It is possible to create a native formula to do that, but it would be very complicated. I wrote a UDF (User Defined Function) that is a bit simpler. If you'd like to try it, follow these steps:
1) Open your workbook to the sheet where you want the formula
2) Right click on the sheet tab on the bottom and select "View Code"
3) From the menu bar in the VBA editor, select Insert > Module
4) Paste the following code into the window that opens:
Function CountVolunteers(MyRange As Range, ParamArray Excludes())
Dim MyDict As Object, MyStr As String, i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set MyDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each sht In Worksheets
For i = LBound(Excludes) To UBound(Excludes)
If sht.Name = CStr(Excludes(i)) Then GoTo NextSht:
Next i
For Each cel In sht.Range(MyRange.Address)
MyStr = cel.Value
If MyStr <> "" Then MyDict.Add MyStr, 1
Next cel
Next sht
CountVolunteers = MyDict.Count
End Function
5) Close the VBA editor by pressing Alt-Q
6) In the cell where you want the formula, enter:
where B7:B150 is the range (must be the same on all sheets), and "Totals" is the name of the totals sheet which won't be counted. If you have multiple sheets you don't want to count, you can add them to the list:
Let me know how that works.