dictionary lookup with multiple criteria


New Member
Mar 13, 2023
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  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi Team, I working with lakhs of row and apply Index match function with multiple criteria basis appliable date of particular name, which will take much time while processing, can you please help me out to get the VBA dictionary lookup with multiple criteria which give result in minimal time, so that I can utlize my time further for anlysing of data.

Below is the table where I need output:

With Criteria of Column A matched with Data Base file and Column C range >= in data base file column C and Column D<= in data base file column D


Data Base:

Sorry, I missed the notification of your answer..

Using the data you provided, the Dictionary approach performed well; so you should try the following:
VBA Code:
Sub LFFee()
Dim DataR As Range, QueryR As Range
Dim myDic As Object  'Scripting.Dictionary
Dim wOne, wTwo, oArr(), I As Long, J As Long
Dim myKSplit, myDSplit, myK As String
Set DataR = Sheets("Data").Range("A3")          '<<< Starting cell for data in sheet DATA
Set QueryR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("A3")        '<<< Starting point for data in sheet Output
Set OutR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("F3")          '<<< Starting point for the Result
Set DataR = Range(DataR, DataR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 5)
Set QueryR = Range(QueryR, QueryR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 5)
myTim = Timer
Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
myDic.CompareMode = TextCompare
wOne = DataR.Value
wTwo = QueryR.Value
ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
For I = 1 To UBound(wOne)
    myK = wOne(I, 1) & "--" & wOne(I, 2)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myDic.Item(myK) = myDic.Item(myK) & "#,#" & wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 5)
        myDic.Add (myK), wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 5)
    End If
Next I
For I = 1 To UBound(wTwo)
'Debug.Print Timer, "a"
    myK = wTwo(I, 1) & "--" & wTwo(I, 2)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myKSplit = Split(myDic.Item(myK), "#,#", , vbTextCompare)
        For J = UBound(myKSplit) To 0 Step -1
            myDSplit = Split(myKSplit(J), "##", , vbTextCompare)
            If wTwo(I, 3) >= CDate(myDSplit(0)) And wTwo(I, 4) <= CDate(myDSplit(1)) Then
                oArr(I, 1) = myDSplit(2)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
    End If
'Debug.Print Timer, "B"
Next I
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr) + 5, 1).ClearContents
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr), 1).Value = oArr
Debug.Print Timer - myTim, I
End Sub
In my test workbook I used too often the same key and that made the dictionary quite useless
Upvote 0
Sorry, I missed the notification of your answer..

Using the data you provided, the Dictionary approach performed well; so you should try the following:
VBA Code:
Sub LFFee()
Dim DataR As Range, QueryR As Range
Dim myDic As Object  'Scripting.Dictionary
Dim wOne, wTwo, oArr(), I As Long, J As Long
Dim myKSplit, myDSplit, myK As String
Set DataR = Sheets("Data").Range("A3")          '<<< Starting cell for data in sheet DATA
Set QueryR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("A3")        '<<< Starting point for data in sheet Output
Set OutR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("F3")          '<<< Starting point for the Result
Set DataR = Range(DataR, DataR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 5)
Set QueryR = Range(QueryR, QueryR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 5)
myTim = Timer
Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
myDic.CompareMode = TextCompare
wOne = DataR.Value
wTwo = QueryR.Value
ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
For I = 1 To UBound(wOne)
    myK = wOne(I, 1) & "--" & wOne(I, 2)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myDic.Item(myK) = myDic.Item(myK) & "#,#" & wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 5)
        myDic.Add (myK), wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 5)
    End If
Next I
For I = 1 To UBound(wTwo)
'Debug.Print Timer, "a"
    myK = wTwo(I, 1) & "--" & wTwo(I, 2)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myKSplit = Split(myDic.Item(myK), "#,#", , vbTextCompare)
        For J = UBound(myKSplit) To 0 Step -1
            myDSplit = Split(myKSplit(J), "##", , vbTextCompare)
            If wTwo(I, 3) >= CDate(myDSplit(0)) And wTwo(I, 4) <= CDate(myDSplit(1)) Then
                oArr(I, 1) = myDSplit(2)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
    End If
'Debug.Print Timer, "B"
Next I
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr) + 5, 1).ClearContents
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr), 1).Value = oArr
Debug.Print Timer - myTim, I
End Sub
In my test workbook I used too often the same key and that made the dictionary quite useless
Thank you so much Anthony, this script like a magic...really within second output is appearing....I am glad to have this platform where many genius like you are there and providing solution to person who was initially helpless, It is said that if you want something from your heart, then the whole universe tries to make it meet you.

thank you so much once again.
Upvote 0
Thank you for the feedback
If that resolve the problem then it'd be better to mark the discussion as Resoved; see the procedure: Mark as Solution
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Hi Anthony, I have already marked as resolved as per guide line, once again thanks...

I have another query related to this, please suggest shall i ask in same thread or shall i raise another query.
Thank you for the feedback
If that resolve the problem then it'd be better to mark the discussion as Resoved; see the procedure: Mark as Solution
Upvote 0
If it is the same problem, maybe in a slightly different scenarion, then you may continue this discussion. It it is a new question, maybe with the same database, then it would be better opening a new discussione, and maybe insert a link to dis discussion if what we have done up to now really matters; probably the forum administrators prefer this second option...
Upvote 0
If it is the same problem, maybe in a slightly different scenarion, then you may continue this discussion. It it is a new question, maybe with the same database, then it would be better opening a new discussione, and maybe insert a link to dis discussion if what we have done up to now really matters; probably the forum administrators prefer this second option...
Hi Anthony, Good afternoon, my query is 90% similar to previous one but there is only change, we are getting fee in different different currency and all currency data base tab is separately created in worksheet, but the output when it fetch from above script will look these 3 tabs of created for seperate currency only then match case will reflect in Output sheet.


