I have a 52x52 matrix of cells that I use as a visual aid.
Part 1:
I want each of 52 Command Buttons to "Fill" a disjointed series of cells with a specific color.
For example, when I "Click" "Command Button 1", I wanted cells: =A1, B2, D3:D8, J8 to change from RGB(242,242,242) to RGB(237, 125, 49).
When I "Click" "Command Button 1" again, I want the same cells to return to RGB(242,242,242).
Part 2:
I need to prioritize the command of one button over the command of another ONLY for cell conflicts.
For example, if Buttons X & Y are clicked and the two Buttons reference one or more of the same cells in addition to a series of different cells, I want the command of Button X to supersede the command of Button Y ONLY for the cells that are the same that X & Y reference.
So, if Button X is programmed to change cells A1, B1, and C1 to Red; and Button 2 is programmed to change cells A1, A2, and A3 to Blue: cells A1, B1, and C1 will be Red and A2 and A3 will be Blue when both buttons are selected and I will not receive an error.
When Button X is deselected and Button Y remains selected, cell A1 will turn Blue and cells B1 and C1 will return to their original color (not Red or Blue).
I would like to thank all of you ahead of time for tackling this problem and Mr Excel for his forum.
Part 1:
I want each of 52 Command Buttons to "Fill" a disjointed series of cells with a specific color.
For example, when I "Click" "Command Button 1", I wanted cells: =A1, B2, D3:D8, J8 to change from RGB(242,242,242) to RGB(237, 125, 49).
When I "Click" "Command Button 1" again, I want the same cells to return to RGB(242,242,242).
Part 2:
I need to prioritize the command of one button over the command of another ONLY for cell conflicts.
For example, if Buttons X & Y are clicked and the two Buttons reference one or more of the same cells in addition to a series of different cells, I want the command of Button X to supersede the command of Button Y ONLY for the cells that are the same that X & Y reference.
So, if Button X is programmed to change cells A1, B1, and C1 to Red; and Button 2 is programmed to change cells A1, A2, and A3 to Blue: cells A1, B1, and C1 will be Red and A2 and A3 will be Blue when both buttons are selected and I will not receive an error.
When Button X is deselected and Button Y remains selected, cell A1 will turn Blue and cells B1 and C1 will return to their original color (not Red or Blue).
I would like to thank all of you ahead of time for tackling this problem and Mr Excel for his forum.