Average Cost of stock from buy/sell transactions

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Well-known Member
Mar 5, 2018
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  1. 2016
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I have stock buy/sell transactions and want to calculate my position.
Here is some sample data:

I can calculate most things I need but I'm struggling with Average Cost.

So XXX bought 100 at $1 then sold 50 at $2, so my average cost is $1.
Then bought 100 at $2 and sold 100 at $3 so I have a Holding of 50.
I'm OK with assuming the oldest was sold first so the Average Cost of my 50 would be $2 (50 of the 7 Jan transaction).
I'm OK with assuming the newest would be sold first so the Average Cost would be $1 being 50 of the 100 bought 1 Jan.

It gets trickier with ZZZ as the 19 Jan transaction takes my holding to 0 so I really need an Average Cost of $1 being either 22 or 25 Jan buys.

It may be that I just haven't had enough coffee yet but this is hurting my head.

Any ideas for a formula/function solution? (avoiding macros or VBA).

Speaking of VBA, here's a UDF that should solve it. To install, open a copy of your workbook. Press Alt-F11 to open the VBA editor. From the menu, select Insert > Module. On the sheet that opens, paste this code:

Public Function AvgCostPerShare(TblSoFar As Range)
Dim MyData As Variant, NumRows As Long, stk As String, SaleSize As Double, i As Long
Dim SoldSoFar As Double, MyCount As Double, TotAmt As Double

    MyData = TblSoFar.Value
    NumRows = UBound(MyData)
    stk = MyData(NumRows, 1)
    SaleSize = -MyData(NumRows, 2)
    If MyData(NumRows, 2) >= 0 Then
        AvgCostPerShare = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    SoldSoFar = 0
    TotAmt = 0
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) < 0 Then SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
    Next i
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) > 0 Then
            If SoldSoFar >= MyData(i, 2) Then
                SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
                GoTo nexti:
            End If
            MyData(i, 2) = MyData(i, 2) - SoldSoFar
            SoldSoFar = 0
            MyCount = WorksheetFunction.Min(MyData(i, 2), SaleSize)
            TotAmt = TotAmt + MyCount * MyData(i, 3)
            SaleSize = SaleSize - MyCount
            If SaleSize = 0 Then
                AvgCostPerShare = TotAmt / -MyData(NumRows, 2)
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    AvgCostPerShare = "Not enough shares to cover this sale."
End Function

Press Alt-Q to close the editor. Now given the layout of the sheet above, enter this formula in F2:


drag down as needed.
Hi Eric.

This VBA seems interesting for my purposes but at this point it is only calculating upon selling lines.

Is it possible to change it to calculate share I am still holding? This would serve my purposes to keep tabs on what I am holding and checking avg prices before seeling them.

Here is my database:

