"Code128" barcode generator in VBA


New Member
May 20, 2013
Office Version
  1. 2010
  2. 2007
  1. Windows
Hello All,

Since the Code93 barcode generator has been developed I've been thinking of Code128. And finally I've developed it! As before want to share it with other Mr.Excel users and Google searchers. :smile:
It was much easier and faster than Code93 as Code128 is simpler to encode and yet more powerful particularly for strings of digits.

Main features:
- Main symbology has been picked from CODE128 SYMBOLOGY;
- The sub uses Shapes collection to draw lines of a barcode instead of special fonts;
- Sub draws a barcode onto a target Worksheet from beginning position which is defined by horizontal offset (X), vertical offset (Y) measured in mm of required height in mm; bar width is defined in pt;
- Code uses "B" and "C" charsets only;
- A "tweak" for numeric strings has been implemented: If a numeric string to be encoded is of odd length the first symbol is encoded as "B"; the rest of symbols are encoded as "C". This tweak significantly reduces barcode length for a numeric string.
- 10% bars overlapping is used for drawing as this value showed the best result at scanning tests.

- Code does not generate any special "instruction" symbols: symbols 95-98, 100, 102 in charset "B" and 102 in charset "C".
- Code does not check the length of the encoded string;
- A complete barcode width is not pre-calulated and drawing begins from left which can cause unexpected overhangs;
- Sub does not support a barcode inclination; just vertical orientation
- A barcode position is only correct when 100% print size is set.
- Obviously version-depended code (different versions/OSs/printers can vary the result, NOT tested).

Win 7 Ultimate, MS Office 2007 were used to develop and tests.
So, the main code is:
Sub Code128Generate(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Height As Single, ByVal LineWeight As Single, _
                  ByRef TargetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal Content As String)
' Supports B and C charsets only; values 00-94, 99,101, 103-105 for B, 00-101, 103-105 for C
' X, Y - top-left corner coordinates
' X in mm (0.376042)
' Y in mm (0.341)
' Height in mm
' LineWeight in pt

Const Tbar_Symbol As String * 2 = "11" ' termination bar
Dim WeightSum As Single
Dim CurBar As Integer
Dim i, j, k, FirstSymbol As Integer
Dim tstr2 As String * 2
Dim tstr1 As String * 1
Dim ContentString As String ' bars sequence

Dim SymbolValue(0 To 106) As Integer ' values
Dim SymbolString(0 To 106) As String * 11 'bits sequence
Dim SymbolCharB(0 To 106) As String * 1  'Chars in B set
Dim SymbolCharC(0 To 106) As String * 2  'Chars in B set

For i = 0 To 106 ' values
    SymbolValue(i) = i
Next i

' Symbols in charset B
For i = 0 To 94
    SymbolCharB(i) = Chr(i + 32)
Next i

' Symbols in charset C
SymbolCharC(0) = "00"
SymbolCharC(1) = "01"
SymbolCharC(2) = "02"
SymbolCharC(3) = "03"
SymbolCharC(4) = "04"
SymbolCharC(5) = "05"
SymbolCharC(6) = "06"
SymbolCharC(7) = "07"
SymbolCharC(8) = "08"
SymbolCharC(9) = "09"
For i = 10 To 99
    SymbolCharC(i) = CStr(i)
Next i

