Compare Two Sheets and Highlight Differences (Sheet attached)


New Member
Jul 14, 2010
Hi all,

I've been searching for an answer to this question on the internet and there are lots of similar things but nothing does exactly what I want it to do and I'm a bit of a VBA noobie.

I am trying to compare two sheets within the same workbook (Sheet1 = Before and Sheet2 = After) row by row.

I don't want to change anything in the Before sheet, but I want to compare the two and if there are any updates, deletions/modifications between the two sheets, I want to highlight them in yellow on the After sheet. I want the range to be dynamic so that different sets of data can be used with this.

Also, if there could be a pop up that says something along the following lines, it would be awesome! "There were 55 differences detected in the before and after worksheets!"

I hope that's not too much to ask, I know the excel guru's here shouldn't have any problem and the help is greatly appreciated! :)

Here is the link to my sheet as an example of what I want to accomplish. I can provide a bigger data set if required, just let me know!

Example spreadsheet comparison
Here's a more extensive routine to compare two sheets and highlight differences. Been awhile since I used it, but I do recall it handles any differences in error values, among other things.
Sub CompareSheets2()
'Written by JoeMo 10/25/2010
'Compares 2 worksheets in same workbook to see if Sheet2 differs from Sheet1
'If sheet2 has a different usedrange than sheet1, the user has the option
'of exiting the sub or comparing only the usedrange of sheet1 to the same range in sheet2.
'If there are merged cells in either sheet, the cells are unmerged to make a comparison.
'This is necessary because in using Range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)on
'cells in Sheet1, VBA will include all merged cells in Range, even if they are not empty.
'After all comparisons are made, the cells that were unmerged are merged again
'to restore the original state of merged cells on both sheets.
'Any differences found in sht2 are given a cell fill with a color specific to the cell
'contents (i.e., error value, formula, constant, cell comment, ...).
'WILL NOT BE IDENTIFIED (not worth the effort since added comments do not change
'the functionality of the sheet)EXCEPT TO SIGNAL IF THE TOTAL CELL COMMENT
Dim sht1 As Worksheet, sht2 As Worksheet, S1 As String, S2 As String
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim rng1b As Range, rng1e As Range, rng1f As Range
Dim rng1c As Range, rng1n As Range
Dim mRng1() As Range, mRng2() As Range, mR1 As Long, mR2 As Long, delta As Long
Dim N1 As Long, N2 As Long
Dim Adr1 As String, Adr2 As String
Dim Answer As Integer, msg As String
Dim DiffListB As String, DiffListE As String, DiffListF As String
Dim DiffListC As String, DiffListM As String, DiffListN As String, co As String
Dim mergedCels As Boolean, M1 As Boolean, M2 As Boolean
Dim calcState As Integer

S1 = InputBox("Enter the sheet name of the reference sheet that will be the base for comparison.")
If S1 = "" Then Exit Sub  'Cancel was clicked
S2 = InputBox("Enter the sheet name that you want to compare to " & S1 & ".")
If S2 = "" Then Exit Sub  'Cancel was clicked

Set sht1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(S1)
Set sht2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(S2)
Set rng1 = sht1.UsedRange
Set rng2 = sht2.UsedRange
Adr1 = rng1.Address
Adr2 = rng2.Address

