I need a function or macro that helps me in matching manufacturer names from incoming data files with all the values in an internal standard list with valid manufacturer names. After the matching it gives me the internal standard value that comes closest to the incoming value. As an example all the incoming values: Abbott Labs, ABBOTT and Abbott Laboratories A/S must be translated to the internal standard value ABBBOTT LABS. I'm envisaging a function similar to this:
=CLOSESTMATCHES(IncomingValue, standardlist)
Ex. I write the following function in cell C3:
When the function finds a value in the standardlist that looks like the incoming value it writes the internal standard value in cell C3. If it doesn't find anything it writes f.ex NEW and if there are several matches it writes all the values, either separated by semicolon or in the following cells in the same row.
I don't know if there is a native function that will meet my requirements and it's not that I don't know how to write a custom function. My problem is that I don't know how approach the problem of comparing and matching the incoming values with standard values. I've been considdering the function:
but I don't feel that it meets my requirements.
I need a function or macro that helps me in matching manufacturer names from incoming data files with all the values in an internal standard list with valid manufacturer names. After the matching it gives me the internal standard value that comes closest to the incoming value. As an example all the incoming values: Abbott Labs, ABBOTT and Abbott Laboratories A/S must be translated to the internal standard value ABBBOTT LABS. I'm envisaging a function similar to this:
=CLOSESTMATCHES(IncomingValue, standardlist)
Ex. I write the following function in cell C3:
When the function finds a value in the standardlist that looks like the incoming value it writes the internal standard value in cell C3. If it doesn't find anything it writes f.ex NEW and if there are several matches it writes all the values, either separated by semicolon or in the following cells in the same row.
I don't know if there is a native function that will meet my requirements and it's not that I don't know how to write a custom function. My problem is that I don't know how approach the problem of comparing and matching the incoming values with standard values. I've been considdering the function:
but I don't feel that it meets my requirements.