Copy selection range and paste in a specific sheet


Active Member
Nov 12, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hi guys
i want when i select a range, after that with run a macro, doing this 3 steps
Paste in a sheet that named Sheet from cell A3
after that print from a sheet that named Print
after that clear contents from A3 until rows of sheet that named Sheet be ended...
Please Test it again. I test it on your Uploaded file and it works very well. this is screenshots before deleting and after deleting line with last code!!!!??
Yes, delete is working right, i delete all code and test it again and this is do it correct, but still print 2 pages
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Yes, delete is working right, i delete all code and test it again and this is do it correct, but still print 2 pages
i change line of clear content and entire delete code of previous your code, am i do correct?
VBA Code:
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim ShP As Worksheet, DSheet As Worksheet, SrRange As Range, i As Long, k As Long, L As Long
Dim MyRange As Range, ws As Worksheet, Lastrow As Long, n As Long, j As Long
Dim PrintArea As String, FC As Long, LC As Long, Fr As Long, Lr As Long, Y As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ShP = Worksheets("Sheet")
Set DSheet = ActiveSheet
Set SrRange = Selection
FC = SrRange.Column
LC = SrRange.Columns.Count
Fr = SrRange.Row
Lr = SrRange.Rows.Count + Fr - 1
Y = Fr - SrRange.Rows.Count
k = Fr + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(Cells(Fr, FC), Cells(Lr, FC)))
For i = Fr To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
ShP.Range("A1").Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
If Fr = i Then
k = Fr + 2
k = Fr
End If
GoTo Resum
End If
Next i
For i = Fr To Lr
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
If i > Fr Then
ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1).Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
End If
ElseIf Cells(i, FC + 1).Value <> "" Then
Range(ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 2), ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1 + LC - FC)).Value = Range(Cells(i, FC + 1), Cells(i, LC)).Value
End If
Next i
L = i - 1
Set ws = ShP
j = ShP.Index
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = True
Sheets(j + 1).Select
n = Int((L - Fr + 1) / 32) + 1
Sheets(j + 1).PageSetup.PrintArea = Sheets(j + 1).Range("A1:H" & n * 34 + 6).Address
Printing: ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="Print " & ShP.Range("A1").Value _
  , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
   :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = False
On Error Resume Next
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 2), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).MergeArea.ClearContents
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 1), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).ClearContents
If n > 2 Then Sheets(j + 1).Range("A75:H" & n * 34 + 10).EntireRow.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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and another problem show :( but you can do it :)
when i print a customer and save in document and i print again that customer, code going to execute mode and break, i think that is cause for same name, anyway duplicate or rename with plus (1) or anything like this that not show this error?
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, but still print 2 pages
What means? with test file until row 34, this code print only page one, then until row 74 print page 2 and ...

i change line of clear content and entire delete code of previous your code, am i do correct?
Also Change Line of defining n to this:
VBA Code:
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1

when i print a customer and save in document and i print again that customer, code going to execute mode and break,
you should close pdf file after see it or if you don't want to see pdf file after created change code to this

OpenAfterPublish:=True TO OpenAfterPublish:=False

VBA Code:
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim ShP As Worksheet, DSheet As Worksheet, SrRange As Range, i As Long, k As Long, L As Long
Dim MyRange As Range, ws As Worksheet, Lastrow As Long, n As Long, j As Long
Dim PrintArea As String, FC As Long, LC As Long, Fr As Long, Lr As Long, Y As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ShP = Worksheets("Sheet")
Set DSheet = ActiveSheet
Set SrRange = Selection
FC = SrRange.Column
LC = SrRange.Columns.Count
Fr = SrRange.Row
Lr = SrRange.Rows.Count + Fr - 1
Y = Fr - SrRange.Rows.Count
k = Fr + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(Cells(Fr, FC), Cells(Lr, FC)))
For i = Fr To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
ShP.Range("A1").Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
If Fr = i Then
k = Fr + 2
k = Fr
End If
GoTo Resum
End If
Next i
For i = Fr To Lr
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
If i > Fr Then
ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1).Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
End If
ElseIf Cells(i, FC + 1).Value <> "" Then
Range(ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 2), ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1 + LC - FC)).Value = Range(Cells(i, FC + 1), Cells(i, LC)).Value
End If
Next i
L = i - 1
Set ws = ShP
j = ShP.Index
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = True
Sheets(j + 1).Select
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1
Sheets(j + 1).PageSetup.PrintArea = Sheets(j + 1).Range("A1:H" & n * 34 + 6).Address
On Error Resume Next
Printing: ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="Print " & ShP.Range("A1").Value _
  , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
   :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = False
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 2), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).MergeArea.ClearContents
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 1), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).ClearContents
If n > 2 Then Sheets(j + 1).Range("A75:H" & n * 34 + 10).EntireRow.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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Also Add at start of code :
VBA Code:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

AND at the end:
VBA Code:
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Upvote 0
What means? with test file until row 34, this code print only page one, then until row 74 print page 2 and ...

