Convert numbers to words

kelly mort

Well-known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
I am stucked here again:

Can I ever convert numbers to words with a formula?

Say $12345 I will want to get twelve thousand three hundred and forty five. Thanks
Said I would have missed something... corrected below...


One Hundred And Ninety-Six Billion Three Hundred And Twenty-Six Million Eight Hundred And Ninety-Three Thousand Five Hundred And Sixty-Four Point One

<colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; "><col style="width:110px;"><col style="width:64px;"><col style="width:64px;"><col style="width:517px;"></colgroup><tbody>
[TD="bgcolor: [URL=]#cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]196326893564.01[/TD]


Spreadsheet Formulas
E1=IF(OR(LEN(FLOOR(B1,1))=13,FLOOR(B1,1)<=0),"Out of range",PROPER(SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),1,1)+1,"","one hundred And ","two hundred And ","three hundred And ","four hundred And ","five hundred And ","six hundred And ","seven hundred And ","eight hundred And ","nine hundred And "),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),2,1)+1,"",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),3,1)+1,"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"),"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),2,1))>1,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),3,1)+1,"","-one","-two","-three","-four","-five","-six","-seven","-eight","-nine"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),2,1))=0,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),3,1)+1,"","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"),"")),IF(B1>=10^9," billion ",""),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),4,1)+1,"","one hundred And ","two hundred And ","three hundred And ","four hundred And ","five hundred And ","six hundred And ","seven hundred And ","eight hundred And ","nine hundred And "),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),5,1)+1,"",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),6,1)+1,"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"),"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),5,1))>1,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),6,1)+1,"","-one","-two","-three","-four","-five","-six","-seven","-eight","-nine"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),5,1))=0,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),6,1)+1,"","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"),"")),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),4,3))>0," million ",""),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),7,1)+1,"","one hundred And ","two hundred And ","three hundred And ","four hundred And ","five hundred And ","six hundred And ","seven hundred And ","eight hundred And ","nine hundred And "),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),8,1)+1,"",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),9,1)+1,"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"),"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),8,1))>1,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),9,1)+1,"","-one","-two","-three","-four","-five","-six","-seven","-eight","-nine"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),8,1))=0,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),9,1)+1,"","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"),"")),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),7,3))," thousand ",""),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),10,1)+1,"","one hundred And ","two hundred And ","three hundred And ","four hundred And ","five hundred And ","six hundred And ","seven hundred And ","eight hundred And ","nine hundred And "),CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),11,1)+1,"",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"),"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),11,1))>1,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"","-one","-two","-three","-four","-five","-six","-seven","-eight","-nine"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),11,1))=0,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(B1),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"),"")))," "," "))&IF(ISERROR(FIND(".",B1,1)),""," Point "&PROPER(IF(LEN(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2))=1,CHOOSE(1*LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2),"ten","twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),"")&CONCATENATE(CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)),REPT(0,12)),11,1)+1,"",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"),"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"),IF(VALUE(MID(TEXT(INT(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)),REPT(0,12)),11,1))>1,CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"","-one","-two","-three","-four","-five","-six","-seven","-eight","-nine"),IF(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)="01","one",IF(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),1)="0",CHOOSE(MID(TEXT(INT(LEFT(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!B1,".",REPT(" ",255)),255,200)),2)),REPT(0,12)),12,1)+1,"","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"),"")))))))



Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

Okay thanks a lot but that is saying point one instead of point zero one. I have not tested it yet though I am referring from your post.

Thanks again
Upvote 0
Okay thanks a lot but that is saying point one instead of point zero one. I have not tested it yet though I am referring from your post.

Thanks again

I am sure you could have worked that one out for yourself if you read the formula, as I have stated I am not making any more amendments to the formula now.

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Upvote 0
I mean I wanna get say Cedis display when I used the "Dollar" with the function. I tried to modify it but no success.
Did you mean to type "Credis" (as you did) or "Credit" (which seems more likely to me)? If "Credit, should that always be singular (never a trailing "s")?

Also, is whichever word that was supposed to be, did you want it to replace the word "Dollars" or concatenate onto the back of it like this "Dollars Credit" or did you want to leave the text my function returns as is and add the word "Credit" at the very end of the text? In other words, how should this display with the "Credis" or "Credit" option (please post exactly what you want it to look like; that is, with or without the word "dollars" as well as with the word "Credis" or "Credit" as appropriate)...

