Can anybody help me?
Example: I want the word "the"
it must be able to copy any word with "the" inside.
Like, These, tHEsE, ThE, thEresa would be copied.
The code looks like this..
The code above only copied the "The" word.
Thanks in advance!
Example: I want the word "the"
it must be able to copy any word with "the" inside.
Like, These, tHEsE, ThE, thEresa would be copied.
The code looks like this..
Sub NonSensitive()
Dim rCell As Range
For iCntr = 1 To 30
For Each rCell In Range("I1:I10")
If Cells.Find(what:=Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(iCntr, 9).Value, after:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False).Activate Then
If Cells(iCntr, 9) = Cells(5, 11) Then
Cells(iCntr, 10) = Cells(iCntr, 9)
End If
End If
'MsgBox rCell.Address & " has " & rCell & " in it"
Next rCell
Next iCntr
End Sub
The code above only copied the "The" word.
Thanks in advance!