dic. lookup example - example_2.xlsb
2NameClassFee StartFee EndsCurrencyFee

dic. lookup example - example_2.xlsb
2NameClassFee StartFee EndsCurrencyFee

dic. lookup example - example_2.xlsb
2NameClassFee StartFee EndsCurrencyFee

dic. lookup example - example_2.xlsb
2NameClassFee StartFee EndsCurrencyFee
Upvote 0
Not sure about the request: do you mean that there are different "Data" sheets for different currencies, so we need to search into the right "Data_XXX" depending on the value in OutSh-column E?
Upvote 0
Not sure about the request: do you mean that there are different "Data" sheets for different currencies, so we need to search into the right "Data_XXX" depending on the value in OutSh-column E?
Yes, Correct once data is search from different tab then data will populate in Output tab, with considering all the parameters as per earlier request against which you have shared the script.
Upvote 0
Try this revised macro:
VBA Code:
Dim DataR As Range, QueryR As Range
Dim myDic As Object  'Scripting.Dictionary
Dim wOne, wTwo, oArr(), I As Long, J As Long
Dim myKSplit, myDSplit, myK As String
Dim cSh As String, CuRR, CI As Long
myTim = Timer
Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
myDic.CompareMode = TextCompare
CuRR = Array("USD", "INR", "EUR")                       '<<< Array of Currencies
'Create the Dictionary:
For CI = 0 To UBound(CuRR)
    Set DataR = Sheets("Data_" & CuRR(CI)).Range("A3")  '<<< Starting cell for data in sheet DATA
    Set QueryR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("A3")            '<<< Starting point for data in sheet Output
    Set OutR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("F3")              '<<< Starting point for the Result
    Set DataR = Range(DataR, DataR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 6)
    Set QueryR = Range(QueryR, QueryR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 6)
    wOne = DataR.Value
'    wTwo = QueryR.Value
'    ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
    For I = 1 To UBound(wOne)
        myK = wOne(I, 1) & "--" & wOne(I, 2) & "--" & wOne(I, 5)
        If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
            myDic.Item(myK) = myDic.Item(myK) & "#,#" & wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 6)
            myDic.Add (myK), wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 6)
        End If
    Next I
Next CI
'Search the Dictionary:
wTwo = QueryR.Value
ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
For I = 1 To UBound(wTwo)
'Debug.Print Timer, "a"
    myK = wTwo(I, 1) & "--" & wTwo(I, 2) & "--" & wTwo(I, 5)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myKSplit = Split(myDic.Item(myK), "#,#", , vbTextCompare)
        For J = UBound(myKSplit) To 0 Step -1
            myDSplit = Split(myKSplit(J), "##", , vbTextCompare)
            If wTwo(I, 3) >= CDate(myDSplit(0)) And wTwo(I, 4) <= CDate(myDSplit(1)) Then
                oArr(I, 1) = myDSplit(2)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
    End If
'Debug.Print Timer, "B"
Next I
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr) + 5, 1).ClearContents
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr), 1).Value = oArr
Debug.Print Timer - myTim, I
End Sub
Upvote 0
Try this revised macro:
VBA Code:
Dim DataR As Range, QueryR As Range
Dim myDic As Object  'Scripting.Dictionary
Dim wOne, wTwo, oArr(), I As Long, J As Long
Dim myKSplit, myDSplit, myK As String
Dim cSh As String, CuRR, CI As Long
myTim = Timer
Set myDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
myDic.CompareMode = TextCompare
CuRR = Array("USD", "INR", "EUR")                       '<<< Array of Currencies
'Create the Dictionary:
For CI = 0 To UBound(CuRR)
    Set DataR = Sheets("Data_" & CuRR(CI)).Range("A3")  '<<< Starting cell for data in sheet DATA
    Set QueryR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("A3")            '<<< Starting point for data in sheet Output
    Set OutR = Sheets("OutSh").Range("F3")              '<<< Starting point for the Result
    Set DataR = Range(DataR, DataR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 6)
    Set QueryR = Range(QueryR, QueryR.End(xlDown)).Resize(, 6)
    wOne = DataR.Value
'    wTwo = QueryR.Value
'    ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
    For I = 1 To UBound(wOne)
        myK = wOne(I, 1) & "--" & wOne(I, 2) & "--" & wOne(I, 5)
        If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
            myDic.Item(myK) = myDic.Item(myK) & "#,#" & wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 6)
            myDic.Add (myK), wOne(I, 3) & "##" & wOne(I, 4) & "##" & wOne(I, 6)
        End If
    Next I
Next CI
'Search the Dictionary:
wTwo = QueryR.Value
ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(wTwo), 1 To 1)
For I = 1 To UBound(wTwo)
'Debug.Print Timer, "a"
    myK = wTwo(I, 1) & "--" & wTwo(I, 2) & "--" & wTwo(I, 5)
    If myDic.Exists(myK) Then
        myKSplit = Split(myDic.Item(myK), "#,#", , vbTextCompare)
        For J = UBound(myKSplit) To 0 Step -1
            myDSplit = Split(myKSplit(J), "##", , vbTextCompare)
            If wTwo(I, 3) >= CDate(myDSplit(0)) And wTwo(I, 4) <= CDate(myDSplit(1)) Then
                oArr(I, 1) = myDSplit(2)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next J
    End If
'Debug.Print Timer, "B"
Next I
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr) + 5, 1).ClearContents
OutR.Resize(UBound(oArr), 1).Value = oArr
Debug.Print Timer - myTim, I
End Sub
Thank you very much Anthony, you are a genius, in first run I have tested its working fine for me.
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