Creating a pivot table with multiple sheets


New Member
Apr 18, 2008
I am trying to create a pivot table using multiple sheets. I looking for some code that will replace the "consolidated ranges" in the Pivot Table Wizard. I am looking for code because I am writing a macro that will create a different number of worksheets in the Workfile, depending on which dataset I use. i.e File 1 may have 75 worksheets, whereas File 2 may have 120 worksheets. '

The ranges on each of the worksheets will be the same. Range("A2:Av48")

Any help or directions to other references will be gratefully received.


I apologize for posting to the same thread, but I believe my problem is very similar. I have a workbook with 301 worksheets. One sheet per individual, each sheet is updated in rows A-18 to A-41 with items for that individual. I need to create a pivot table or other report that contains the unique items and how many instances there are of each.

It's also important that it be able to be updated as I change the items in the worksheets.

Please excuse my lack of any technical knowledge in this regard, I am very new to excel and under a crucial deadline.

Thanks for any help you can provide
Upvote 0

I apologize for posting to the same thread, but I believe my problem is very similar. I have a workbook with 301 worksheets. One sheet per individual, each sheet is updated in rows A-18 to A-41 with items for that individual. I need to create a pivot table or other report that contains the unique items and how many instances there are of each.

It's also important that it be able to be updated as I change the items in the worksheets.

Please excuse my lack of any technical knowledge in this regard, I am very new to excel and under a crucial deadline.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Hi. Please try the code from post #56 , modified as per post #4: that is change in two places Name & "$]" to Name & "$A18:A41]" HTH. regards
Upvote 0
Hi Fazza. I've amended your great code so that it can 'unwind' any size crosstab, and turn it straight to a pivot. i.e. it's completely dynamic.

Your code base was perfect for this, given that:
A) unwinding a crosstab requires heavy use of 'UNION ALL' in absence of an 'UNDO PIVOT' command, and
B) unwinding a BIG crosstab by using the 'reverse pivot' trick via multiple consolidation ranges might well result in more data that the worksheet can handle.

Couple of interesting observations:
1. ADODB doesn't seem to like non-strings in columns, e.g. it wouldn't process dates or integers without a workaround. I had to convert any numerical columns to strings by putting an apostrophe in front of any such headers with this line:
If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value

2. If you run the code, then change any of the headers and then run the code again, you'll get an error "No value given for one or more required parameters". I guess it's because we're querying an open workbook. I haven't (yet) tried to save a temp copy of the workbook somewhere, closing it, then querying it makes any difference.

3. I tried to use selection.currentregion as a default in my first inputbox that prompts users for the range containing the crosstab, but for some reason it just brings up the value of the first cell in the currentregion, and not the address. Not sure why, so I took it out.

4. After the pivot is created, if you drag the aggregated field from the Values area to the Row Labels area (i.e. change it from .Orientation = xldata field to .Orientation = xlrowfield) , for some reason the pivottable looks like it is completely empty. But if you click on a dropdown, you'll see that there are in fact values in there. And if you drag the aggregated field back, then double click on the grand total, then it will spit out all the underlying data into a new sheet. So it's very strange that you can't see anything when all fields are rowfields.

No error handling yet.
Sub CrossTab_to_Pivot()
' This routine can be used when you want to 'unpivot' a crosstab.
' Base code from Fazza at

    Const lngMAX_UNIONS As Long = 25
    Const bDebugMode As Boolean = False

    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim arSQL() As String
    Dim arTemp() As String
    Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim objRS As Object
    Dim wksNew As Worksheet

    Dim rngCrosstab As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim rngLeftHeaders As Range
    Dim rngRightHeaders As Range
    Dim strCrosstabName As String
    Dim strLeftHeaders As String
    Dim wksSource As Worksheet
    Dim rngRecordSet As Range
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim rngCurrentHeader As Range

    If ActiveWorkbook.Path <> "" Then    'can only proceed if the workbook has been saved somewhere
        If bDebugMode Then
            Set rngCrosstab = Range("Put test reference here")
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Range("Put test reference here")
            strCrosstabName = "Test"
            Set rngRecordSet = Range("Put test reference here")
            Set rngRightHeaders = Range("Put test reference here")

            'Identify where the ENTIRE crosstab table is
            Set rngCrosstab = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="Please select the entire crosstab" _
                            , prompt:="Please select the entire crosstab " _
                                    & "that you want to turn into a flat file" _
                            , Type:=8)

