If I want to convert a column number into a column heading, I think I would do the following if I wanted to convert column 34 into the excel column heading reference ("AH"):
Substitute(Address(1, 34, 4), "1", "")
My question is how do I do the equivalent of this within a visual basic script?
I have a loop which calculates the column number. If the loop determines the column number is 34, I need to put this column heading into a variable.
If I want to convert a column number into a column heading, I think I would do the following if I wanted to convert column 34 into the excel column heading reference ("AH"):
Substitute(Address(1, 34, 4), "1", "")
My question is how do I do the equivalent of this within a visual basic script?
I have a loop which calculates the column number. If the loop determines the column number is 34, I need to put this column heading into a variable.