Yes, the Navigate method follows the links. This code uses a For Each loop to iterate through the links. Look into VBA loops for a better understanding of that.
The pattern for this gets much more complex. This one should work: (remember you're testing against the actual source HTML, not what you see in your web browser)
Enjoy Rates From:(?:.|\n)+\$((?:\d+,+)*\d+\.\d+)
You can use the SubMatches property to extract just the dollar amount like so:
regex.Pattern = "Enjoy Rates From:(?:.|\n)+\$((?:\d+,+)*\d+\.\d+)"
For Each mch In regex.Execute(ie2.Document.DocumentElement.innerHTML)
If MsgBox(ie2.Document.Title & vbCr & mch.SubMatches(0) & vbCr & vbCr & "Continue?", vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
Currently nothing does. Getting the data onto a spreadsheet should be one of the easier parts of this project though. Look at some samples and give it a shot. Then, report back here and we'll help you out.
That post, which looked like a mangled version of my first post was made by a spam bot. Forget about it, lol.