            'Identify range containing columns of interest running down the table
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                 (Title:="Select the column headers from the LEFT of the table that WON'T be aggregated " _
                               , prompt:="Select the column headers from the LEFT of the table that won't be aggregated " _
                               , Type:=8)

            'Identify range containing data and cross-tab headers running across the table
            Set rngRightHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                  (Title:="Select the column headers from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , prompt:="Select the column headers from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , Default:=Selection.Address, Type:=8)

            'Get the field name for the columns being consolidated e.g. 'Date' or 'Country' or 'Project'
            strCrosstabName = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated?" _
                            , prompt:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated? e.g. 'DatePeriod', 'Country' or 'Project'" _
                            , Default:="DatePeriod", Type:=2)
        End If

        Set wksSource = rngLeftHeaders.Parent

        'Build part of SQL Statement that deals with 'static' columns i.e. the ones down the left
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders

            'For some reason this approach doesn't like columns with numeric headers.
            ' My solution in the below line is to prefix any numeric characters with
            ' an apostrophe to render them non-numeric, and restore them back to numeric
            ' after the query has run
            If IsNumeric(cell) Then cell.Value = "'" & cell.Value
            strLeftHeaders = strLeftHeaders & "[" & cell.Value & "], "
        Next cell

        ReDim arTemp(1 To lngMAX_UNIONS)    'currently 25 as per declaration at top of module

        ReDim arSQL(1 To (rngRightHeaders.Count - 1) \ lngMAX_UNIONS + 1)

        For i = LBound(arSQL) To UBound(arSQL) - 1
            For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
                Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)

                arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
                If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value    'As per above, can't have numeric headers

            Next j
            arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Next i

        ReDim arTemp(1 To rngRightHeaders.Count - (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS)
        For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
            Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)
            arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
            If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value    'As per above, can't have numeric headers

        Next j
        arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Debug.Print Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr)

        Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        objRS.Open Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr), _
                   Join$(Array("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", _
                               wksSource.Parent.FullName, ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""), vbNullString)

        Set objPivotCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)
        Set objPivotCache.Recordset = objRS
        Set objRS = Nothing

        Set wksNew = Sheets.Add
        Set pt = objPivotCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=wksNew.Range("A3"))
        Set objPivotCache = Nothing

        'Turn any numerical headings back to numbers by effectively removing any apostrophes in front
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell
        For Each cell In rngRightHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell

        With pt
            .ManualUpdate = True
            For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
                With .PivotFields(cell.Value)
                    .Orientation = xlRowField
                    .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                End With
            Next cell

            With .PivotFields(strCrosstabName)
                .Orientation = xlDataField
                .Function = xlSum
            End With
            .ManualUpdate = False
        End With
    Else: MsgBox "You must first save the workbook for this code to work."
    End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
Whoops, I forgot to add a new column that records the name of each crosstab column header in it. Will add it in and post here shortly.

Also, forgot to account for column headers that might be dates.
To do this, simply change the lines in the above sub that say this:
If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value this:
If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Okay, here's my amended code. Still no error checking:

Sub CrossTab_to_Pivot()
' This routine can be used when you want to 'unpivot' a crosstab.
' Base code from Fazza at

    Const lngMAX_UNIONS As Long = 25
    Const bDebugMode As Boolean = False

    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim arSQL() As String
    Dim arTemp() As String
    Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim objRS As Object
    Dim wksNew As Worksheet

    Dim rngCrosstab As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim rngLeftHeaders As Range
    Dim rngRightHeaders As Range
    Dim strCrosstabName As String
    Dim strLeftHeaders As String
    Dim wksSource As Worksheet
    Dim rngRecordSet As Range
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim rngCurrentHeader As Range

    If ActiveWorkbook.Path <> "" Then    'can only proceed if the workbook has been saved somewhere
        If bDebugMode Then
            Set rngCrosstab = Range("Put test reference here")
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Range("Put test reference here")
            strCrosstabName = "Test"
            Set rngRecordSet = Range("Put test reference here")
            Set rngRightHeaders = Range("Put test reference here")

            'Identify where the ENTIRE crosstab table is
            Set rngCrosstab = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="Please select the entire crosstab" _
                            , prompt:="Please select the entire crosstab " _
                                    & "that you want to turn into a flat file" _
                            , Type:=8)

            'Identify range containing columns of interest running down the table
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                 (Title:="Select the column headers from the LEFT of the table that WON'T be aggregated " _
                               , prompt:="Select the column headers from the LEFT of the table that won't be aggregated " _
                               , Type:=8)

