Hi, I’ve been having a bit of an ongoing nightmare with a find and replace on a csv file saved as an excel spreadsheet.
I have some html code (well quite a lot really) in the cells of a column named description. An example of which I have included bellow. To cut a long and painful story short I need to fin and replace alt=” with alt=”” but the cells also contain alt=”something here”.
Not only can I not work out how to write the find and replace for this, I don’t even appear to be able to do any find which highlights the part of the cells contents I wand to find, it jus highlights the cell. Also when I try a find and replace of any type with a word I know to be in the cell I get cannot find the data you’re searching for message.(I only have the formulas option in the Look in dropdown box).
I would greatly appreciate any kind of help with this as it may soon send me crazy.
Thanks for any help.
I have some html code (well quite a lot really) in the cells of a column named description. An example of which I have included bellow. To cut a long and painful story short I need to fin and replace alt=” with alt=”” but the cells also contain alt=”something here”.
Not only can I not work out how to write the find and replace for this, I don’t even appear to be able to do any find which highlights the part of the cells contents I wand to find, it jus highlights the cell. Also when I try a find and replace of any type with a word I know to be in the cell I get cannot find the data you’re searching for message.(I only have the formulas option in the Look in dropdown box).
I would greatly appreciate any kind of help with this as it may soon send me crazy.
Thanks for any help.
Rich (BB code):
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