Upvote 0
Did you mean to type "Credis" (as you did) or "Credit" (which seems more likely to me)? If "Credit, should that always be singular (never a trailing "s")?

Also, is whichever word that was supposed to be, did you want it to replace the word "Dollars" or concatenate onto the back of it like this "Dollars Credit" or did you want to leave the text my function returns as is and add the word "Credit" at the very end of the text? In other words, how should this display with the "Credis" or "Credit" option (please post exactly what you want it to look like; that is, with or without the word "dollars" as well as with the word "Credis" or "Credit" as appropriate)...


I want it to replace the dollars. Even with this one I think I have found a way out. I used the "And" Then concatenate it to the end.

The only issue now is that when I use the "And" with the function, for numbers in millions, one "and" does not appear.

Upvote 0
I want it to replace the dollars. Even with this one I think I have found a way out. I used the "And" Then concatenate it to the end.
Okay, well I still don't know whether the word is "Credis" or "Credit" or even "Credits" (that was why I asked you to show me what you wanted for 1234.56, but you opted not to do so). So, you left me guessing.

Below is my function revised to allow you to specify a keyword for forcing it to add "and" between hundreds and what follows (like you asked for) for each grouping (thousands, millions, billions, etc.). That keyword is "FullAnd"... you can couple it with any of the other keywords. So, if you wanted "and" everywhere along with the dollar display, you would specify the optional argument as "Dollars,FullAnd"; in other words...

=NumberAsText(SomeValue, "Dollars,FullAnd")

You would do a similar coupling with any of the other optional arguments. Until you tell me differently regarding the word "Credis", "Credit" or "Credits", I will simply suggest that you wrap the above formula with a SUBSTITUTE function call to replace "Dollar" with "Credis" or "Credit" (the formula will automatically add an "s" to the end if the number is more than one. For example, assuming your word "Credis"...

=SUBSTITUTE(NumberAsText(SomeValue, "Dollars,FullAnd"),"Dollar","Credis")