'Compare Used Ranges
If Adr1 <> Adr2 Then
    msg = sht2.Name & " covers range " & Adr2 & " while " & sht1.Name & " covers range " & Adr1
    msg = msg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to check for differences in cells within the usedrange of " & sht1.Name
    Answer = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo)
    If Answer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If
'Check for merged cells
M1 = HasMergedCells(rng1)
M2 = HasMergedCells(rng2)
If M1 = M2 Then
    Select Case M1
        Case True: MsgBox "Both sheets have merged cells.": mergedCels = True
        Case False: MsgBox "Neither sheet has merged cells.": mergedCels = False
    End Select
    Select Case M1
        Case True: MsgBox sht1.Name & " has merged cells while " & sht2.Name & " has none.": mergedCels = True
        Case False: MsgBox sht1.Name & " has no merged cells while " & sht2.Name & " has merged cells.": mergedCels = True
    End Select
End If
calcState = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Unmerge any merged cells to make cell by cell comparison; restore merges later
'Also make merged cells comparison
If mergedCels Then
    DiffListM = ""
    For Each cel In rng1
        If cel.MergeCells Then
            mR1 = mR1 + 1
            ReDim Preserve mRng1(1 To mR1)
            Set mRng1(mR1) = cel.MergeArea
            If Not sht2.Range(mRng1(mR1).Address).MergeCells Then
                sht2.Range(mRng1(mR1).Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
                DiffListM = DiffListM & ", " & mRng1(mR1).Address
            End If
        End If
    Next cel
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each cel In rng2
        If cel.MergeCells Then
            mR2 = mR2 + 1
            ReDim Preserve mRng2(1 To mR2)
            Set mRng2(mR2) = cel.MergeArea
            If Not sht1.Range(mRng2(mR2).Address).MergeCells Then
                mRng2(mR2).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
                DiffListM = DiffListM & ", " & mRng2(mR2).Address
            End If
        End If
    Next cel
    If M1 And M2 Then
        delta = UBound(mRng1) - UBound(mRng2)
    ElseIf M1 And Not M2 Then
        delta = UBound(mRng1)
    ElseIf Not M1 And M2 Then
        delta = -UBound(mRng2)
    End If
    Select Case delta
        Case 0: MsgBox "Same merged cells count in both sheets!"
        Case Is > 0: MsgBox delta & " more merged cells in " & sht1.Name & " than in " & sht2.Name
        Case Is < 0: MsgBox Abs(delta) & " fewer merged cells in " & sht1.Name & " than in " & sht2.Name
    End Select
    If Not DiffListM = "" Then
        msg = "The following cells in " & sht2.Name & " are either not merged like their counterparts in " & sht1.Name _
        & " or are merged unlike their counterparts in " & sht1.Name & ":" & vbNewLine
        msg = msg & Right(DiffListM, Len(DiffListM) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with an orange fill."
    End If
rng1.MergeCells = False
rng2.MergeCells = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False
End If

'Compare Error values
DiffListE = ""
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1e = rng1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1e Is Nothing Then
    For Each cel In rng1e
        Adr1 = cel.Address
        If Not IsError(sht2.Range(Adr1)) Then
            sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8
            DiffListE = DiffListE & ", " & Adr1
        ElseIf CVErr(cel) <> CVErr(sht2.Range(Adr1)) Then
            sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8
            DiffListE = DiffListE & ", " & Adr1
        End If
    Next cel
End If
If rng1e Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No error values found in " & sht1.Name
ElseIf DiffListE = "" Then
    MsgBox "No differences in error values found!"
    msg = "Values in the following cells in " & sht2.Name & " differ from error values in the cells with the same address in " & sht1.Name & ":"
    MsgBox msg & vbNewLine & Right(DiffListE, Len(DiffListE) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with a cyan fill."
End If

'Blank Cells in sheet1
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1b = rng1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1b Is Nothing Then
    For Each cel In rng1b
        Adr1 = cel.Address
        If Not IsEmpty(sht2.Range(Adr1)) Then
            sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
            DiffListB = DiffListB & ", " & Adr1
        End If
    Next cel
End If
If DiffListB = "" Then
MsgBox "No differences found in blank cells!"
msg = "The following cells in " & sht2.Name & " are not blank like the same cells in  " & sht1.Name & ":"
MsgBox msg & vbNewLine & Right(DiffListB, Len(DiffListB) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with a green fill."
End If
'Cells with comments (notes)
N1 = sht1.Comments.Count
N2 = sht2.Comments.Count
If N1 > 0 Or N2 > 0 Then
    Select Case N1 - N2
        Case Is > 0: MsgBox sht1.Name & " has " & N1 - N2 & " more cells with comments than " & sht2.Name
        Case Is < 0: MsgBox sht1.Name & " has " & N2 - N1 & " fewer cells with comments than " & sht2.Name
    End Select
    DiffListN = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    Set rng1n = rng1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not rng1n Is Nothing Then
        For Each cel In rng1n
            Adr1 = cel.Address
            On Error Resume Next
            co = sht2.Range(Adr1).Comment.Text
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
                If cel.Comment.Text <> co Then
                    sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 17
                    DiffListN = DiffListN & ", " & Adr1
                End If
            Else  'No comment in the cell in sht2
                sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 17
                    DiffListN = DiffListN & ", " & Adr1
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next cel
    End If
    If DiffListN = "" Then
    MsgBox "No differences found in cells with Comments (Notes)!"
    msg = "The following cells in " & sht2.Name & " differ with respect to cell comments from the cells with the same address in " & sht1.Name & ":"
    MsgBox msg & vbNewLine & Right(DiffListN, Len(DiffListN) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with a purple fill."
    End If
End If