' bit sequences
SymbolString(0) = "11011001100"
SymbolString(1) = "11001101100"
SymbolString(2) = "11001100110"
SymbolString(3) = "10010011000"
SymbolString(4) = "10010001100"
SymbolString(5) = "10001001100"
SymbolString(6) = "10011001000"
SymbolString(7) = "10011000100"
SymbolString(8) = "10001100100"
SymbolString(9) = "11001001000"
SymbolString(10) = "11001000100"
SymbolString(11) = "11000100100"
SymbolString(12) = "10110011100"
SymbolString(13) = "10011011100"
SymbolString(14) = "10011001110"
SymbolString(15) = "10111001100"
SymbolString(16) = "10011101100"
SymbolString(17) = "10011100110"
SymbolString(18) = "11001110010"
SymbolString(19) = "11001011100"
SymbolString(20) = "11001001110"
SymbolString(21) = "11011100100"
SymbolString(22) = "11001110100"
SymbolString(23) = "11101101110"
SymbolString(24) = "11101001100"
SymbolString(25) = "11100101100"
SymbolString(26) = "11100100110"
SymbolString(27) = "11101100100"
SymbolString(28) = "11100110100"
SymbolString(29) = "11100110010"
SymbolString(30) = "11011011000"
SymbolString(31) = "11011000110"
SymbolString(32) = "11000110110"
SymbolString(33) = "10100011000"
SymbolString(34) = "10001011000"
SymbolString(35) = "10001000110"
SymbolString(36) = "10110001000"
SymbolString(37) = "10001101000"
SymbolString(38) = "10001100010"
SymbolString(39) = "11010001000"
SymbolString(40) = "11000101000"
SymbolString(41) = "11000100010"
SymbolString(42) = "10110111000"
SymbolString(43) = "10110001110"
SymbolString(44) = "10001101110"
SymbolString(45) = "10111011000"
SymbolString(46) = "10111000110"
SymbolString(47) = "10001110110"
SymbolString(48) = "11101110110"
SymbolString(49) = "11010001110"
SymbolString(50) = "11000101110"
SymbolString(51) = "11011101000"
SymbolString(52) = "11011100010"
SymbolString(53) = "11011101110"
SymbolString(54) = "11101011000"
SymbolString(55) = "11101000110"
SymbolString(56) = "11100010110"
SymbolString(57) = "11101101000"
SymbolString(58) = "11101100010"
SymbolString(59) = "11100011010"
SymbolString(60) = "11101111010"
SymbolString(61) = "11001000010"
SymbolString(62) = "11110001010"
SymbolString(63) = "10100110000"
SymbolString(64) = "10100001100"
SymbolString(65) = "10010110000"
SymbolString(66) = "10010000110"
SymbolString(67) = "10000101100"
SymbolString(68) = "10000100110"
SymbolString(69) = "10110010000"
SymbolString(70) = "10110000100"
SymbolString(71) = "10011010000"
SymbolString(72) = "10011000010"
SymbolString(73) = "10000110100"
SymbolString(74) = "10000110010"
SymbolString(75) = "11000010010"
SymbolString(76) = "11001010000"
SymbolString(77) = "11110111010"
SymbolString(78) = "11000010100"
SymbolString(79) = "10001111010"
SymbolString(80) = "10100111100"
SymbolString(81) = "10010111100"
SymbolString(82) = "10010011110"
SymbolString(83) = "10111100100"
SymbolString(84) = "10011110100"
SymbolString(85) = "10011110010"
SymbolString(86) = "11110100100"
SymbolString(87) = "11110010100"
SymbolString(88) = "11110010010"
SymbolString(89) = "11011011110"
SymbolString(90) = "11011110110"
SymbolString(91) = "11110110110"
SymbolString(92) = "10101111000"
SymbolString(93) = "10100011110"
SymbolString(94) = "10001011110"
SymbolString(95) = "10111101000"
SymbolString(96) = "10111100010"
SymbolString(97) = "11110101000"
SymbolString(98) = "11110100010"
SymbolString(99) = "10111011110"
SymbolString(100) = "10111101110"
SymbolString(101) = "11101011110"
SymbolString(102) = "11110101110"
SymbolString(103) = "11010000100"
SymbolString(104) = "11010010000"
SymbolString(105) = "11010011100"
SymbolString(106) = "11000111010"

X = X / 0.376042 'mm to pt
Y = Y / 0.341 'mm to pt
Height = Height / 0.341 'mm to pt

