Welcome. I am trying to copy the textbox values from the user form to the worksheet. I have 25 textboxes. What I am trying to do is copy the values while emptying all the textbox elements after execution. I found this code for @DanteAmor by chance. No, but I am having a problem modifying it to match my application.

VBA to Populate an array with values from multiple Textboxes then outputting array to range in worksheet
Hi, I'm very new with Array in vba and find it hard to adapt the tutorials I find on webs to my task. I understand that array can store variables for later use. I want to populate a multi column array only with enabled textboxes values. I have 40 textboxes in frame1. If I check checkbox1...
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim arr As Variant, j As Long
Dim k As Long, m As Long, n As Long
ReDim arr(1 To 10, 1 To 10)
Set src = Sheets("Data")
lastrow = src.Cells(src.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
n = 1
k = k + 1
m = 0
For j = n To n + 10
m = m + 1
arr(k, m) = Controls("TextBox" & j)
n = n + 10
src.Range("B" & lastrow).Resize(k, 10).Value = arr
With src.Range("A2:A" & src.Cells(src.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
.Value = Evaluate("ROW(" & .Address & ")")
End With
End Sub