'Formula Cells - only looks at formula cells in sht1. sht2 formulas
'not in sht1 will not be detected here unless they occupy a cell
'that is empty in sht1 or has a different value in sht1.
DiffListF = ""
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1f = rng1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1f Is Nothing Then
    For Each cel In rng1f
        Adr1 = cel.Address
        If cel.Formula <> sht2.Range(Adr1).Formula Then
            sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
            DiffListF = DiffListF & ", " & Adr1
        End If
    Next cel
End If
If DiffListF = "" Then
MsgBox "No differences found in cells with formulas!"
msg = "Formulas in the following cells in " & sht2.Name & " differ from formulas in the cells with the same address in " & sht1.Name & ":"
MsgBox msg & vbNewLine & Right(DiffListF, Len(DiffListF) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with a yellow fill."
End If

'Numbers, Text,logical values cells
DiffListC = ""
On Error Resume Next
Set rng1c = rng1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 7)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng1c Is Nothing Then
For Each cel In rng1c
    Adr1 = cel.Address
    If Not IsError(sht2.Range(Adr1)) Then
        If cel.Formula <> sht2.Range(Adr1).Formula Then 'use Formula instead of Value to detect cases where there is a constant in sht1 and a formula in sht2 that produces the sht1 value
            sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
            DiffListC = DiffListC & ", " & Adr1
        End If
        sht2.Range(Adr1).Interior.ColorIndex = 7
        DiffListC = DiffListC & ", " & Adr1
    End If
Next cel
End If
If DiffListC = "" Then
    MsgBox "No differences found in cells with constants or logical values!"
msg = "The following cells in " & sht2.Name & " differ in value and/or there is a formula in " & sht2.Name
msg = msg & " that is not present in " & sht1.Name & ":"
MsgBox msg & vbNewLine & Right(DiffListC, Len(DiffListC) - 1) & vbNewLine & "These cells are highlighted with a magenta fill if they contain an error value, and a red fill otherwise."
End If
'Reset any cells that originally were merged
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If mergedCels Then
    If M1 Then
        For i = 1 To UBound(mRng1)
        Next i
    End If
    If M2 Then
        For i = 1 To UBound(mRng2)
        Next i
    End If
End If
MsgBox "Comparison of " & sht2.Name & " to " & sht1.Name & " has completed."
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = calcState
End Sub
Function HasMergedCells(rng As Range) As Boolean
HasMergedCells = False
For Each c In rng
    If c.MergeCells Then
        HasMergedCells = True
        Exit Function
    End If
Next c
End Function
Upvote 0
Hello! I'm not a VBAer per say; I can read and modify, but not write - anyway, this code worked brilliantly spotting changes in text - but what about changes in color or format? I sent a spreadsheet to the boss and he did a marvelous job in highlighting with different color font, or bolding, and I'd love a way to find these quickly rather than using side-by-side comparisons...any ideas?

Jan :)
Upvote 0
Hello! I'm not a VBAer per say; I can read and modify, but not write - anyway, this code worked brilliantly spotting changes in text - but what about changes in color or format? I sent a spreadsheet to the boss and he did a marvelous job in highlighting with different color font, or bolding, and I'd love a way to find these quickly rather than using side-by-side comparisons...any ideas?