If IsNumeric(Content) = True Then  ' value is numeric
   i = 1 'symbol and weight index
   If Len(Content) Mod 2 = 1 Then 'odd
       WeightSum = SymbolValue(104) ' start-b
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(104)
      tstr1 = Mid(Content, 1, 1)
      k = 0
      Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
         k = k + 1
      WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
      i = i + 1
      WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(99) 'Code-C
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(99) 'Code-C
      Content = Right(Content, Len(Content) - 1) 'cut 1st symbol
   Else 'even
      WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' start-c
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
      i = 0
   End If
   For j = 1 To Len(Content) Step 2
      tstr2 = Mid(Content, j, 2)
      i = i + 1
      k = 0
      Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
         k = k + 1
      WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
   Next j
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)

   Else ' alpha-numeric
   WeightSum = SymbolValue(104) ' start-b
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(104)
   i = 0 ' symbol count
   For j = 1 To Len(Content) Step 1
      tstr1 = Mid(Content, j, 1)
      i = i + 1
      k = 0
      Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
         k = k + 1
      WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
   Next j
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)

End If

ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol

'Barcode drawing
CurBar = 0

For i = 1 To Len(ContentString)
    Select Case Mid(ContentString, i, 1)
    Case 0
        CurBar = CurBar + 1
    Case 1
        CurBar = CurBar + 1
' (CurBar * LineWeight) * [B]0.9[/B] -  here is 10% overlapping :-)
        With TargetSheet.Shapes.AddLine(X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * 0.9, Y, X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * 0.9, (Y + Height)).Line
        .Weight = LineWeight
        .ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack ' my Excel writes light-blue lines by default, so the color is forcibly switched
        End With
    End Select
Next i

End Sub

Barcode reading has been tested by an Android phone (Accusoft Barcode Scanner program) as well as by a PROTON IMS-3100 and a cheap Chineese (PAN.CODE A500) hardware scanners.

Hope it would be of any help to anybody. :smile:
Would be helpful for me if you comment this thread when using it in your apps.

Welcome to the board.
While we do not prohibit Cross-Posting on this site, we do ask that you please mention you are doing so and provide links in each of the threads pointing to the other thread (see rule 13 here along with the explanation: Forum Rules).
This way, other members can see what has already been done in regards to a question, and do not waste time working on a question that may already be answered.

As has already been pointed out to you here https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1244437-converting-a-code-to-udf.html
There is no need to convert to a UDF. Also the code in its current form cannot be turned into a UDF.
Upvote 0

I posted it here, before I got an answer over excelforum. I dont intend to cross any forum rule.

Thanks for being polite.
Upvote 0
Re: "Code128" barcode generator in VBA - version 2

Slight change to allow you to easily delete all those shapes when you want to make a new code

Sub Gen128()
    Code128Generate_v2 10, 10, 10, 2, ActiveSheet, "mycontent", 400
End Sub

Sub Del128()
    Dim x As Long
    On Error GoTo ExitHandler
    For x = 1 To 100
        ActiveSheet.Shapes("shtSC" & x).Delete
    Next x
End Sub

Sub Code128Generate_v2(ByVal x As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Height As Single, ByVal LineWeight As Single, _
                  ByRef TargetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal Content As String, Optional MaxWidth As Single = 0)
' Supports B and C charsets only; values 00-94, 99,101, 103-105 for B, 00-101, 103-105 for C
' X in mm (0.351)
' Y in mm (0.351) 1mm = 2.8 pt
' Height in mm
' LineWeight in pt

'compliments of https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/784030-code128-barcode-generator-vba.html

Dim WeightSum As Single
Const XmmTopt As Single = 0.351
Const YmmTopt As Single = 0.351
Const XCompRatio As Single = 0.9

Const Tbar_Symbol As String * 2 = "11"
Dim CurBar As Integer
Dim i, j, k, t, CharIndex, SymbolIndex As Integer
Dim tstr2 As String * 2
Dim tstr1 As String * 1
Dim ContentString As String ' bars sequence
Const Asw As String * 1 = "A" ' alpha switch
Const Dsw As String * 1 = "D" 'digital switch
Const Arrdim As Byte = 30

