And the long answer is: YesThe short answer is: No, there is no line number "feature" in Excel VBA
Sub Test()
10 Dim X As Long, Msg As String, Temp
20 On Error GoTo 200
30 GoTo 50
40 MsgBox "This line will not display anything as it is being skipped over"
50 For X = 1 To 3
60 If X = 2 Then
70 Temp = 5 / 0
80 Else
90 MsgBox "No errors - Iteration #" & X
100 End If
110 Next
120 Exit Sub
200 MsgBox "Divide by zero error! - Iteration #" & X
210 Resume Next
End Sub
Erl... wow, that takes me back! Thanks for the reminder on it Rory, I had forgotten all about that function... and apparently so did Microsoft as there appears to be no help files for it (not that the function is all that complicated to use). For those who might be interested, here is the code I posted earlier with the Erl function thrown it (highlighted in red)...They do have one benefit - you can use Erl in an error handler to tell you which line the error occurred on.
Sub Test()
10 Dim X As Long, Msg As String, Temp
20 On Error GoTo 200
30 GoTo 50
40 MsgBox "This line will not display anything as it is being skipped over"
50 For X = 1 To 3
60 If X = 2 Then
70 Temp = 5 / 0
80 Else
90 MsgBox "No errors - Iteration #" & X
100 End If
110 Next
120 Exit Sub
200 MsgBox "Divide by zero error on Line #" & Erl & "! - Iteration #" & X
210 Resume Next
End Sub
You need to set a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library.
vbext_pk_Proc requires the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library.
aListBox.Height = sizeLabel.Height
If aListBox.Height > 300 Then aListBox.Height = 300
Me.Controls.Remove sizeLabel.Name
These are not "labels" as defined in the help files as they do not require a colon after them, but they act as labels because you can GoTo them, On Error GoTo them, etc. if desired. They are more for "looks" (especially if you are an old-time BASIC language programmer) and have no real practical value, but they are tolerated for backward compatibility.
Sub test()
30 MsgBox 1
35 MsgBox 2
31 MsgBox 3
GoTo 37
40: MsgBox 4
34 MsgBox 5
33 MsgBox 6
37: MsgBox 7
32 MsgBox 8
End Sub
Sub test()
On Error GoTo err_hndl
12 label1: MsgBox 1
15 label2: MsgBox 2 / 0
c: MsgBox 3
Exit Sub
i: MsgBox "Divide by zero error on Line #" & Erl & "! - Iteration #"
j: Resume Next
End Sub
Option Compare Text
Private Sub AddLineNumbers_Click()
Set sh = Sheet4
ctr = 0
For i = 7 To 1000
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "" Then GoTo Next_i ' find start of code
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "End Sub" Then Exit For
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "End Function" Then Exit For
ctr = ctr + 1
fi = Format(ctr, "000")
sh.Cells(i, 1) = "L" & fi & ": " & sh.Cells(i, 1)
Next i
sh.Cells(7, 1).Activate
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveLineNumbers_Click()
Set sh = Sheet4
For i = 7 To 1000
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "" Then GoTo Next_i ' find start of code
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "End Sub" Then Exit For
If sh.Cells(i, 1) = "End Function" Then Exit For
If Mid(sh.Cells(i, 1), 1, 1) = "L" Then
sh.Cells(i, 1) = Mid(sh.Cells(i, 1), 7)
End If
Next i
sh.Cells(7, 1).Activate
End Sub