Because I was trying to either in the countif(A$1;A$118,B1) or in vba do something to the range WITHOUT changing the cells, column or range, before executing the formula, and I couldn't, I adapated a code i found to work on the array before calculating for tests (criteria met):
But its not really an array is it? its a For loop going down cells. (and it almost crashes excel if the whole range A:A is selected and I Run.
what I would really like though is a way to do this on the range in VBA as countif is usually called in VBA. i.e. work on the range from the sheet without changing that appearance on the sheet & execute the countif backend, without the for loop method I used above.
like here:
say B2:B11 contained fruit names,
- is there a way of changing the values in B2:B11 without changing the cells B2:B11 and do the countif on that?
or in here,
or in here:
or here:
could I change the elements of D:D without changing the values of the cells, without loop, to look for Apples-2 or "Apples" for example?
Function countifcode4(rng As Range, crit As String)
cnt = 0
For Each jesepeak In rng
jesepeak2 = Chr(34) & jesepeak & Chr(34) 'so ive changed the range to values - something, in this case "values"
s = jesepeak2 = crit
test = Evaluate(s)
If test = True Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
countifcode4 = cnt
End Function
But its not really an array is it? its a For loop going down cells. (and it almost crashes excel if the whole range A:A is selected and I Run.
what I would really like though is a way to do this on the range in VBA as countif is usually called in VBA. i.e. work on the range from the sheet without changing that appearance on the sheet & execute the countif backend, without the for loop method I used above.
like here:
say B2:B11 contained fruit names,
or in here,
Function MyCOUNTIF(ByVal userRange As Variant, ByVal userCriteria As Variant)
MyCOUNTIF = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(userRange, userCriteria)
End Function
or in here:
Dim xRange as Range
Set xRange=Cells(Rows.Count,4).End(xlup)
Set xRange=Range(Range("d12"),xRange)
or here:
Var = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D3:" & c), "Apples")
could I change the elements of D:D without changing the values of the cells, without loop, to look for Apples-2 or "Apples" for example?