1TickerQtyPriceDateValueAvg Price
2ENBR3F26R$ 18,9026-nov-19R$ 491,40
3ITSA4F25R$ 13,3026-nov-19R$ 332,50
4WEGE3F1R$ 29,0026-nov-19R$ 29,00
5WEGE3F5R$ 29,0026-nov-19R$ 145,00
6BBDC4F20R$ 33,3328-nov-19R$ 666,60
7TIET11F26R$ 12,4728-nov-19R$ 324,22
8ENBR3F12R$ 19,9229-nov-19R$ 239,04
9ENBR3F2R$ 19,8629-nov-19R$ 39,72
10ITSA4F1R$ 13,2229-nov-19R$ 13,22
11PRIO3F22R$ 23,4129-nov-19R$ 515,02
12VULC3F3R$ 7,7629-nov-19R$ 23,28
13VULC3F24R$ 7,7529-nov-19R$ 186,00
14VULC3F1R$ 7,7529-nov-19R$ 7,75
15WEGE3F6R$ 30,3529-nov-19R$ 182,10
16TECN3F2R$ 2,0805-dez-19R$ 4,16
17BBAS3F10R$ 50,5319-dez-19R$ 505,30
18FNAM11F6R$ 0,1419-dez-19R$ 0,84
19LCAM3F24R$ 20,9319-dez-19R$ 502,32
20VULC3F3R$ 8,6919-dez-19R$ 26,07
21FNAM11F-6R$ 0,1320-dez-19-R$ 0,78R$ 0,14
22VULC3F1R$ 9,2030-dez-19R$ 9,20
23BRDT3F3R$ 30,7103-jan-20R$ 92,13
24ENBR3F10R$ 21,9303-jan-20R$ 219,30
25HABT111R$ 124,5003-jan-20R$ 124,50
26ITSA4F1R$ 14,2403-jan-20R$ 14,24
27VULC3F1R$ 8,8203-jan-20R$ 8,82
28XPCM111R$ 74,9903-jan-20R$ 74,99
29XPML112R$ 142,7703-jan-20R$ 285,54
30AALR3F7R$ 20,4310-jan-20R$ 143,01
31CCPR3F3R$ 25,4110-jan-20R$ 76,23
32CCPR3F2R$ 25,4110-jan-20R$ 50,82
33HGTX3F10R$ 31,9110-jan-20R$ 319,10
34LOGG3F2R$ 31,8910-jan-20R$ 63,78
35LOGG3F2R$ 31,8910-jan-20R$ 63,78
36LPSB3F32R$ 10,1110-jan-20R$ 323,52
37POMO4F27R$ 4,4810-jan-20R$ 120,96
38POMO4F15R$ 4,4810-jan-20R$ 67,20
39SLCE3F9R$ 25,2510-jan-20R$ 227,25
40SQIA3F8R$ 24,2810-jan-20R$ 194,24
41SQIA3F6R$ 24,3210-jan-20R$ 145,92
42SQIA3F9R$ 24,3210-jan-20R$ 218,88
43BBAS3F-7R$ 51,3010-jan-20-R$ 359,10R$ 50,53
44BBAS3F-3R$ 51,3010-jan-20-R$ 153,90R$ 50,53
45XPCM11-1R$ 74,9910-jan-20-R$ 74,99R$ 74,99
46AALR3F4R$ 21,4513-jan-20R$ 85,80
47ABEV3F12R$ 19,2913-jan-20R$ 231,48
48ABEV3F8R$ 19,2913-jan-20R$ 154,32
49BBSE3F5R$ 36,1413-jan-20R$ 180,70
50CCPR3F3R$ 25,9913-jan-20R$ 77,97
51FLRY3F3R$ 31,1613-jan-20R$ 93,48
52HYPE3F5R$ 36,9713-jan-20R$ 184,85
53LOGG3F3R$ 32,2113-jan-20R$ 96,63
54MOVI3F3R$ 20,3613-jan-20R$ 61,08
55MOVI3F6R$ 20,3813-jan-20R$ 122,28
56OFSA3F4R$ 44,5113-jan-20R$ 178,04
57POMO4F2R$ 4,5013-jan-20R$ 9,00
58QUAL3F5R$ 40,8513-jan-20R$ 204,25
59SQIA3F1R$ 24,3113-jan-20R$ 24,31
60VIVT4F5R$ 58,1713-jan-20R$ 290,85
61LCAM3F-24R$ 24,8913-jan-20-R$ 597,36R$ 20,93
62PRIO3F-35R$ 38,2513-jan-20-R$ 1.338,75 Not enough shares to cover this sale.
63TIET11F-25R$ 15,4913-jan-20-R$ 387,25R$ 12,47
64TIET11F-1R$ 15,4913-jan-20-R$ 15,49R$ 12,47