            'Identify range containing data and cross-tab headers running across the table
            Set rngRightHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                  (Title:="Select the column headers from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , prompt:="Select the column headers from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , Default:=Selection.Address, Type:=8)

            'Get the field name for the columns being consolidated e.g. 'Date' or 'Country' or 'Project'
            strCrosstabName = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated?" _
                            , prompt:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated? e.g. 'DatePeriod', 'Country' or 'Project'" _
                            , Default:="DatePeriod", Type:=2)
        End If

        Set wksSource = rngLeftHeaders.Parent

        'Build part of SQL Statement that deals with 'static' columns i.e. the ones down the left
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders

            'For some reason this approach doesn't like columns with numeric headers.
            ' My solution in the below line is to prefix any numeric characters with
            ' an apostrophe to render them non-numeric, and restore them back to numeric
            ' after the query has run
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = "'" & cell.Value

            strLeftHeaders = strLeftHeaders & "[" & cell.Value & "], "
        Next cell

        ReDim arTemp(1 To lngMAX_UNIONS)    'currently 25 as per declaration at top of module

        ReDim arSQL(1 To (rngRightHeaders.Count - 1) \ lngMAX_UNIONS + 1)

        For i = LBound(arSQL) To UBound(arSQL) - 1
            For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
                Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)

                arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
                If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value    'As per above, can't have numeric headers

            Next j
            arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Next i

        ReDim arTemp(1 To rngRightHeaders.Count - (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS)
        For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
            Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)
            arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
            If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value   'As per above, can't have numeric headers

        Next j
        arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Debug.Print Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr)

        Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        objRS.Open Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr), _
                   Join$(Array("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", _
                               wksSource.Parent.FullName, ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""), vbNullString)

        Set objPivotCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)
        Set objPivotCache.Recordset = objRS
        Set objRS = Nothing

        Set wksNew = Sheets.Add
        Set pt = objPivotCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=wksNew.Range("A3"))
        Set objPivotCache = Nothing

        'Turn any numerical headings back to numbers by effectively removing any apostrophes in front
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell
        For Each cell In rngRightHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell

        With pt
            .ManualUpdate = True
            For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
                With .PivotFields(cell.Value)
                    .Orientation = xlRowField
                    .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                End With
            Next cell

            With .PivotFields(strCrosstabName)
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With

            With .PivotFields("Total")
                .Orientation = xlDataField
                .Function = xlSum
            End With
            .ManualUpdate = False
        End With
    Else: MsgBox "You must first save the workbook for this code to work."
    End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
Note that the JET connection strings in this post don't work with new Excel, as far as I can tell.
So if you're querying new .xlsx/.xlsm/.xlsb files, you need to change this:
 "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;""" this :
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""

There's a really good plain English explanation of ADO from an Excel viewpoint here:
...which references a good backgrounder on ADO itself here:

Also, I've updated the code I posted above with new connections plus some new bells and whistles:

Option Explicit
Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

Sub UnPivotBySQL()

'   Description:    Turns a crosstab file into a flatfile (equivalent to the 'UNPIVOT' command in SQL Server)
'                   and makes a pivottable out of it.  Basically it rotates columns of a table-valued expression
'                   into column values. Base code from Fazza at MR EXCEL forum:

'   Programmer:     Jeff Weir
'   Contact: or

'   Date?           Who?    Modification?
'   31/07/2012      JSW     Initial modification of Fazza's code
'   1/8/2012        JSW     Changed Connection String -
'                           ...from:
'                           "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
'                           "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""
'                           ...because old string could not handle new file formats

'   Inputs:     No arguments, but user selects input ranges ranges and enters ranges
'               containing column names via application.inputbox

'   Outputs:    A pivottable of the input data on a new worksheet.

'   Example:

'   It takes a crosstabulated table that looks like this:

'   Country        Sector          1990        1991        ...         2009
'   =============================================================================
'   Australia      Energy          290,872     296,887     ...         417,355
'   New Zealand    Energy          23,915      25,738      ...         31,361
'   United States  Energy          5,254,607   5,357,253   ...         5,751,106
'   Australia      Manufacturing   35,648      35,207      ...         44,514
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   4,389       4,845       ...         4,907
'   United States  Manufacturing   852,424     837,828     ...         735,902
'   Australia      Transport       62,121      61,504      ...         83,645
'   New Zealand    Transport       8,679       8,696       ...         13,783
'   United States  Transport       1,484,909   1,447,234   ...         1,722,501