Also Change Line of defining n to this:
VBA Code:
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1

you should close pdf file after see it or if you don't want to see pdf file after created change code to this

OpenAfterPublish:=True TO OpenAfterPublish:=False

VBA Code:
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim ShP As Worksheet, DSheet As Worksheet, SrRange As Range, i As Long, k As Long, L As Long
Dim MyRange As Range, ws As Worksheet, Lastrow As Long, n As Long, j As Long
Dim PrintArea As String, FC As Long, LC As Long, Fr As Long, Lr As Long, Y As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ShP = Worksheets("Sheet")
Set DSheet = ActiveSheet
Set SrRange = Selection
FC = SrRange.Column
LC = SrRange.Columns.Count
Fr = SrRange.Row
Lr = SrRange.Rows.Count + Fr - 1
Y = Fr - SrRange.Rows.Count
k = Fr + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(Cells(Fr, FC), Cells(Lr, FC)))
For i = Fr To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
ShP.Range("A1").Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
If Fr = i Then
k = Fr + 2
k = Fr
End If
GoTo Resum
End If
Next i
For i = Fr To Lr
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
If i > Fr Then
ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1).Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
End If
ElseIf Cells(i, FC + 1).Value <> "" Then
Range(ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 2), ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1 + LC - FC)).Value = Range(Cells(i, FC + 1), Cells(i, LC)).Value
End If
Next i
L = i - 1
Set ws = ShP
j = ShP.Index
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = True
Sheets(j + 1).Select
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1
Sheets(j + 1).PageSetup.PrintArea = Sheets(j + 1).Range("A1:H" & n * 34 + 6).Address
On Error Resume Next
Printing: ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="Print " & ShP.Range("A1").Value _
  , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
   :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = False
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 2), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).MergeArea.ClearContents
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 1), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).ClearContents
If n > 2 Then Sheets(j + 1).Range("A75:H" & n * 34 + 10).EntireRow.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
when i change n definition that is just print 2 pages not 3, i think that is problem, this n definition is correct : n = Int((L - Fr + 1) / 32) + 1
and about duplicate, i test it and you are right, cause of this open pdf file
another thing, application display alerts, what is this doing?
Upvote 0
another thing, application display alerts, what is this doing?

Prevent from showing & allowing alert windows
AND I think you don't need it here.
AND Test n at Both situation when your last row at print page filled to find correct definition. for me at your tested file this is OK:
VBA Code:
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1
Because of Two rows added For Selecting First customer name at Data Sheet.
Upvote 0
Prevent from showing & allowing alert windows
AND I think you don't need it here.
AND Test n at Both situation when your last row at print page filled to find correct definition. for me at your tested file this is OK:
VBA Code:
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1
Because of Two rows added For Selecting First customer name at Data Sheet.
Yes, if select name rows with data, this definition is right, so THANK YOU FOR HARD WORKING AND ANSWER QUESTIONS, YOU ARE LIKE ALWAYS PROFFESIONAL
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sorry, this is it came to my mind now, can you add a code that find out when pdf file open with same customer name (it means for first time create a print and open pdf file and for second time print again) make a pdf with different name for example Customer A (1) or like this and code not break or going execute mode, sorry again
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If you see error test deleting this line:
VBA Code:
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 2), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).MergeArea.ClearContents
try this:
VBA Code:
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim ShP As Worksheet, DSheet As Worksheet, SrRange As Range, i As Long, k As Long, L As Long
Dim MyRange As Range, ws As Worksheet, Lastrow As Long, n As Long, j As Long, P As String
Dim PrintArea As String, FC As Long, LC As Long, Fr As Long, Lr As Long, Y As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ShP = Worksheets("Sheet")
Set DSheet = ActiveSheet
Set SrRange = Selection
FC = SrRange.Column
LC = SrRange.Columns.Count
Fr = SrRange.Row
Lr = SrRange.Rows.Count + Fr - 1
Y = Fr - SrRange.Rows.Count
k = Fr + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(Cells(Fr, FC), Cells(Lr, FC)))
For i = Fr To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
ShP.Range("A1").Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
If Fr = i Then
k = Fr + 2
k = Fr
End If
GoTo Resum
End If
Next i
For i = Fr To Lr
If Cells(i, FC).Interior.Color = 4697456 And Cells(i, FC).Value <> "" Then
If i > Fr Then
ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1).Value = Cells(i, FC).Value
End If
ElseIf Cells(i, FC + 1).Value <> "" Then
Range(ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 2), ShP.Cells(3 + i - k, 1 + LC - FC)).Value = Range(Cells(i, FC + 1), Cells(i, LC)).Value
End If
Next i
L = i - 1
Set ws = ShP
j = ShP.Index
Sheets(j + 1).Visible = True
Sheets(j + 1).Select
n = Int((L - Fr - 2) / 32) + 1
Sheets(j + 1).PageSetup.PrintArea = Sheets(j + 1).Range("A1:H" & n * 34 + 6).Address
Debug.Print Err.Number
On Error Resume Next
Printing: ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="Print " & ShP.Range("A1").Value & P _
  , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
   :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

Sheets(j + 1).Visible = False
On Error Resume Next
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 2), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).MergeArea.ClearContents
Range(ShP.Cells(3, 1), ShP.Cells(L, 1 + LC - FC)).ClearContents
If n > 2 Then Sheets(j + 1).Range("A75:H" & n * 34 + 10).EntireRow.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
If P = "" Then
P = "(" & 1 & ")"
P = "(" & Mid(P, 2, 1) + 1 & ")"
End If
Err.Number = 0
GoTo Resum3
End Sub
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