65TIET11F-1R$ 15,4913-jan-20-R$ 15,49 Not enough shares to cover this sale.
66BKBR3F30R$ 19,4516-jan-20R$ 583,50
67SHOW3F19R$ 6,2316-jan-20R$ 118,37
68SHOW3F31R$ 6,2316-jan-20R$ 193,13
69WEGE3F-10R$ 35,2816-jan-20-R$ 352,80R$ 29,54
70WEGE3F-2R$ 35,2816-jan-20-R$ 70,56R$ 30,35
71BKBR3F20R$ 18,5917-jan-20R$ 371,80
72BBDC4F-20R$ 35,3817-jan-20-R$ 707,60R$ 33,33
73ABEV3F4R$ 18,7421-jan-20R$ 74,96
74ALUP11F5R$ 28,8321-jan-20R$ 144,15
75BRSR6F5R$ 20,9421-jan-20R$ 104,70
76ITUB4F5R$ 34,1421-jan-20R$ 170,70
77OIBR4100R$ 1,5521-jan-20R$ 155,00
78ENBR3F-50R$ 23,0323-jan-20-R$ 1.151,50R$ 19,7892
79LOGG3F-7R$ 33,6423-jan-20-R$ 235,48R$ 32,02714286
80MDIA3F-3R$ 39,3123-jan-20-R$ 117,93 Not enough shares to cover this sale.
81MOVI3F-9R$ 21,4023-jan-20-R$ 192,60R$ 20,37333333
82ALUP11F-5-R$ 30,2728-jan-20R$ 151,35R$ 28,83
83ABEV3F16R$ 18,7729-jan-20R$ 300,32
84ABEV3F4R$ 18,7729-jan-20R$ 75,08
85ABEV3F2R$ 18,7729-jan-20R$ 37,54
86ABEV3F1R$ 18,7729-jan-20R$ 18,77
87HGTX3F15R$ 26,3929-jan-20R$ 395,85
88POMO4F4R$ 4,9429-jan-20R$ 19,76
89AALR3F-11-R$ 21,6505-fev-20R$ 238,15R$ 20,80090909
90CCPR3F-8R$ 26,4005-fev-20-R$ 211,20R$ 25,6275
91FLRY3F-3R$ 33,5805-fev-20-R$ 100,74R$ 31,16
92HYPE3F-5R$ 37,7905-fev-20-R$ 188,95R$ 36,97
93POMO4F-29R$ 5,2505-fev-20-R$ 152,25R$ 4,48
94POMO4F-19R$ 5,2505-fev-20-R$ 99,75R$ 4,57894737
95SQIA3F-24R$ 27,3805-fev-20-R$ 657,12R$ 24,30625
96VULC3F-35R$ 8,8205-fev-20-R$ 308,70 Not enough shares to cover this sale.
97POMO4F2R$ 5,0405-mar-20R$ 10,08
98POMO4F2R$ 3,5413-mar-20R$ 7,08
99OIBR3F1R$ 0,4724-mar-20R$ 0,47
100OIBR3F6R$ 0,5230-mar-20R$ 3,12
101OIBR3F2R$ 0,5214-abr-20R$ 1,04
102ENBR3F10R$ 16,8917-abr-20R$ 168,90
103OIBR3F4R$ 0,6517-abr-20R$ 2,60
104OIBR3F1R$ 0,6617-abr-20R$ 0,66
105OIBR3F10R$ 0,6617-abr-20R$ 6,60
106POMO4F7R$ 3,0217-abr-20R$ 21,14
107BMGB4F1R$ 4,2519-mai-20R$ 4,25
108RAPT4F1R$ 11,0926-ago-20R$ 11,09
109POMO4F2R$ 2,5328-out-20R$ 5,06
110VVAR3F1R$ 17,7328-out-20R$ 17,73
111ABEV3F-7R$ 14,6312-nov-20-R$ 102,41R$ 19,29
112ABEV3F-43R$ 14,6312-nov-20-R$ 629,09 Not enough shares to cover this sale.
113BBSE3F-5R$ 26,2812-nov-20-R$ 131,40R$ 36,14
114BMGB4F-1R$ 4,5912-nov-20-R$ 4,59R$ 4,25
115ENBR3F-10R$ 18,7512-nov-20-R$ 187,50R$ 16,89
116HABT11-1R$ 115,2512-nov-20-R$ 115,25R$ 124,50
117OIBR3F-7R$ 1,6912-nov-20-R$ 11,83R$ 0,51285714
118OIBR3F-11R$ 1,6912-nov-20-R$ 18,59R$ 0,63090909
