Cell values based on comparison of previous column cell value.


Board Regular
Mar 21, 2018
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
hi All,

I want formula or macro that work on the following table and provide the value in column E. The macro should compare the sorted (a-z) value in column D and based on the value from the column C, it provide the below mentioned details in column E.

[TABLE="width: 242"]
[TD]Column C[/TD]
[TD]Column D[/TD]
[TD]Column E[/TD]

Please help me with the code.

Thanks in advance.
Try this:-
[COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR] MG20Sep53
[COLOR="Navy"]Dim[/COLOR] Rng [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, Dn [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, n [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Long[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]Set[/COLOR] Rng = Range("D2", Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
[COLOR="Navy"]With[/COLOR] CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
[COLOR="Navy"]For[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Each[/COLOR] Dn [COLOR="Navy"]In[/COLOR] Rng
    [COLOR="Navy"]If[/COLOR] Not .Exists(Dn.Value) [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
        .Add Dn.Value, Dn
        [COLOR="Navy"]Set[/COLOR] .Item(Dn.Value) = Union(.Item(Dn.Value), Dn)
    [COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] If
[COLOR="Navy"]Dim[/COLOR] K [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Variant
[COLOR="Navy"]For[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Each[/COLOR] K [COLOR="Navy"]In[/COLOR] .keys
    [COLOR="Navy"]If[/COLOR] .Item(K).Count > 1 [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
        .Item(K).Offset(, 1) = .Item(K)(1).Offset(, -1).Value _
        & "=" & .Item(K)(2).Offset(, -1).Value
    [COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] If
[COLOR="Navy"]Next[/COLOR] K
[COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] With
[COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR]
Regards Mick
Upvote 0
An alternative:-
[COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR] MG20Sep32
[COLOR="Navy"]Dim[/COLOR] Rng [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, Dn [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, txt [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]String,[/COLOR] c, fd [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Boolean
[COLOR="Navy"]Set[/COLOR] Rng = Range("c2", Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
[COLOR="Navy"]For[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Each[/COLOR] Dn [COLOR="Navy"]In[/COLOR] Rng
    [COLOR="Navy"]If[/COLOR] Not fd And Dn.Offset(1, 1).Value = Dn.Offset(, 1).Value [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
       txt = Dn.Value & "=" & Dn.Offset(1).Value
       fd = True
    [COLOR="Navy"]ElseIf[/COLOR] Not Dn.Offset(1, 1).Value = Dn.Offset(, 1).Value [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
       fd = False
    [COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] If
        Dn.Offset(, 2).Value = txt
[COLOR="Navy"]Next[/COLOR] Dn
[COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR]
Regards Mick
Upvote 0
For a formula solution, does this do what you want?
I have included a few more rows because I wasn't sure if it is possible for you to have a single row like row 15 and, if so, what you want in column E.

<b>Compare values</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Arial,Arial; font-size:8pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:76px;" /><col style="width:76px;" /><col style="width:76px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">Column C</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Column D</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">Column E</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">1</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">PAPA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">1=2</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">2</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">PAPA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">1=2</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">3</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">TATA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">3=4</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">4</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">TATA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">3=4</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >6</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">5</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">TATA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">3=4</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >7</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">6</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">FEAR</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">6=7</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >8</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">7</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">FEAR</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">6=7</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >9</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">8</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">MAMA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">8=9</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >10</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">9</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">MAMA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">8=9</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >11</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">10</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">MAMA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">8=9</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >12</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">11</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">MAMA</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">8=9</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >13</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">12</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">GHMF</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">12=13</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >14</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">13</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">GHMF</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">12=13</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >15</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">14</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">ABC</td><td style="font-size:10pt; "> </td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >16</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">15</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">DEF</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">15=16</td></tr><tr style="height:21px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >17</td><td style="font-size:10pt; text-align:right; ">16</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">DEF</td><td style="font-size:10pt; ">15=16</td></tr></table><br /><table style="font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; border-style: groove ;border-color:#00ff00;background-color:#fffcf9; color:#000000; "><tr><td ><b>Spreadsheet Formulas</b></td></tr><tr><td ><table border = "1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="font-family:Arial; font-size:9pt;"><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; font-size:10pt;"><td >Cell</td><td >Formula</td></tr><tr><td >E2</td><td >=IF(D2=D1,E1,IF<span style=' color:008000; '>(D2=D3,C2&"="&C3,"")</span>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /><br />

I note that if a row like 15 is possible, that Mick's post 3 code returns "12=13" for that row but the post 2 code returns a blank as my formula does.
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Upvote 0
For a formula solution, does this do what you want?
I have included a few more rows because I wasn't sure if it is possible for you to have a single row like row 15 and, if so, what you want in column E.

Compare values
Hi peter & Mick,

Thank you for your reply. both answer are working fine, however there is slight change in my requirement. Please find below the desired output.

[TABLE="width: 242"]
[TD]Column C[/TD]
[TD]Column D[/TD]
[TD]Column E[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
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An alternative:-

Regards Mick

Hi Mick,

Thank you for the code. Its working fine, however there is slight change in my requirement. Please refer to the desired output below. The same is also mentioned in reply to Peter.

[TABLE="width: 242"]
[TD]Column C[/TD]
[TD]Column D[/TD]
[TD]Column E[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
Upvote 0
.. there is slight change in my requirement. Please find below the desired output.
To achieve this by standard worksheet formulas, you will need the TEXTJOIN function which is only available in very recent Excel versions. If you don't have that function then you will need a vba solution.

This is an array formula so should be entered without the {} but confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter. If confirmed correctly, Excel will insert the {}. The formula can then be copied down.

Excel Workbook
1Column CColumn DColumn E
Compare values (3)
Upvote 0
Try this:-
[COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR] MG20Sep22
[COLOR="Navy"]Dim[/COLOR] Rng [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, Dn [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range, n [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Long,[/COLOR] R [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Range
[COLOR="Navy"]Set[/COLOR] Rng = Range("D2", Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
[COLOR="Navy"]With[/COLOR] CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
[COLOR="Navy"]For[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Each[/COLOR] Dn [COLOR="Navy"]In[/COLOR] Rng
   [COLOR="Navy"]If[/COLOR] Not .Exists(Dn.Value) [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
        .Add Dn.Value, Dn
        [COLOR="Navy"]Set[/COLOR] .Item(Dn.Value) = Union(.Item(Dn.Value), Dn)
    [COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] If
[COLOR="Navy"]Dim[/COLOR] K [COLOR="Navy"]As[/COLOR] Variant
[COLOR="Navy"]For[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Each[/COLOR] K [COLOR="Navy"]In[/COLOR] .keys
  [COLOR="Navy"]If[/COLOR] .Item(K).Count > 1 [COLOR="Navy"]Then[/COLOR]
        .Item(K).Offset(, 1) = Join(Application.Transpose(.Item(K).Offset(, -1).Value), "=")
   [COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] If
[COLOR="Navy"]Next[/COLOR] K
[COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]With[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]End[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Sub[/COLOR]
Regards Mick
Upvote 0
To achieve this by standard worksheet formulas, you will need the TEXTJOIN function which is only available in very recent Excel versions. If you don't have that function then you will need a vba solution.

This is an array formula so should be entered without the {} but confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter. If confirmed correctly, Excel will insert the {}. The formula can then be copied down.

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

Thank you Peter for your help.
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