Thanks to everyone for your help on this! Project done! I actually found a couple of ways to do it, but used the simplest, which also gave me the cleanest look. I reversed the order of the columns so that the highest number in the range was first, lowest number second. Then created the bar chart. Put the data for the high range outside the end, and the data for the low range inside the end of the bar. Filled the high bar to a color, and filled the low bar with white (color of the background). Then I pushed overlap to 100%. Had to do a few minor tweaks, but it basically looks great. Thanks again for the help. For others trying this, reversing the order of the columns was the only way I could get the low value bar to lay on TOP of the high value bar when I made the overlap happen. Don't know why it does this, and there may be another method to change how one dataset lays on the other, but that's the method I used. I hope this helps someone else further down the road. Again, thanks for the help.