119OIBR3F-6R$ 1,6912-nov-20-R$ 10,14R$ 0,66
120POMO4F-1R$ 2,5912-nov-20-R$ 2,59R$ 5,04
121POMO4F-12R$ 2,5912-nov-20-R$ 31,08R$ 3,19333333
122RAPT4F-1R$ 14,0612-nov-20-R$ 14,06R$ 11,09
123SLCE3F-9R$ 25,6512-nov-20-R$ 230,85R$ 25,25
124VVAR3F-1R$ 18,0912-nov-20-R$ 18,09R$ 17,73
125BKBR3F-50R$ 11,0313-nov-20-R$ 551,50R$ 19,106
126BRDT3F-3R$ 21,4113-nov-20-R$ 64,23R$ 30,71
127BRSR6F-5R$ 12,1613-nov-20-R$ 60,80R$ 20,94
128HGTX3F-25R$ 17,7013-nov-20-R$ 442,50R$ 28,598
129ITUB4F-3R$ 28,1313-nov-20-R$ 84,39R$ 34,14
130ITUB4F-2R$ 28,1313-nov-20-R$ 56,26R$ 34,14
131LPSB3F-32R$ 4,8213-nov-20-R$ 154,24R$ 10,11
132OFSA3F-4R$ 30,5113-nov-20-R$ 122,04R$ 44,51
133QUAL3F-5R$ 33,5513-nov-20-R$ 167,75R$ 40,85
134SHOW3F-11R$ 2,5313-nov-20-R$ 27,83R$ 6,23
135SHOW3F-9R$ 2,5213-nov-20-R$ 22,68R$ 6,23
136SHOW3F-20R$ 2,5213-nov-20-R$ 50,40R$ 6,23
137SHOW3F-10R$ 2,5313-nov-20-R$ 25,30R$ 6,23
138VIVT4F-1R$ 44,5013-nov-20-R$ 44,50R$ 58,17
139VIVT4F-4R$ 44,5013-nov-20-R$ 178,00R$ 58,17
140XPML11-2R$ 113,3313-nov-20-R$ 226,66R$ 142,77
141ITSA4F1R$ 10,2029-mar-21R$ 10,20
142CIEL3F1R$ 3,6220-abr-21R$ 3,62
143ITSA4F3R$ 10,1720-abr-21R$ 30,51
144CIEL3F2R$ 3,5228-abr-21R$ 7,04
145ITSA4F3R$ 10,3028-abr-21R$ 30,90
146ITSA4F13R$ 10,1303-mai-21R$ 131,69
147CIEL3F-3R$ 3,7518-mai-21-R$ 11,25R$ 3,55333333
148ITSA4F1R$ 10,7120-mai-21R$ 10,71
149SHOW3F25R$ 5,4520-mai-21R$ 136,25
150SHOW3F-1R$ 5,6904-jun-21-R$ 5,69R$ 5,45
151SHOW3F-1R$ 5,8308-jun-21-R$ 5,83R$ 5,45
152SHOW3F-23R$ 5,8208-jun-21-R$ 133,86R$ 5,45
153BMGB4F15R$ 5,0509-jun-21R$ 75,75
154GRND3F5R$ 10,0409-jun-21R$ 50,20
155MELK3F16R$ 6,8909-jun-21R$ 110,24
156MELK3F16R$ 6,9109-jun-21R$ 110,56
157GRND3F-5R$ 10,7208-jul-21-R$ 53,60R$ 10,04
158ITSA4F5R$ 11,1320-jul-21R$ 55,65
159ITSA4F1R$ 11,3903-ago-21R$ 11,39
160BOBR4F6R$ 2,0018-ago-21R$ 12,00
161ENBR3F5R$ 17,4318-ago-21R$ 87,15
162BOBR4F1R$ 1,7322-nov-21R$ 1,73
163BOBR4F4R$ 1,7503-dez-21R$ 7,00
164CIEL3F7R$ 2,3513-dez-21R$ 16,45
165ENBR3F4R$ 21,4913-dez-21R$ 85,96
166ITSA4F10R$ 9,7313-dez-21R$ 97,30
167ITSA4F1R$ 9,5413-jan-22R$ 9,54
168CIEL3F-7R$ 2,0513-jan-22-R$ 14,35R$ 2,35
169CIEL3F3R$ 2,4416-fev-22R$ 7,32
170CIEL3F-2R$ 2,8018-fev-22-R$ 5,60R$ 2,44
171CIEL3F-1R$ 2,8118-fev-22-R$ 2,81R$ 2,44
172BMGB4F5R$ 2,8523-fev-22R$ 14,25
173ABEV3F2R$ 13,6816-mar-22R$ 27,36
174CIEL3F4R$ 2,4816-mar-22R$ 9,92
Cell Formulas
Upvote 0
Wow, you're asking me to remember a macro I wrote 4 years ago?! ?