Dim Sw, PrevSw As String * 1  ' switch
Dim BlockIndex, BlockCount, DBlockMod2, DBlockLen As Byte

Dim BlockLen(Arrdim) As Byte
Dim BlockSw(Arrdim) As String * 1

Dim SymbolValue(0 To 106) As Integer ' values
Dim SymbolString(0 To 106) As String * 11 'bits sequence
Dim SymbolCharB(0 To 106) As String * 1  'Chars in B set
Dim SymbolCharC(0 To 106) As String * 2  'Chars in B set

t = 1

For i = 0 To 106 ' values
    SymbolValue(i) = i
Next i

' Symbols in charset B
For i = 0 To 94
    SymbolCharB(i) = Chr(i + 32)
Next i

' Symbols in charset C
SymbolCharC(0) = "00"
SymbolCharC(1) = "01"
SymbolCharC(2) = "02"
SymbolCharC(3) = "03"
SymbolCharC(4) = "04"
SymbolCharC(5) = "05"
SymbolCharC(6) = "06"
SymbolCharC(7) = "07"
SymbolCharC(8) = "08"
SymbolCharC(9) = "09"
For i = 10 To 99
    SymbolCharC(i) = CStr(i)
Next i

' bit sequences
SymbolString(0) = "11011001100"
SymbolString(1) = "11001101100"
SymbolString(2) = "11001100110"
SymbolString(3) = "10010011000"
SymbolString(4) = "10010001100"
SymbolString(5) = "10001001100"
SymbolString(6) = "10011001000"
SymbolString(7) = "10011000100"
SymbolString(8) = "10001100100"
SymbolString(9) = "11001001000"
SymbolString(10) = "11001000100"
SymbolString(11) = "11000100100"
SymbolString(12) = "10110011100"
SymbolString(13) = "10011011100"
SymbolString(14) = "10011001110"
SymbolString(15) = "10111001100"
SymbolString(16) = "10011101100"
SymbolString(17) = "10011100110"
SymbolString(18) = "11001110010"
SymbolString(19) = "11001011100"
SymbolString(20) = "11001001110"
SymbolString(21) = "11011100100"
SymbolString(22) = "11001110100"
SymbolString(23) = "11101101110"
SymbolString(24) = "11101001100"
SymbolString(25) = "11100101100"
SymbolString(26) = "11100100110"
SymbolString(27) = "11101100100"
SymbolString(28) = "11100110100"
SymbolString(29) = "11100110010"
SymbolString(30) = "11011011000"
SymbolString(31) = "11011000110"
SymbolString(32) = "11000110110"
SymbolString(33) = "10100011000"
SymbolString(34) = "10001011000"
SymbolString(35) = "10001000110"
SymbolString(36) = "10110001000"
SymbolString(37) = "10001101000"
SymbolString(38) = "10001100010"
SymbolString(39) = "11010001000"
SymbolString(40) = "11000101000"
SymbolString(41) = "11000100010"
SymbolString(42) = "10110111000"
SymbolString(43) = "10110001110"
SymbolString(44) = "10001101110"
SymbolString(45) = "10111011000"
SymbolString(46) = "10111000110"
SymbolString(47) = "10001110110"
SymbolString(48) = "11101110110"
SymbolString(49) = "11010001110"
SymbolString(50) = "11000101110"
SymbolString(51) = "11011101000"
SymbolString(52) = "11011100010"
SymbolString(53) = "11011101110"
SymbolString(54) = "11101011000"
SymbolString(55) = "11101000110"
SymbolString(56) = "11100010110"
SymbolString(57) = "11101101000"
SymbolString(58) = "11101100010"
SymbolString(59) = "11100011010"
SymbolString(60) = "11101111010"
SymbolString(61) = "11001000010"
SymbolString(62) = "11110001010"
SymbolString(63) = "10100110000"
SymbolString(64) = "10100001100"
SymbolString(65) = "10010110000"
SymbolString(66) = "10010000110"
SymbolString(67) = "10000101100"
SymbolString(68) = "10000100110"
SymbolString(69) = "10110010000"
SymbolString(70) = "10110000100"
SymbolString(71) = "10011010000"
SymbolString(72) = "10011000010"
SymbolString(73) = "10000110100"
SymbolString(74) = "10000110010"
SymbolString(75) = "11000010010"
SymbolString(76) = "11001010000"
SymbolString(77) = "11110111010"
SymbolString(78) = "11000010100"
SymbolString(79) = "10001111010"
SymbolString(80) = "10100111100"
SymbolString(81) = "10010111100"
SymbolString(82) = "10010011110"
SymbolString(83) = "10111100100"
SymbolString(84) = "10011110100"
SymbolString(85) = "10011110010"
SymbolString(86) = "11110100100"
SymbolString(87) = "11110010100"
SymbolString(88) = "11110010010"
SymbolString(89) = "11011011110"
SymbolString(90) = "11011110110"
SymbolString(91) = "11110110110"
SymbolString(92) = "10101111000"
SymbolString(93) = "10100011110"
SymbolString(94) = "10001011110"
SymbolString(95) = "10111101000"
SymbolString(96) = "10111100010"
SymbolString(97) = "11110101000"
SymbolString(98) = "11110100010"
SymbolString(99) = "10111011110"
SymbolString(100) = "10111101110"
SymbolString(101) = "11101011110"
SymbolString(102) = "11110101110"
SymbolString(103) = "11010000100"
SymbolString(104) = "11010010000"
SymbolString(105) = "11010011100"
SymbolString(106) = "11000111010"

