Hello all!
I have series of add-ins that insert their own buttons into my custom tab on the Excel 2016 ribbon. The code runs from Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall() in ThisWorkbook of each add-in. No problems there. I've created an add-in manager form where users can select what add-ins they want to add or remove. No problems there either.
But when an add-in is uninstalled, the buttons remain behind in the custom tab until Excel is closed and re-opened. I want the buttons to disappear immediately upon uninstall of the add-in. I've found code i think may force a refresh of the ribbon. But the author suggests calling the sub from the ribbon's on Load event handler. I've read through MSDN and a number of other google hits to come up with the following but it wont fire.
The Excel.officeUI XML contains the following: (forum removes "on load" if written without space)
mso:customUI on Load="DoStuff" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"
<mso:customui ******="Ribbon******" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><mso:customui on="" load="DoStuff" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><mso:ribbon>
Tried VBA in both a standard module and ThisWorkbook
</mso:customui>To be honest, i don't really understand this on a conceptual level. All of my hits on google lead to a OP figuring it out on their own and not posting the solution. I hope this can become that google hit
I have series of add-ins that insert their own buttons into my custom tab on the Excel 2016 ribbon. The code runs from Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall() in ThisWorkbook of each add-in. No problems there. I've created an add-in manager form where users can select what add-ins they want to add or remove. No problems there either.
But when an add-in is uninstalled, the buttons remain behind in the custom tab until Excel is closed and re-opened. I want the buttons to disappear immediately upon uninstall of the add-in. I've found code i think may force a refresh of the ribbon. But the author suggests calling the sub from the ribbon's on Load event handler. I've read through MSDN and a number of other google hits to come up with the following but it wont fire.
The Excel.officeUI XML contains the following: (forum removes "on load" if written without space)
mso:customUI on Load="DoStuff" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"
<mso:customui ******="Ribbon******" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><mso:customui on="" load="DoStuff" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><mso:ribbon>
Tried VBA in both a standard module and ThisWorkbook
<mso:customui ******="Ribbon******" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><mso:customui ******="Ribbon******" xmlns:x1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui/macro" xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">Public Sub DoStuff(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Debug.Print "ribbon loaded"
MsgBox "ribbon loaded"
End Sub<mso:ribbon>
<mso:ribbon><mso:tabs><mso:tab id="mso_rwp" label="RWP" insertbeforeq="mso:TabInsert"><mso:group id="mso_runpersh" label="PERSHING"><mso:button idq="x1:RunDC" label="Commission" imagemso="PivotDropAreas" onaction="PDC_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format any Daily Commission report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunAH" label="Aged Haircut" imagemso="OutlineWeightGallery" onaction="PAH_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Aged Haircut report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunML" label="Money Line" imagemso="ThemeColorsGallery" onaction="PML_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Money Line report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunPCPS" label="Payout Summary" imagemso="GroupSmartArtQuickStyles" onaction="PCPS_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Commission and Payout Summary report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunPDK" label="DK Interest" imagemso="AppointmentColorDialog" onaction="PDK_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format any DK Interest report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunPSPR" label="Short Rebate" imagemso="ViewBackToColorView" onaction="PSPR_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Short Position Rebate report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunPDKF" label="DK Int. Fails" imagemso="DiagramStylesClassic" onaction="PDKF_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Monthly DK Interest Fails report" visible="true"><mso:button idq="x1:RunPI" label="Interest" imagemso="AnimationTransitionGallery" onaction="PI_Begin" size="large" supertip="Format the Pershing Monthly Interest report" visible="true"></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:button></mso:group></mso:tab></mso:tabs></mso:ribbon></mso:ribbon></mso:customui>
</mso:customui>To be honest, i don't really understand this on a conceptual level. All of my hits on google lead to a OP figuring it out on their own and not posting the solution. I hope this can become that google hit