'   And it returns the same data in a recordset organised like this:

'   Country        Sector          Year        Value
'   ====================================================
'   Australia      Energy          1990        290,872
'   New Zealand    Energy          1990        23,915
'   United States  Energy          1990        5,254,607
'   Australia      Manufacturing   1990        35,648
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   1990        4,389
'   United States  Manufacturing   1990        852,424
'   Australia      Transport       1990        62,121
'   New Zealand    Transport       1990        8,679
'   United States  Transport       1990        1,484,909
'   Australia      Energy          1991        296,887
'   New Zealand    Energy          1991        25,738
'   United States  Energy          1991        5,357,253
'   Australia      Manufacturing   1991        35,207
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   1991        4,845
'   United States  Manufacturing   1991        837,828
'   Australia      Transport       1991        61,504
'   New Zealand    Transport       1991        8,696
'   United States  Transport       1991        1,447,234
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   Australia      Energy          2009        417,355
'   New Zealand    Energy          2009        31,361
'   United States  Energy          2009        5,751,106
'   Australia      Manufacturing   2009        44,514
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   2009        4,907
'   United States  Manufacturing   2009        735,902
'   Australia      Transport       2009        83,645
'   New Zealand    Transport       2009        13,783
'   United States  Transport       2009        1,722,501

'   Base code from Fazza at MR EXCEL:

'   Fazza's code base was perfect for this, given that:
'        A) unwinding a crosstab requires heavy use of 'UNION ALL' in absence of an 'UNPIVOT' command,
'        B) The Microsoft JET Database engine has a hard limit of 50 'UNION ALL' clauses, but Fazza's
'            code gets around this by creating sublocks of up to 25 SELECT/UNION ALL statements, and
'            then unioning these.
'        C) unwinding a BIG crosstab by using the 'reverse pivot' trick via multiple consolidation ranges
'           might well result in more data that the worksheet can handle.
'        1. ADODB doesn't seem to like non-strings in columns, e.g. it would give the error message
'           "No value given for one or more required parameters". So to process columns with dates or integers
'           I temporarily convert any numerical columns to strings by putting an apostrophe in front of any such
'           headers with this line: If IsNumeric(rng) Then rng.Value = "'" & rng.Value
'        2. If you run the code, then change any of the headers and then run the code again, you'll get the same
'           error "No value given for one or more required parameters" that you get in the non-strings case
'           mentioned above. I guess it's because we're querying an open workbook. I haven't (yet) tried to save
'           a temp copy of the workbook somewhere, closing it, then querying it to see if that makes any difference.
'           To work around this, create a new workbook, copy your crosstab to that, save it, and run the code.
'        3. I tried to use selection.currentregion as a default in my first inputbox that prompts users for the range
'           containing the crosstab, but for some reason it just brings up the value of the first cell in the
'           currentregion, and not the address. Not sure why, so I took it out.
'        4. After the pivot is created, if you drag the aggregated field from the Values area to the Row Labels area
'           (i.e. change it from .Orientation = xldata field to .Orientation = xlrowfield) , for some reason the
'           pivottable looks like it is completely empty. But if you click on a dropdown, you'll see that there
'           are in fact values in there. And if you drag the aggregated field back, then double click on the grand
'           total, then it will spit out all the underlying data into a new sheet. So it's very strange that you can't
'           see anything when all fields are rowfields.

    Const lngMAX_UNIONS As Long = 25
    Const bDebugMode As Boolean = False

    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim arSQL() As String
    Dim arTemp() As String
    Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim objRS As Object
    Dim wksNew As Worksheet

    Dim rngCrosstab As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim rngLeftHeaders As Range
    Dim rngRightHeaders As Range
    Dim strCrosstabName As String
    Dim strLeftHeaders As String
    Dim wksSource As Worksheet
    Dim rngRecordSet As Range
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim rngCurrentHeader As Range
    Dim bUserDefaults As Boolean
    Dim lStartTime As Long
    Dim lEndTime As Long
    If ActiveWorkbook.Path <> "" Then    'can only proceed if the workbook has been saved somewhere
        On Error Resume Next
        Range("app_UseDefaults").Select 'check to see if the workbook has a 'default settings' mode
        If Err.Number = 0 Then ' the workbook has a 'default settings' mode
            bUserDefaults = [app_UseDefaults] 'if the range app_UseDefault contains the word TRUE, then default values stored in the workbook will be used
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        If bUserDefaults Then   'UseDefaults' workbook setting is set to TRUE, so code should use the default settings stored in the workbook
            Set rngCrosstab = Range([app_rngCrosstab])
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Range([app_rngLeftHeaders])
            Set rngRightHeaders = Range([app_rngRightHeaders])
            strCrosstabName = [app_strCrosstabName]

