you use those values; where the parts are dependent upon the current date (picked out in red), you use the appropriate formula to obtain the value you need from the date.
So to get part 3:-
format(now(),"yyyy") [COLOR=green]' 2011[/COLOR]
and part 5:-
format(now(),"mmm") [COLOR=green]' JUL[/COLOR]
and part 7:-
format(now(),"ddmmmyyyy") [COLOR=green]' 18JUL2011[/COLOR]
Then your final code for building the URL would be:-
[FONT=Fixedsys]sURL="[/FONT][URL=""][FONT=Fixedsys][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Fixedsys]" _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & "/" _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & format(now(),"yyyy") _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & "/" _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & format(now(),"mmm") _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & "/fo" _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & format(now(),"ddmmmyyyy") _[/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys] & ""[/FONT]
Similarly, the filename would be:-
[FONT=Fixedsys]sFilename="[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]fo" &[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys] format(now(),"ddmmmyyyy") [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]& ""[/FONT]
Then you use
sURL and
sFilename when you call the
DownloadFile subroutine.
You would analyse your other URLs and filenames in a similar way to determine which bits were static and unchanging and which bits were dependent upon the current date, then build a URL and filename as I've outlined above for passing to the
DownloadFile subroutine.
To obtain the various date parts, you just change the string in the
Format function. Typical examples are:-
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Hope this helps.