Here is the function...
[table="width: 500"]
Private sNumberText() As String

Public Function NumberAsText(NumberIn As Variant, Optional _
                AND_or_CHECK_or_DOLLAR_or_CHECKDOLLAR As String) As String
   Dim cnt As Long
   Dim DecimalPoint As Long
   Dim CardinalNumber As Long
   Dim CommaAdjuster As Long
   Dim TestValue As Long
   Dim CurrValue As Currency
   Dim CentsString As String
   Dim NumberSign As String
   Dim WholePart As String
   Dim BigWholePart As String
   Dim DecimalPart As String
   Dim tmp As String
   Dim sStyle As String
   Dim bUseAnd As Boolean
   Dim bUseCheck As Boolean
   Dim bUseDollars As Boolean
   Dim bUseCheckDollar As Boolean
  '  Begin setting conditions for formatting
   sStyle = LCase(AND_or_CHECK_or_DOLLAR_or_CHECKDOLLAR)
   bUseFullAnd = sStyle Like "*fulland*"
   bUseAnd = sStyle = "and"
   bUseCheckDollar = (sStyle Like "*checkdollar*")
   If Not bUseCheckDollar Then
     bUseDollars = sStyle Like "*dollar*"
     bUseCheck = (sStyle Like "*check*") ' Or (sStyle = "dollar")
   End If
  '  Check/create array. If this is the first
  '  time using this routine, create the text
  '  strings that will be used.
   If Not IsBounded(sNumberText) Then
      Call BuildArray(sNumberText)
   End If
  '  Begin validating the number, and breaking
  '  into constituent parts
   NumberIn = Trim$(NumberIn)
   If Not IsNumeric(NumberIn) Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number improperly formed"
      Exit Function
      DecimalPoint = InStr(NumberIn, ".")
      If DecimalPoint > 0 Then
         DecimalPart = Mid$(NumberIn, DecimalPoint + 1)
         WholePart = Left$(NumberIn, DecimalPoint - 1)
         DecimalPoint = Len(NumberIn) + 1
         WholePart = NumberIn
      End If
      If InStr(NumberIn, ",,") Or _
         InStr(NumberIn, ",.") Or _
         InStr(NumberIn, ".,") Or _
         InStr(DecimalPart, ",") Then
         NumberAsText = "Error - Improper use of commas"
         Exit Function
      ElseIf InStr(NumberIn, ",") Then
         CommaAdjuster = 0
         WholePart = ""
         For cnt = DecimalPoint - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If Not Mid$(NumberIn, cnt, 1) Like "[,]" Then
               WholePart = Mid$(NumberIn, cnt, 1) & WholePart
               CommaAdjuster = CommaAdjuster + 1
               If (DecimalPoint - cnt - CommaAdjuster) Mod 3 Then
                  NumberAsText = "Error - Improper use of commas"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            End If
      End If
   End If
   If Left$(WholePart, 1) Like "[+-]" Then
      NumberSign = IIf(Left$(WholePart, 1) = "-", "Minus ", "Plus ")
      WholePart = Mid$(WholePart, 2)
   End If
  '  Begin code to assure decimal portion of
  '  check value is not inadvertently rounded
   If bUseCheck = True Then
      CurrValue = CCur(Val("." & DecimalPart))
      DecimalPart = Mid$(Format$(CurrValue, "0.00"), 3, 2)
      If CurrValue >= 0.995 Then
         If WholePart = String$(Len(WholePart), "9") Then
            WholePart = "1" & String$(Len(WholePart), "0")
            For cnt = Len(WholePart) To 1 Step -1
              If Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = "9" Then
                 Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = "0"
                 Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = _
                            CStr(Val(Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1)) + 1)
                 Exit For
              End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
  '  Final prep step - this assures number
  '  within range of formatting code below
   If Len(WholePart) > 9 Then
      BigWholePart = Left$(WholePart, Len(WholePart) - 9)
      WholePart = Right$(WholePart, 9)
   End If
   If Len(BigWholePart) > 9 Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number too large"
      Exit Function
   ElseIf Not WholePart Like String$(Len(WholePart), "#") Or _
         (Not BigWholePart Like String$(Len(BigWholePart), "#") _
          And Len(BigWholePart) > 0) Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number improperly formed"
      Exit Function
   End If
  '  Begin creating the output string
  '  Very Large values
   TestValue = Val(BigWholePart)
   If TestValue > 999999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000000
      tmp = HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Quadrillion "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 999 Then
     CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000
     tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Trillion "
     TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(TestValue, , bUseFullAnd) & "Billion "
   End If
  '  Lesser values
   TestValue = Val(WholePart)
   If TestValue = 0 And BigWholePart = "" Then tmp = "Zero "
   If TestValue > 999999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000000
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Million "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Thousand "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      If Val(WholePart) < 99 And BigWholePart = "" Then bUseAnd = False
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(TestValue, bUseAnd, bUseFullAnd)
   End If
  '  If in dollar mode, assure the text is the correct plurality
   If bUseDollars = True And Not bUseCheckDollar Then
      CentsString = HundredsTensUnits(DecimalPart)
      If tmp = "One " Then
         tmp = tmp & "Dollar"
         tmp = tmp & "Dollars"
      End If
      If Len(CentsString) > 0 Then
         tmp = tmp & " and " & CentsString
         If CentsString = "One " Then
            tmp = tmp & "Cent"
            tmp = tmp & "Cents"
         End If
      End If
   ElseIf bUseCheck = True Then
      tmp = tmp & "and " & Left$(DecimalPart & "00", 2)
      tmp = tmp & "/100"
   ElseIf bUseCheckDollar = True Then
      If tmp = "One " Then
         tmp = tmp & "Dollar"
         tmp = tmp & "Dollars"
      End If
      tmp = tmp & " and " & Left$(DecimalPart & "00", 2)
      tmp = tmp & "/100"
      If Len(DecimalPart) > 0 Then
        tmp = tmp & "Point"
        For cnt = 1 To Len(DecimalPart)
          tmp = tmp & " " & sNumberText(Mid$(DecimalPart, cnt, 1))
      End If
   End If
  '  Done!
   NumberAsText = NumberSign & tmp
End Function