        Else: 'UseDefaults' workbook setting is set to FALSE, so we have to get values from the user
            'Identify where the ENTIRE crosstab table is
            Set rngCrosstab = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="Please select the ENTIRE crosstab" _
                            , prompt:="Please select the ENTIRE crosstab " _
                                    & "that you want to turn into a flat file" _
                            , Type:=8)
            rngCrosstab.Cells(1, 1).Select 'Returns them to the top left of the source table for convenience
            'Identify range containing columns of interest running down the table
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                 (Title:="Select the column HEADERS from the LEFT of the table that WON'T be aggregated " _
                               , prompt:="Select the column HEADERS from the LEFT of the table that won't be aggregated " _
                               , Type:=8)
            Set rngLeftHeaders = rngLeftHeaders.Resize(1, rngLeftHeaders.Columns.Count) 'just in case they selected the entire column
            rngLeftHeaders.Cells(1, rngLeftHeaders.Columns.Count + 1).Select 'Returns them to the right of the range they just selected
            'Identify range containing data and cross-tab headers running across the table
            Set rngRightHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                  (Title:="Select the column HEADERS from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , prompt:="Select the column HEADERS from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , Default:=Selection.Address, Type:=8)
            Set rngRightHeaders = rngRightHeaders.Resize(1, rngRightHeaders.Columns.Count) 'just in case they selected the entire column
           rngCrosstab.Cells(1, 1).Select 'Returns them to the top left of the source table for convenience

            'Get the field name for the columns being consolidated e.g. 'Date' or 'Country' or 'Project'
            strCrosstabName = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated?" _
                            , prompt:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated? e.g. 'DatePeriod', 'Country' or 'Project'" _
                            , Default:="DatePeriod", Type:=2)
        End If
       Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    lStartTime = timeGetTime

        Set wksSource = rngLeftHeaders.Parent

        'Build part of SQL Statement that deals with 'static' columns i.e. the ones down the left
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders

            'For some reason this approach doesn't like columns with numeric headers.
            ' My solution in the below line is to prefix any numeric characters with
            ' an apostrophe to render them non-numeric, and restore them back to numeric
            ' after the query has run
            'NOTE: for some reason this doesn't work for Excel table headers
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = "'" & cell.Value

            strLeftHeaders = strLeftHeaders & "[" & cell.Value & "], "
        Next cell

        ReDim arTemp(1 To lngMAX_UNIONS)    'currently 25 as per declaration at top of module

        ReDim arSQL(1 To (rngRightHeaders.Count - 1) \ lngMAX_UNIONS + 1)

        For i = LBound(arSQL) To UBound(arSQL) - 1
            For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
                Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)

                arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
                If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value    'As per above, can't have numeric headers

            Next j
            arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Next i

        ReDim arTemp(1 To rngRightHeaders.Count - (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS)
        For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
            Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)
            arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
            If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value   'As per above, can't have numeric headers

        Next j
        arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Debug.Print Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr)

        Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        objRS.Open Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr), _
                   Join$(Array("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", _
                               wksSource.Parent.FullName, ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""), vbNullString)

        Set objPivotCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)
        Set objPivotCache.Recordset = objRS
        Set objRS = Nothing

        Set wksNew = Sheets.Add
        Set pt = objPivotCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=wksNew.Range("A3"))
        Set objPivotCache = Nothing

        'Turn any numerical headings back to numbers by effectively removing any apostrophes in front
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell
        For Each cell In rngRightHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell

        With pt
            .ManualUpdate = True 'stops the pt refreshing while we make chages to it.
            .RepeatAllLabels xlRepeatLabels
            For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
                With .PivotFields(cell.Value)
                    .Orientation = xlRowField
                    .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                End With
            Next cell

            With .PivotFields(strCrosstabName)
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With

            With .PivotFields("Total")
                .Orientation = xlDataField
                .Function = xlSum
            End With
            .ManualUpdate = False
        End With
            lEndTime = timeGetTime
        Debug.Print "Time taken: " & lEndTime - lStartTime & "Milliseconds"
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Else: MsgBox "You must first save the workbook for this code to work."
    End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
Note that the JET connection strings in this post don't work with new Excel, as far as I can tell.
So if you're querying new .xlsx/.xlsm/.xlsb files, you need to change this:
 "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;""" this :
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""