x = x / XmmTopt 'mm to pt
Y = Y / YmmTopt 'mm to pt
Height = Height / YmmTopt 'mm to pt

If IsNumeric(Content) = True And Len(Content) Mod 2 = 0 Then 'numeric, mode C
   WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' start-c
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
   i = 0 ' symbol count
   For j = 1 To Len(Content) Step 2
      tstr2 = Mid(Content, j, 2)
      i = i + 1
      k = 0
      Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
         k = k + 1
      WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
      ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
   Next j
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
   ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol
Else ' alpha-numeric
   ' first digit
   Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, 1, 1))
   Case Is = True 'digit
      Sw = Dsw
   Case Is = False 'alpha
      Sw = Asw
   End Select
   BlockCount = 1
   BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
   BlockIndex = 1
   BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1 'block length

   i = 2 ' symbol index
   Do While i <= Len(Content)
      Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, i, 1))
      Case Is = True 'digit
         Sw = Dsw
      Case Is = False 'alpha
         Sw = Asw
      End Select
      If Sw = BlockSw(BlockCount) Then
         BlockLen(BlockCount) = BlockLen(BlockCount) + 1
         BlockCount = BlockCount + 1
         BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
         BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1
         BlockIndex = BlockIndex + 1

      End If
      i = i + 1

   CharIndex = 1 'index of Content character
   SymbolIndex = 0
   For BlockIndex = 1 To BlockCount ' encoding by blocks

      If BlockSw(BlockIndex) = Dsw And BlockLen(BlockIndex) >= 4 Then ' switch to C
         Select Case BlockIndex
         Case Is = 1
            WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' Start-C
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
         Case Else
            SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
            WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(99) 'switch c
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(99)
         End Select
         PrevSw = Dsw
         ' encoding even amount of chars in a D block
         DBlockMod2 = BlockLen(BlockIndex) Mod 2
         If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then 'even chars always to encode
            DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex) - DBlockMod2
            DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex)
         End If
         For j = 1 To DBlockLen / 2 Step 1
            tstr2 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 2)
            CharIndex = CharIndex + 2
            SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
            k = 0
            Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
               k = k + 1
            WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
         Next j
         If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then ' switch to B, encode 1 char
            PrevSw = Asw
            SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
            WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)
            'CharIndex = CharIndex + 1
            SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
            tstr1 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 1)
            k = 0
            Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
               k = k + 1
            WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
         End If
      Else 'alpha in B mode
         Select Case BlockIndex
         Case Is = 1
         '   PrevSw = Asw
            WeightSum = SymbolValue(104) ' start-b
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(104)
         Case Else
            If PrevSw <> Asw Then
               SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
               WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
               ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)
            End If
         End Select
         PrevSw = Asw
         For j = CharIndex To CharIndex + BlockLen(BlockIndex) - 1 Step 1
            tstr1 = Mid(Content, j, 1)
            SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
            k = 0
            Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
               k = k + 1
            WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
            ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
         Next j
         CharIndex = j