Private Sub BuildArray(sNumberText() As String)
   ReDim sNumberText(0 To 27) As String
   sNumberText(0) = "Zero"
   sNumberText(1) = "One"
   sNumberText(2) = "Two"
   sNumberText(3) = "Three"
   sNumberText(4) = "Four"
   sNumberText(5) = "Five"
   sNumberText(6) = "Six"
   sNumberText(7) = "Seven"
   sNumberText(8) = "Eight"
   sNumberText(9) = "Nine"
   sNumberText(10) = "Ten"
   sNumberText(11) = "Eleven"
   sNumberText(12) = "Twelve"
   sNumberText(13) = "Thirteen"
   sNumberText(14) = "Fourteen"
   sNumberText(15) = "Fifteen"
   sNumberText(16) = "Sixteen"
   sNumberText(17) = "Seventeen"
   sNumberText(18) = "Eighteen"
   sNumberText(19) = "Nineteen"
   sNumberText(20) = "Twenty"
   sNumberText(21) = "Thirty"
   sNumberText(22) = "Forty"
   sNumberText(23) = "Fifty"
   sNumberText(24) = "Sixty"
   sNumberText(25) = "Seventy"
   sNumberText(26) = "Eighty"
   sNumberText(27) = "Ninety"
End Sub

Private Function IsBounded(vntArray As Variant) As Boolean
   On Error Resume Next
   IsBounded = IsNumeric(UBound(vntArray))
End Function

Private Function HundredsTensUnits(ByVal TestValue As Integer, _
                              Optional ByVal bUseAnd As Boolean, _
                              Optional ByVal bUseFullAnd As Boolean) As String
   Dim CardinalNumber As Integer
   If TestValue > 99 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 100
      HundredsTensUnits = sNumberText(CardinalNumber) & " Hundred "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 100)
   End If
   If bUseAnd Or bUseFullAnd Then
      If TestValue Then HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & "and "
   End If
   If TestValue > 20 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 10
      HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & _
                          sNumberText(CardinalNumber + 18) & " "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 10)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & _
                          sNumberText(TestValue) & " "
   End If
End Function
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Okay, well I still don't know whether the word is "Credis" or "Credit" or even "Credits" (that was why I asked you to show me what you wanted for 1234.56, but you opted not to do so). So, you left me guessing.

Below is my function revised to allow you to specify a keyword for forcing it to add "and" between hundreds and what follows (like you asked for) for each grouping (thousands, millions, billions, etc.). That keyword is "FullAnd"... you can couple it with any of the other keywords. So, if you wanted "and" everywhere along with the dollar display, you would specify the optional argument as "Dollars,FullAnd"; in other words...

=NumberAsText(SomeValue, "Dollars,FullAnd")

You would do a similar coupling with any of the other optional arguments. Until you tell me differently regarding the word "Credis", "Credit" or "Credits", I will simply suggest that you wrap the above formula with a SUBSTITUTE function call to replace "Dollar" with "Credis" or "Credit" (the formula will automatically add an "s" to the end if the number is more than one. For example, assuming your word "Credis"...

=SUBSTITUTE(NumberAsText(SomeValue, "Dollars,FullAnd"),"Dollar","Credis")