There's a really good plain English explanation of ADO from an Excel viewpoint here:
...which references a good backgrounder on ADO itself here:

Also, I've updated the code I posted above with new connections plus some new bells and whistles:

Option Explicit
Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

Sub UnPivotBySQL()

'   Description:    Turns a crosstab file into a flatfile (equivalent to the 'UNPIVOT' command in SQL Server)
'                   and makes a pivottable out of it.  Basically it rotates columns of a table-valued expression
'                   into column values. Base code from Fazza at MR EXCEL forum:

'   Programmer:     Jeff Weir
'   Contact: or

'   Date?           Who?    Modification?
'   31/07/2012      JSW     Initial modification of Fazza's code
'   1/8/2012        JSW     Changed Connection String -
'                           ...from:
'                           "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
'                           "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", wksSource.Parent.FullName , ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""
'                           ...because old string could not handle new file formats

'   Inputs:     No arguments, but user selects input ranges ranges and enters ranges
'               containing column names via application.inputbox

'   Outputs:    A pivottable of the input data on a new worksheet.

'   Example:

'   It takes a crosstabulated table that looks like this:

'   Country        Sector          1990        1991        ...         2009
'   =============================================================================
'   Australia      Energy          290,872     296,887     ...         417,355
'   New Zealand    Energy          23,915      25,738      ...         31,361
'   United States  Energy          5,254,607   5,357,253   ...         5,751,106
'   Australia      Manufacturing   35,648      35,207      ...         44,514
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   4,389       4,845       ...         4,907
'   United States  Manufacturing   852,424     837,828     ...         735,902
'   Australia      Transport       62,121      61,504      ...         83,645
'   New Zealand    Transport       8,679       8,696       ...         13,783
'   United States  Transport       1,484,909   1,447,234   ...         1,722,501

'   And it returns the same data in a recordset organised like this:

'   Country        Sector          Year        Value
'   ====================================================
'   Australia      Energy          1990        290,872
'   New Zealand    Energy          1990        23,915
'   United States  Energy          1990        5,254,607
'   Australia      Manufacturing   1990        35,648
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   1990        4,389
'   United States  Manufacturing   1990        852,424
'   Australia      Transport       1990        62,121
'   New Zealand    Transport       1990        8,679
'   United States  Transport       1990        1,484,909
'   Australia      Energy          1991        296,887
'   New Zealand    Energy          1991        25,738
'   United States  Energy          1991        5,357,253
'   Australia      Manufacturing   1991        35,207
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   1991        4,845
'   United States  Manufacturing   1991        837,828
'   Australia      Transport       1991        61,504
'   New Zealand    Transport       1991        8,696
'   United States  Transport       1991        1,447,234
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   ...            ...             ...         ...
'   Australia      Energy          2009        417,355
'   New Zealand    Energy          2009        31,361
'   United States  Energy          2009        5,751,106
'   Australia      Manufacturing   2009        44,514
'   New Zealand    Manufacturing   2009        4,907
'   United States  Manufacturing   2009        735,902
'   Australia      Transport       2009        83,645
'   New Zealand    Transport       2009        13,783
'   United States  Transport       2009        1,722,501

'   Base code from Fazza at MR EXCEL:

'   Fazza's code base was perfect for this, given that:
'        A) unwinding a crosstab requires heavy use of 'UNION ALL' in absence of an 'UNPIVOT' command,
'        B) The Microsoft JET Database engine has a hard limit of 50 'UNION ALL' clauses, but Fazza's
'            code gets around this by creating sublocks of up to 25 SELECT/UNION ALL statements, and
'            then unioning these.
'        C) unwinding a BIG crosstab by using the 'reverse pivot' trick via multiple consolidation ranges
'           might well result in more data that the worksheet can handle.
'        1. ADODB doesn't seem to like non-strings in columns, e.g. it would give the error message
'           "No value given for one or more required parameters". So to process columns with dates or integers
'           I temporarily convert any numerical columns to strings by putting an apostrophe in front of any such
'           headers with this line: If IsNumeric(rng) Then rng.Value = "'" & rng.Value
'        2. If you run the code, then change any of the headers and then run the code again, you'll get the same
'           error "No value given for one or more required parameters" that you get in the non-strings case
'           mentioned above. I guess it's because we're querying an open workbook. I haven't (yet) tried to save
'           a temp copy of the workbook somewhere, closing it, then querying it to see if that makes any difference.
'           To work around this, create a new workbook, copy your crosstab to that, save it, and run the code.
'        3. I tried to use selection.currentregion as a default in my first inputbox that prompts users for the range
'           containing the crosstab, but for some reason it just brings up the value of the first cell in the
'           currentregion, and not the address. Not sure why, so I took it out.
'        4. After the pivot is created, if you drag the aggregated field from the Values area to the Row Labels area
'           (i.e. change it from .Orientation = xldata field to .Orientation = xlrowfield) , for some reason the
'           pivottable looks like it is completely empty. But if you click on a dropdown, you'll see that there
'           are in fact values in there. And if you drag the aggregated field back, then double click on the grand
'           total, then it will spit out all the underlying data into a new sheet. So it's very strange that you can't
'           see anything when all fields are rowfields.