      End If
   Next BlockIndex
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
   ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol
End If

   If MaxWidth > 0 And Len(ContentString) * LineWeight * XmmTopt > MaxWidth Then
      LineWeight = MaxWidth / (Len(ContentString) * XmmTopt)
      LineWeight = LineWeight / XCompRatio
   End If
'Barcode drawing
CurBar = 0

For i = 1 To Len(ContentString)
    Select Case Mid(ContentString, i, 1)
    Case 0
        CurBar = CurBar + 1
    Case 1
        CurBar = CurBar + 1
        With TargetSheet.Shapes.AddLine(x + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, Y, x + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, (Y + Height))
        .Line.Weight = LineWeight
        .Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
        .Name = "shtSC" & t
        t = t + 1
        End With
    End Select
Next i

End Sub
Upvote 0
Re: "Code128" barcode generator in VBA - version 2

This is a great peace of code.  I have one problem when i plug in my usb barcode scaner it reads correct caracters when i set eanglish keyboard, bud when i set my local keyboard (croatian caracter set) then after scaning the barcode a z caracter is swiched with y caracter is there a solution for that problem and is it posible to get lenguage specific caracters.
Upvote 0
Re: "Code128" barcode generator in VBA - version 2

Hi, so I have the workbook sample and it is working cool. One thing I need will be to be able to place the code at a given location than its current location-i don't know which line will do that.

Also, if I can reduce the size of the bars, I will love it.

Then, will it be possible to place the code on a label? - maybe form control or ActiveX control on a given sheet..

Then, instead of selecting all shapes, I will like to select just the bar codes. Because, there might be other shapes that I might not want to delete.

Upvote 0
I need to generate a Barcode for md5 hash values and I found out that your code doesn‘t work for every md5 hash value.
Unfortunately there is a runtime error at generating a Barcode out of the String 67650C55974117DA265FCAB10C492F76

Do you have an idea how to fix this? I couldn‘t find any other vba code like yours.

Thanks in advance.
Upvote 0
Re: "Code128" barcode generator in VBA - version 2

Slight change to allow you to easily delete all those shapes when you want to make a new code
Thanks for this. My idea was to design just a clear tool as other features my depend on user's specific requirements.
Since I dont update it regurarly and Excel is changing (I'm on version 2010 yet) some techniques may not work as they were designed.
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Re: "Code128" barcode generator in VBA - version 2

This is a great peace of code. I have one problem when i plug in my usb barcode scaner it reads correct caracters when i set eanglish keyboard, bud when i set my local keyboard (croatian caracter set) then after scaning the barcode a z caracter is swiched with y caracter is there a solution for that problem and is it posible to get lenguage specific caracters.
Dear colleague, as far as I understand it cant be fixed as the barcode contains just basic ASCII codes which can relate to different symbols in different layouts. That's why you should always keep English as your input language while scanning a barcode. I have the same problem with Russian and Finnish layouts.
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I need to generate a Barcode for md5 hash values and I found out that your code doesn‘t work for every md5 hash value.
Unfortunately there is a runtime error at generating a Barcode out of the String 67650C55974117DA265FCAB10C492F76
Dear colleague, I have an idea which is the value you want to encode is too long for variables declarations. I'll try to run your example and try to debug where the problem is.
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Hey @yakovleff
Can you please convert the code into UDF, so it can be used in the sheet itself.
Hi, I'm just an amateur programmer, so cant tell what UDF is and how to handle it. I designed this tool to use in Excel and other MSO tools (with modifications).
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