I need a one formula solution to compare two columns for duplicates and count the number of matched pairs. Need to ingore blanks. Can have matched numbers or letters. Asterik denotes a blank (empty) cell. Also only consider the first matched pair if there are more than one matched pairs.
Col A Col B
b a
* b
c c
d y
x f
f z
f z
In this case I only want to consider a:a, b:b, c:c and f:f, resulting in the count of 4.
Any help would be appreciated
I need a one formula solution to compare two columns for duplicates and count the number of matched pairs. Need to ingore blanks. Can have matched numbers or letters. Asterik denotes a blank (empty) cell. Also only consider the first matched pair if there are more than one matched pairs.
Col A Col B
b a
* b
c c
d y
x f
f z
f z
In this case I only want to consider a:a, b:b, c:c and f:f, resulting in the count of 4.
Any help would be appreciated