Count # of values that fall within a certain date range


Board Regular
Jul 30, 2012
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have a couple cells that have formulas to calculate the last day of this week and the last day of last week:

Cell D2 is =TODAY() + (7 - WEEKDAY(TODAY()))
Cell E2 is =D2-7

I have a column that has dates in it, it includes blanks, and is populated via an array INDEX formula. This is a sample of the column data:

Date/Time Status Changed
5/9/23 1:08 PM​
7/5/22 1:08 PM​
10/10/22 2:10 PM​
10/3/22 5:09 PM​

This is the formula that populates it:

{=IF(ISNA(INDEX('RAW Data'!$B$2:$M$10000,MATCH(1,("Merge Done"='RAW Data'!$M$2:$M$10000)*($M3='RAW Data'!$B$2:$B$10000),0)-0,9)),"",INDEX('RAW Data'!$B$2:$M$10000,MATCH(1,("Merge Done"='RAW Data'!$M$2:$M$10000)*($M3='RAW Data'!$B$2:$B$10000),0)-0,9))}

This is a sample of my RAW Data table I'm indexed to get my column of dates:

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E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed4/28/2023 10:15 AMassigneeSmith, JohnWilliams, Jesse
E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed4/28/2023 10:15 AMassigneeWilliams, JesseSmith, John
E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed4/28/2023 10:16 AMstatusReady to DevelopDevelopment
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E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed6/1/2023 8:01 AMpriorityExternal BlockBlocker
E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed6/26/2023 11:15 AMpriorityBlockerExternal Block
E2CAT-33TECH: Coordinate with AutoTools team to fix the modelYearId endpointStory2/20/2023 9:14 AM##################################Completed8/14/2023 10:25 AMstatusReady for ReleaseCompleted
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In the end, I'm trying to count the number of records in my indexed dates column that that falls within my date range between the last day of this week, and last day of last week.

Anyone know how to put that into a formula?

I've been trying to use COUNTIFS but I keep getting a result of zero regardless of tweaks, and assume it's because of how my date range is based on formulas and not text input dates, or that my dates column is based on that INDEX formula, but either way it's hindering me from leveraging COUNTIFS and DATE functions to count the number of records that falls within my date range. Thanks in advance
Its a bit odd, but when I first used this formula (my dates are in B5:b20), it also gave me a zero (when I had some spaces between dates ie. blank cells.

I'm using manual dates rather than your formulas.

So I populated the full column (ie. no blank cells between each date), and it came to life ?

Sorry I can't explain why, as now if I go delete some dates in that column to reveal blanks, it keeps working.


Cell Formulas
F5F5=COUNTIFS(B5:B20, ">=" & E2, B5:B20,"<="&D2)
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