Here is the function...
[table="width: 500"]
Private sNumberText() As String

Public Function NumberAsText(NumberIn As Variant, Optional _
                AND_or_CHECK_or_DOLLAR_or_CHECKDOLLAR As String) As String
   Dim cnt As Long
   Dim DecimalPoint As Long
   Dim CardinalNumber As Long
   Dim CommaAdjuster As Long
   Dim TestValue As Long
   Dim CurrValue As Currency
   Dim CentsString As String
   Dim NumberSign As String
   Dim WholePart As String
   Dim BigWholePart As String
   Dim DecimalPart As String
   Dim tmp As String
   Dim sStyle As String
   Dim bUseAnd As Boolean
   Dim bUseCheck As Boolean
   Dim bUseDollars As Boolean
   Dim bUseCheckDollar As Boolean
  '  Begin setting conditions for formatting
   sStyle = LCase(AND_or_CHECK_or_DOLLAR_or_CHECKDOLLAR)
   bUseFullAnd = sStyle Like "*fulland*"
   bUseAnd = sStyle = "and"
   bUseCheckDollar = (sStyle Like "*checkdollar*")
   If Not bUseCheckDollar Then
     bUseDollars = sStyle Like "*dollar*"
     bUseCheck = (sStyle Like "*check*") ' Or (sStyle = "dollar")
   End If
  '  Check/create array. If this is the first
  '  time using this routine, create the text
  '  strings that will be used.
   If Not IsBounded(sNumberText) Then
      Call BuildArray(sNumberText)
   End If
  '  Begin validating the number, and breaking
  '  into constituent parts
   NumberIn = Trim$(NumberIn)
   If Not IsNumeric(NumberIn) Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number improperly formed"
      Exit Function
      DecimalPoint = InStr(NumberIn, ".")
      If DecimalPoint > 0 Then
         DecimalPart = Mid$(NumberIn, DecimalPoint + 1)
         WholePart = Left$(NumberIn, DecimalPoint - 1)
         DecimalPoint = Len(NumberIn) + 1
         WholePart = NumberIn
      End If
      If InStr(NumberIn, ",,") Or _
         InStr(NumberIn, ",.") Or _
         InStr(NumberIn, ".,") Or _
         InStr(DecimalPart, ",") Then
         NumberAsText = "Error - Improper use of commas"
         Exit Function
      ElseIf InStr(NumberIn, ",") Then
         CommaAdjuster = 0
         WholePart = ""
         For cnt = DecimalPoint - 1 To 1 Step -1
            If Not Mid$(NumberIn, cnt, 1) Like "[,]" Then
               WholePart = Mid$(NumberIn, cnt, 1) & WholePart
               CommaAdjuster = CommaAdjuster + 1
               If (DecimalPoint - cnt - CommaAdjuster) Mod 3 Then
                  NumberAsText = "Error - Improper use of commas"
                  Exit Function
               End If
            End If
      End If
   End If
   If Left$(WholePart, 1) Like "[+-]" Then
      NumberSign = IIf(Left$(WholePart, 1) = "-", "Minus ", "Plus ")
      WholePart = Mid$(WholePart, 2)
   End If
  '  Begin code to assure decimal portion of
  '  check value is not inadvertently rounded
   If bUseCheck = True Then
      CurrValue = CCur(Val("." & DecimalPart))
      DecimalPart = Mid$(Format$(CurrValue, "0.00"), 3, 2)
      If CurrValue >= 0.995 Then
         If WholePart = String$(Len(WholePart), "9") Then
            WholePart = "1" & String$(Len(WholePart), "0")
            For cnt = Len(WholePart) To 1 Step -1
              If Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = "9" Then
                 Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = "0"
                 Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1) = _
                            CStr(Val(Mid$(WholePart, cnt, 1)) + 1)
                 Exit For
              End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
  '  Final prep step - this assures number
  '  within range of formatting code below
   If Len(WholePart) > 9 Then
      BigWholePart = Left$(WholePart, Len(WholePart) - 9)
      WholePart = Right$(WholePart, 9)
   End If
   If Len(BigWholePart) > 9 Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number too large"
      Exit Function
   ElseIf Not WholePart Like String$(Len(WholePart), "#") Or _
         (Not BigWholePart Like String$(Len(BigWholePart), "#") _
          And Len(BigWholePart) > 0) Then
      NumberAsText = "Error - Number improperly formed"
      Exit Function
   End If
  '  Begin creating the output string
  '  Very Large values
   TestValue = Val(BigWholePart)
   If TestValue > 999999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000000
      tmp = HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Quadrillion "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 999 Then
     CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000
     tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Trillion "
     TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(TestValue, , bUseFullAnd) & "Billion "
   End If
  '  Lesser values
   TestValue = Val(WholePart)
   If TestValue = 0 And BigWholePart = "" Then tmp = "Zero "
   If TestValue > 999999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000000
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Million "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 999 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 1000
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(CardinalNumber, , bUseFullAnd) & "Thousand "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 1000)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      If Val(WholePart) < 99 And BigWholePart = "" Then bUseAnd = False
      tmp = tmp & HundredsTensUnits(TestValue, bUseAnd, bUseFullAnd)
   End If
  '  If in dollar mode, assure the text is the correct plurality
   If bUseDollars = True And Not bUseCheckDollar Then
      CentsString = HundredsTensUnits(DecimalPart)
      If tmp = "One " Then
         tmp = tmp & "Dollar"
         tmp = tmp & "Dollars"
      End If
      If Len(CentsString) > 0 Then
         tmp = tmp & " and " & CentsString
         If CentsString = "One " Then
            tmp = tmp & "Cent"
            tmp = tmp & "Cents"
         End If
      End If
   ElseIf bUseCheck = True Then
      tmp = tmp & "and " & Left$(DecimalPart & "00", 2)
      tmp = tmp & "/100"
   ElseIf bUseCheckDollar = True Then
      If tmp = "One " Then
         tmp = tmp & "Dollar"
         tmp = tmp & "Dollars"
      End If
      tmp = tmp & " and " & Left$(DecimalPart & "00", 2)
      tmp = tmp & "/100"
      If Len(DecimalPart) > 0 Then
        tmp = tmp & "Point"
        For cnt = 1 To Len(DecimalPart)
          tmp = tmp & " " & sNumberText(Mid$(DecimalPart, cnt, 1))
      End If
   End If
  '  Done!
   NumberAsText = NumberSign & tmp
End Function