Jan :)

If you can modify, just do a cell by cell comparison of fill color and font following one of the sections that's doing cell by cell.
Upvote 0
I have a question. I tried this and received the error message "Run time error '6' Overflow. What does this mean. I have two sheets I need to compare and highlight what is different. I have approx. 40 columns and 28,000 rows. Any help is greatly appreciated. Working in Excel 2010.
Upvote 0
Which code are you using and where does the error occur?
Upvote 0
Hi, I am not a very experienced VBA user. I found sumuwin's code very useful though. It almost suits my needs. Where I get an issue is when one row of the first sheet is deleted and doesn't appear on the second sheet. What happens then is that rows on Sheet2 are all shifted upwards, which makes them all different from Sheet1 from the deleted row downwards. Sheet2 gets all colored in yellow, because of one deleted row. I was wondering if there is a way to catch this without coloring most of Sheet2.

I have a unique identifier (number) in column A of both sheets. Its a number from 1 to .... I think that looking for a missing number in the code could be another way of making this check.
Upvote 0
Hi All, I appreciate this post is a little old however I need some assistance. I have used and adapted the code above but I'm not getting the results I expected. Rather than just highlighting the changes between the before and after sheets I need to copy the changes out to another sheet ("Changes"), and those rows that haven't changed to another sheet ("No Change"), here is what I have so far:

For Each MyCell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtAfter).UsedRange
    If Not IsDate(MyCell) Then
        If Not MyCell.Value = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtBefore).Cells(MyCell.Row, MyCell.Column).Value Then
            Range(MyCell.Row & ":" & MyCell.Row).Copy
            ChangeRow = ChangeRow + 1
            Range("A" & ChangeRow).Select
            MyDiffs = MyDiffs + 1
            Range(MyCell.Row & ":" & MyCell.Row).Copy
            Sheets("No Change").Paste
            NoChangeRow = NoChangeRow + 1
            Sheets("No Change").Select
            Range("A" & NoChangeRow).Select
        End If
    End If

When I run this the "Changes" sheet works fine, but it just copies the header row to the "No Change" sheet repeatedly. Any help would be appreciated

Upvote 0
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

You don't actually need to keep switching between sheets like that - you should be able to use something like this:

For Each MyCell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtAfter).UsedRange
    If Not IsDate(MyCell) Then
        If Not MyCell.Value = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtBefore).Cells(MyCell.Row, MyCell.Column).Value Then
            MyCell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("Changes").Cells(ChangeRow + 1, "A")
            ChangeRow = ChangeRow + 1
            MyDiffs = MyDiffs + 1
            MyCell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("No Change").Cells(nochangerow + 1, "A")
            nochangerow = nochangerow + 1
        End If
    End If
Upvote 0
Thanks for the quick response Rory. Yes as you have noticed I am relatively inexperienced with VBA (I get by it just doesn't look good and probably isn't very efficient :laugh:). The code you posted nearly works, and I can see what it is doing. For each cell that is the same as the Before sheet, it is copying the entire row, so for to the 10 columns I get 10 copies of the same row. I think I'll have to rethink of how the loop works, thanks again for he help.
Upvote 0
I'm not sure what exact logic you want to apply with dates but perhaps something like:
    Dim bMatched             As Boolean
    For Each myrow In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtAfter).UsedRange.Rows
        bMatched = False
        For Each mycell In myrow.Cells
            If Not IsDate(mycell) Then
                If Not mycell.Value = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtBefore).Cells(mycell.Row, mycell.Column).Value Then
                    mycell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("Changes").Cells(ChangeRow + 1, "A")
                    ChangeRow = ChangeRow + 1
                    MyDiffs = MyDiffs + 1
                    bMatched = False
                    Exit For
                    bMatched = True
                End If
            End If
        Next mycell
        If bMatched Then
            mycell.EntireRow.Copy Sheets("No Change").Cells(nochangerow + 1, "A")
            nochangerow = nochangerow + 1
        End If
    Next myrow
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