Now, I am a bit confused. Earlier you recomended that I use the code builder on the OnOpen event to get the original input box to fill in the date field. So, now I cannot figure out how to change the properties of "text1" to not be called upon during the OnOpen procedure. Does this make sense?
Basically, in the properties for the report, under the events tab, in the OnOpen field, I clicked the button with the elipses and chose code builder. Then, wrote my code:
Function DateInputBoxText() As String
DateInputBoxText = InputBox("Enter the date", "Date")
MsgBox DateInputBoxText, vbOKOnly, "Value from InputBox"
End Function
Function ProductInputBoxText() As String
ProductInputBoxText = InputBox("Enter the product", "Product")
MsgBox ProductInputBoxText, vbOKOnly, "Value from InputBox"
End Function
Function RegNoInputBoxText() As String
RegNoInputBoxText = InputBox("Enter the Reg #", "Reg #")
MsgBox RegNoInputBoxText, vbOKOnly, "Value from InputBox"
End Function
Then, to each of these text boxes in the report, I assigned to them the relevant input box as you suggested:
="Date:" & " " & DateInputBoxText()
However, as I mentioned before, I have another text box that requires the same date. I have named them "DateField" and "DateField2". DateField is assigned the above statement and DateField2 is assigned:
That is exactly what I have done. I do not think I have left anything out. And I don't know how to fix the situation of having to enter the date twice. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that it is easy to make a mistake and it is important that the dates match each other. By the way, I am a newbie to Access.
Thanks again for all of your help