Private Sub BuildArray(sNumberText() As String)
   ReDim sNumberText(0 To 27) As String
   sNumberText(0) = "Zero"
   sNumberText(1) = "One"
   sNumberText(2) = "Two"
   sNumberText(3) = "Three"
   sNumberText(4) = "Four"
   sNumberText(5) = "Five"
   sNumberText(6) = "Six"
   sNumberText(7) = "Seven"
   sNumberText(8) = "Eight"
   sNumberText(9) = "Nine"
   sNumberText(10) = "Ten"
   sNumberText(11) = "Eleven"
   sNumberText(12) = "Twelve"
   sNumberText(13) = "Thirteen"
   sNumberText(14) = "Fourteen"
   sNumberText(15) = "Fifteen"
   sNumberText(16) = "Sixteen"
   sNumberText(17) = "Seventeen"
   sNumberText(18) = "Eighteen"
   sNumberText(19) = "Nineteen"
   sNumberText(20) = "Twenty"
   sNumberText(21) = "Thirty"
   sNumberText(22) = "Forty"
   sNumberText(23) = "Fifty"
   sNumberText(24) = "Sixty"
   sNumberText(25) = "Seventy"
   sNumberText(26) = "Eighty"
   sNumberText(27) = "Ninety"
End Sub

Private Function IsBounded(vntArray As Variant) As Boolean
   On Error Resume Next
   IsBounded = IsNumeric(UBound(vntArray))
End Function

Private Function HundredsTensUnits(ByVal TestValue As Integer, _
                              Optional ByVal bUseAnd As Boolean, _
                              Optional ByVal bUseFullAnd As Boolean) As String
   Dim CardinalNumber As Integer
   If TestValue > 99 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 100
      HundredsTensUnits = sNumberText(CardinalNumber) & " Hundred "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 100)
   End If
   If bUseAnd Or bUseFullAnd Then
      If TestValue Then HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & "and "
   End If
   If TestValue > 20 Then
      CardinalNumber = TestValue \ 10
      HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & _
                          sNumberText(CardinalNumber + 18) & " "
      TestValue = TestValue - (CardinalNumber * 10)
   End If
   If TestValue > 0 Then
      HundredsTensUnits = HundredsTensUnits & _
                          sNumberText(TestValue) & " "
   End If
End Function

Hello Rick,
Sorry I did not answer that question as needed. The thing is Cedis a Ghanaian currency. We have cedis and pesewas. The new function worked great. I used the substitute and it worked like a charm.

One issue is I can't substitute for the pesewas. It still shows cents.

Very sorry to keep you guessing.
Upvote 0
Kelly try amending the red bits below

      If Len(CentsString) > 0 Then
         tmp = tmp & " and " & CentsString
         If CentsString = "One " Then
            tmp = tmp & "[COLOR="#FF0000"]Cent[/COLOR]"
            tmp = tmp & "[COLOR="#FF0000"]Cents[/COLOR]"
         End If
      End If
Upvote 0
Kelly try amending the red bits below

      If Len(CentsString) > 0 Then
         tmp = tmp & " and " & CentsString
         If CentsString = "One " Then
            tmp = tmp & "[COLOR="#FF0000"]Cent[/COLOR]"
            tmp = tmp & "[COLOR="#FF0000"]Cents[/COLOR]"
         End If
      End If

Oh okay!

But this did not work for me last time!!!
Thank you for all you have done for me on this post.

And everyone of you Rick and all those who read this post.

Now I think I am cool to move on.

Nice forum to be

Glad I found here
Upvote 0
Hello there:
Sorry to wake this post again.
I just observed some issue with the FullAnd keyword. When used , the function always places an and in front of the word or words. So far from all tests I have performed. It works good only if the number value is from one hundred million upwards. And also is it easy to show commas where necessary?

I will be glad someone here can help fix this for me.

Last edited:
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