    Const lngMAX_UNIONS As Long = 25
    Const bDebugMode As Boolean = False

    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim arSQL() As String
    Dim arTemp() As String
    Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim objRS As Object
    Dim wksNew As Worksheet

    Dim rngCrosstab As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim rngLeftHeaders As Range
    Dim rngRightHeaders As Range
    Dim strCrosstabName As String
    Dim strLeftHeaders As String
    Dim wksSource As Worksheet
    Dim rngRecordSet As Range
    Dim pt As PivotTable
    Dim rngCurrentHeader As Range
    Dim bUserDefaults As Boolean
    Dim lStartTime As Long
    Dim lEndTime As Long
    If ActiveWorkbook.Path <> "" Then    'can only proceed if the workbook has been saved somewhere
        On Error Resume Next
        Range("app_UseDefaults").Select 'check to see if the workbook has a 'default settings' mode
        If Err.Number = 0 Then ' the workbook has a 'default settings' mode
            bUserDefaults = [app_UseDefaults] 'if the range app_UseDefault contains the word TRUE, then default values stored in the workbook will be used
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        If bUserDefaults Then   'UseDefaults' workbook setting is set to TRUE, so code should use the default settings stored in the workbook
            Set rngCrosstab = Range([app_rngCrosstab])
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Range([app_rngLeftHeaders])
            Set rngRightHeaders = Range([app_rngRightHeaders])
            strCrosstabName = [app_strCrosstabName]

        Else: 'UseDefaults' workbook setting is set to FALSE, so we have to get values from the user
            'Identify where the ENTIRE crosstab table is
            Set rngCrosstab = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="Please select the ENTIRE crosstab" _
                            , prompt:="Please select the ENTIRE crosstab " _
                                    & "that you want to turn into a flat file" _
                            , Type:=8)
            rngCrosstab.Cells(1, 1).Select 'Returns them to the top left of the source table for convenience
            'Identify range containing columns of interest running down the table
            Set rngLeftHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                 (Title:="Select the column HEADERS from the LEFT of the table that WON'T be aggregated " _
                               , prompt:="Select the column HEADERS from the LEFT of the table that won't be aggregated " _
                               , Type:=8)
            Set rngLeftHeaders = rngLeftHeaders.Resize(1, rngLeftHeaders.Columns.Count) 'just in case they selected the entire column
            rngLeftHeaders.Cells(1, rngLeftHeaders.Columns.Count + 1).Select 'Returns them to the right of the range they just selected
            'Identify range containing data and cross-tab headers running across the table
            Set rngRightHeaders = Application.InputBox _
                                  (Title:="Select the column HEADERS from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , prompt:="Select the column HEADERS from the RIGHT of the table that WILL be aggregated" _
                                , Default:=Selection.Address, Type:=8)
            Set rngRightHeaders = rngRightHeaders.Resize(1, rngRightHeaders.Columns.Count) 'just in case they selected the entire column
           rngCrosstab.Cells(1, 1).Select 'Returns them to the top left of the source table for convenience

            'Get the field name for the columns being consolidated e.g. 'Date' or 'Country' or 'Project'
            strCrosstabName = Application.InputBox _
                              (Title:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated?" _
                            , prompt:="What name do you want to give the data field being aggregated? e.g. 'DatePeriod', 'Country' or 'Project'" _
                            , Default:="DatePeriod", Type:=2)
        End If
       Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    lStartTime = timeGetTime

        Set wksSource = rngLeftHeaders.Parent

        'Build part of SQL Statement that deals with 'static' columns i.e. the ones down the left
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders

            'For some reason this approach doesn't like columns with numeric headers.
            ' My solution in the below line is to prefix any numeric characters with
            ' an apostrophe to render them non-numeric, and restore them back to numeric
            ' after the query has run
            'NOTE: for some reason this doesn't work for Excel table headers
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = "'" & cell.Value

            strLeftHeaders = strLeftHeaders & "[" & cell.Value & "], "
        Next cell

        ReDim arTemp(1 To lngMAX_UNIONS)    'currently 25 as per declaration at top of module

        ReDim arSQL(1 To (rngRightHeaders.Count - 1) \ lngMAX_UNIONS + 1)

        For i = LBound(arSQL) To UBound(arSQL) - 1
            For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
                Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)

                arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
                If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value    'As per above, can't have numeric headers

            Next j
            arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Next i

        ReDim arTemp(1 To rngRightHeaders.Count - (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS)
        For j = LBound(arTemp) To UBound(arTemp)
            Set rngCurrentHeader = rngRightHeaders(1, (i - 1) * lngMAX_UNIONS + j)
            arTemp(j) = "SELECT " & strLeftHeaders & "[" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "] AS Total, '" & rngCurrentHeader.Value & "' AS [" & strCrosstabName & "] FROM [" & rngCurrentHeader.Parent.Name & "$" & Replace(rngCrosstab.Address, "$", "") & "]"
            If IsNumeric(rngCurrentHeader) Or IsDate(rngCurrentHeader) Then rngCurrentHeader.Value = "'" & rngCurrentHeader.Value   'As per above, can't have numeric headers

        Next j
        arSQL(i) = "(" & Join$(arTemp, vbCr & "UNION ALL ") & ")"
        Debug.Print Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr)

        Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        objRS.Open Join$(arSQL, vbCr & "UNION ALL" & vbCr), _
                   Join$(Array("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=", _
                               wksSource.Parent.FullName, ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;"""), vbNullString)

        Set objPivotCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)
        Set objPivotCache.Recordset = objRS
        Set objRS = Nothing

        Set wksNew = Sheets.Add
        Set pt = objPivotCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=wksNew.Range("A3"))
        Set objPivotCache = Nothing

        'Turn any numerical headings back to numbers by effectively removing any apostrophes in front
        For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell
        For Each cell In rngRightHeaders
            If IsNumeric(cell) Or IsDate(cell) Then cell.Value = cell.Value
        Next cell

        With pt
            .ManualUpdate = True 'stops the pt refreshing while we make chages to it.
            .RepeatAllLabels xlRepeatLabels
            For Each cell In rngLeftHeaders
                With .PivotFields(cell.Value)
                    .Orientation = xlRowField
                    .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
                End With
            Next cell

            With .PivotFields(strCrosstabName)
                .Orientation = xlRowField
                .Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
            End With

            With .PivotFields("Total")
                .Orientation = xlDataField
                .Function = xlSum
            End With
            .ManualUpdate = False
        End With
            lEndTime = timeGetTime
        Debug.Print "Time taken: " & lEndTime - lStartTime & "Milliseconds"
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Else: MsgBox "You must first save the workbook for this code to work."
    End If

End Sub

This wud be useful 4 me in future. Thank you m8.

Upvote 0
I know this is an older thread, but I'm throwing this out in one last desperate hope that Fazza is still around and can save the day.
I've piggy backed off the code and made some adjustments and so far it works very well. The problem is that the workbook that the data is currently on will be updated on a weekly basis, Whenever I add new sheets or rename sheets I receive an error message stating that the new sheet is not a valid input or the new sheet object cannot be found. I have made sure to save the workbook after each.

Here is the code I currently have. If there is anyway this can work or anyone that can help, please I implore
Sub test()

  Dim i As Long
  Dim arSQL() As String
  Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
  Dim objRS As Object
  Dim wbkNew As Workbook
  Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet

With ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0

    ReDim arSQL(1 To .Worksheets.Count)
    For Each wks In .Worksheets
      i = i + 1
      arSQL(i) = "SELECT * FROM [" & wks.Name & "$]"
    Next wks
    Set wks = Nothing
    Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    objRS.Open Join$(arSQL, " UNION ALL "), Join$(Array("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=", _
        .FullName, ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""), vbNullString)
         Set objPivotCache = .PivotCaches.Add(xlExternal)
    Set objPivotCache.Recordset = objRS
    Set objRS = Nothing
  End With

Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Trending"
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Trending")

    With ws2
      objPivotCache.CreatePivotTable TableDestination:=.Range("A15")
      Set objPivotCache = Nothing
    End With

  Set wbkNew = Nothing
End Sub
Upvote 0

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