I found this bit of code on the internet a while ago. It converts a formula in to a text string. You need to set it up as an add-in and then enter =getformula(b2) in to cell b1 (assuming your X title is in cell A1)
Function GetFormula(Cell As Range) As String
GetFormula = Cell.Formula
End Function
Function GetFormat(Cell As Range) As String
GetFormat = Cell.NumberFormat
End Function
Function ExtractNumber(rCell As Range, _
Optional Take_decimal As Boolean, Optional Take_negative As Boolean) As Double
Dim iCount As Integer, i As Integer, iLoop As Integer
Dim sText As String, strNeg As String, strDec As String
Dim lNum As String
Dim vVal, vVal2
'Written by OzGrid Business Applications
'Extracts a number from a cell containing text and numbers.
sText = rCell
If Take_decimal = True And Take_negative = True Then
strNeg = "-" 'Negative Sign MUST be before 1st number.
strDec = "."
ElseIf Take_decimal = True And Take_negative = False Then
strNeg = vbNullString
strDec = "."
ElseIf Take_decimal = False And Take_negative = True Then
strNeg = "-"
strDec = vbNullString
End If
iLoop = Len(sText)
For iCount = iLoop To 1 Step -1
vVal = Mid(sText, iCount, 1)
If IsNumeric(vVal) Or vVal = strNeg Or vVal = strDec Then
i = i + 1
lNum = Mid(sText, iCount, 1) & lNum
If IsNumeric(lNum) Then
If CDbl(lNum) < 0 Then Exit For
lNum = Replace(lNum, Left(lNum, 1), "", , 1)
End If
End If
If i = 1 And lNum <> vbNullString Then lNum = CDbl(Mid(lNum, 1, 1))
Next iCount
ExtractNumber = CDbl(lNum)
End Function
Good luck