This is my first time posting a question so I'm sorry if I don't follow protocol exactly. I'll try.
We are using Windows7 with Excel 2007. We have old code from excel 2003 and earlier that was adding a msoControlPopup with other sub-controls using the code below:
It still works in Excel 2007 and adds a pulldown in the Add-ins ribbon tab. However, randomly yesterday it stopped showing up in only MY add-ins ribbon tab. It still shows in other users ribbons. Now, I also checked the box in Excel Options>Advanced>Show Add-in user interface errors and when I have that checked I get this error when Excel opens:
msgbox title "Custom UI Runtime Error in Send to Bluetooth"
msgbox content:
Error found in Custom UI XML of "Send to Bluetooth":
Error Code 0xC00CEE21
Whitespace expected
buttons: OK, OK to All
(sorry, IDK if I can attach an image of that msgbox)
I tried going to Excel Options>Customize>Reset to reset any customizations to the quick access toolbar as this was recommended by something else I found online. This did not fix the problem.
I can find the control in the Immediate window but it just isn't showing in the add-ins tab.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know if I can find and repair that XML file perhaps?
Thank you.
This is my first time posting a question so I'm sorry if I don't follow protocol exactly. I'll try.
We are using Windows7 with Excel 2007. We have old code from excel 2003 and earlier that was adding a msoControlPopup with other sub-controls using the code below:
Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(Id:=30010)
If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then
' Add the menu to the end
Set AirFlowMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True)
' Add the menu before Help
Set AirFlowMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=HelpMenu.Index, temporary:=True)
End If
' Add a caption for the menu
AirFlowMenu.Caption = "&Air Circulation"
Set MenuItem = AirFlowMenu.Controls.Add _
With MenuItem
.Caption = "&Save Air Circulation"
.ShortcutText = "Ctrl+Shift+S"
.FaceId = 3
.OnAction = "SaveFileAsDir"
End With
It still works in Excel 2007 and adds a pulldown in the Add-ins ribbon tab. However, randomly yesterday it stopped showing up in only MY add-ins ribbon tab. It still shows in other users ribbons. Now, I also checked the box in Excel Options>Advanced>Show Add-in user interface errors and when I have that checked I get this error when Excel opens:
msgbox title "Custom UI Runtime Error in Send to Bluetooth"
msgbox content:
Error found in Custom UI XML of "Send to Bluetooth":
Error Code 0xC00CEE21
Whitespace expected
buttons: OK, OK to All
(sorry, IDK if I can attach an image of that msgbox)
I tried going to Excel Options>Customize>Reset to reset any customizations to the quick access toolbar as this was recommended by something else I found online. This did not fix the problem.
I can find the control in the Immediate window but it just isn't showing in the add-ins tab.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know if I can find and repair that XML file perhaps?
Thank you.