Not sure if its a duplicate post.
I want to achieve something like this:<HTML><HEAD><Script Langage JavaScript><!---function ViewSource() {var HtmlSource;HtmlSource = document.all.ForSubmit.innerHTML;HtmlSource = RetDeleted(HtmlSource);document.write('<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=#E0F4EA><CENTER><FORM><TEXTAREA ROWS=30 COLS=90%>');document.write(HtmlSource);document.write('</TEXTAREA></FORM></CENTER></BODY></HTML>');}function CopyToClipBoard() {var HtmlSource;HtmlSource = document.all.ForSubmit.innerHTML;HtmlSource=RetDeleted(HtmlSource);window.clipboardData.setData("Text",HtmlSource);alert('Html source of above image\n\nhas been copied to your clip board\n\nJust paste it into Message Body\n\nIf you cannnot paste source from clip board,\n\nclick [View Source] button and paste manually.');}function RetDeleted(targetstring) {if (targetstring.indexOf(unescape('%0D%0A')) > -1) rcode = unescape('%0D%0A')else if (targetstring.indexOf(unescape('%0A')) > -1) rcode = unescape('%0A')else rcode = unescape('%0D');i = 0;p = '';while (targetstring.indexOf(rcode,i) != -1) {m = targetstring.indexOf(rcode,i);p += targetstring.substring(i,m);i = m + rcode.length;}p += targetstring.substring(i,targetstring.length);return p;}</Script></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=#E0F4EA><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#339966 SIZE=5>[HtmlMaker 2.42]</FONT><BR><BR></CENTER><HR><BR><SPAN id='ForSubmit'>
</SPAN><BR><CENTER><HR><FORM NAME='form1'><INPUT TYPE='Button' value='Please click this button to send the source to clipbord' onClick='CopyToClipBoard();'><INPUT TYPE='Button' value='View Source' onClick='ViewSource();'></FORM><FONT COLOR=#339966 SIZE=2> This free code was written by Colo and Ivan F Moala:[HtmlMaker 2.42] - 15th May 2003</FONT><BR><FONT COLOR=#339966 SIZE=2>Code mods by Ivan F Moala - 15th May 2003</FONT></HR></BODY></HTML>
Please guide me if similar post exist.
Thanks in Advance !!!
I want to achieve something like this:<HTML><HEAD><Script Langage JavaScript><!---function ViewSource() {var HtmlSource;HtmlSource = document.all.ForSubmit.innerHTML;HtmlSource = RetDeleted(HtmlSource);document.write('<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=#E0F4EA><CENTER><FORM><TEXTAREA ROWS=30 COLS=90%>');document.write(HtmlSource);document.write('</TEXTAREA></FORM></CENTER></BODY></HTML>');}function CopyToClipBoard() {var HtmlSource;HtmlSource = document.all.ForSubmit.innerHTML;HtmlSource=RetDeleted(HtmlSource);window.clipboardData.setData("Text",HtmlSource);alert('Html source of above image\n\nhas been copied to your clip board\n\nJust paste it into Message Body\n\nIf you cannnot paste source from clip board,\n\nclick [View Source] button and paste manually.');}function RetDeleted(targetstring) {if (targetstring.indexOf(unescape('%0D%0A')) > -1) rcode = unescape('%0D%0A')else if (targetstring.indexOf(unescape('%0A')) > -1) rcode = unescape('%0A')else rcode = unescape('%0D');i = 0;p = '';while (targetstring.indexOf(rcode,i) != -1) {m = targetstring.indexOf(rcode,i);p += targetstring.substring(i,m);i = m + rcode.length;}p += targetstring.substring(i,targetstring.length);return p;}</Script></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=#E0F4EA><CENTER><FONT COLOR=#339966 SIZE=5>[HtmlMaker 2.42]</FONT><BR><BR></CENTER><HR><BR><SPAN id='ForSubmit'>
Book1 | ||||||
A | B | C | D | |||
1 | Input | Output | ||||
2 | a | a,b,c,d,e,f,1,2,3,4,5,6 | ||||
3 | b | |||||
4 | c | |||||
5 | d | |||||
6 | e | |||||
7 | f | |||||
8 | 1 | |||||
9 | 2 | |||||
10 | 3 | |||||
11 | 4 | |||||
12 | 5 | |||||
13 | 6 | |||||
Sheet1 |
Please guide me if similar post exist.
Thanks in Advance !!!