Give this a shot:

VBA Code:
Public Function AvgCostPerShare(TblSoFar As Range)
Dim MyData As Variant, NumRows As Long, stk As String, SaleSize As Double, i As Long
Dim SoldSoFar As Double, MyCount As Double, TotAmt As Double
Dim TotPrice As Double, TotShares As Double, TotalLeft As Double

    MyData = TblSoFar.Value
    NumRows = UBound(MyData)
    stk = MyData(NumRows, 1)
    SaleSize = -MyData(NumRows, 2)
    If MyData(NumRows, 2) >= 0 Then
        TotalLeft = 0
        For i = 1 To NumRows
            If MyData(i, 1) = MyData(NumRows, 1) Then TotalLeft = TotalLeft + MyData(i, 2)
        Next i
        If TotalLeft <= 0 Then
            AvgCostPerShare = "None left"
            Exit Function
        End If
        For i = NumRows To 1 Step -1
            If MyData(i, 2) > 0 And MyData(i, 1) = MyData(NumRows, 1) Then
                MyCount = WorksheetFunction.Min(MyData(i, 2), TotalLeft)
                TotPrice = TotPrice + MyCount * MyData(i, 3)
                TotShares = TotShares + MyCount
                TotalLeft = TotalLeft - MyCount
            End If
            If TotalLeft = 0 Then
                AvgCostPerShare = TotPrice / TotShares
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i
'        AvgCostPerShare = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    SoldSoFar = 0
    TotAmt = 0
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) < 0 Then SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
    Next i
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) > 0 Then
            If SoldSoFar >= MyData(i, 2) Then
                SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
                GoTo nexti:
            End If
            MyData(i, 2) = MyData(i, 2) - SoldSoFar
            SoldSoFar = 0
            MyCount = WorksheetFunction.Min(MyData(i, 2), SaleSize)
            TotAmt = TotAmt + MyCount * MyData(i, 3)
            SaleSize = SaleSize - MyCount
            If SaleSize = 0 Then
                AvgCostPerShare = TotAmt / -MyData(NumRows, 2)
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    AvgCostPerShare = "Not enough shares to cover this sale."
End Function

Not real clean, but I THINK it works ok. Lightly tested. You can certainly use the E:G formula, but you can also use table nomenclature as follows:

1TickerQtyPriceDateValueAvg Price
Cell Formulas

So using FIFO, for a sale it shows the average cost of the shares being sold, for a purchase, it shows the average price of the available shares, including the shares being purchased on that line.

Hope this helps! :biggrin:
Upvote 0
Wow, you're asking me to remember a macro I wrote 4 years ago?! ?

Give this a shot:

VBA Code:
Public Function AvgCostPerShare(TblSoFar As Range)
Dim MyData As Variant, NumRows As Long, stk As String, SaleSize As Double, i As Long
Dim SoldSoFar As Double, MyCount As Double, TotAmt As Double
Dim TotPrice As Double, TotShares As Double, TotalLeft As Double

    MyData = TblSoFar.Value
    NumRows = UBound(MyData)
    stk = MyData(NumRows, 1)
    SaleSize = -MyData(NumRows, 2)
    If MyData(NumRows, 2) >= 0 Then
        TotalLeft = 0
        For i = 1 To NumRows
            If MyData(i, 1) = MyData(NumRows, 1) Then TotalLeft = TotalLeft + MyData(i, 2)
        Next i
        If TotalLeft <= 0 Then
            AvgCostPerShare = "None left"
            Exit Function
        End If
        For i = NumRows To 1 Step -1
            If MyData(i, 2) > 0 And MyData(i, 1) = MyData(NumRows, 1) Then
                MyCount = WorksheetFunction.Min(MyData(i, 2), TotalLeft)
                TotPrice = TotPrice + MyCount * MyData(i, 3)
                TotShares = TotShares + MyCount
                TotalLeft = TotalLeft - MyCount
            End If
            If TotalLeft = 0 Then
                AvgCostPerShare = TotPrice / TotShares
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i
'        AvgCostPerShare = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    SoldSoFar = 0
    TotAmt = 0
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) < 0 Then SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
    Next i
    For i = 1 To NumRows - 1
        If MyData(i, 1) = stk And MyData(i, 2) > 0 Then
            If SoldSoFar >= MyData(i, 2) Then
                SoldSoFar = SoldSoFar - MyData(i, 2)
                GoTo nexti:
            End If
            MyData(i, 2) = MyData(i, 2) - SoldSoFar
            SoldSoFar = 0
            MyCount = WorksheetFunction.Min(MyData(i, 2), SaleSize)
            TotAmt = TotAmt + MyCount * MyData(i, 3)
            SaleSize = SaleSize - MyCount
            If SaleSize = 0 Then
                AvgCostPerShare = TotAmt / -MyData(NumRows, 2)
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    AvgCostPerShare = "Not enough shares to cover this sale."
End Function

Not real clean, but I THINK it works ok. Lightly tested. You can certainly use the E:G formula, but you can also use table nomenclature as follows:

1TickerQtyPriceDateValueAvg Price
Cell Formulas

So using FIFO, for a sale it shows the average cost of the shares being sold, for a purchase, it shows the average price of the available shares, including the shares being purchased on that line.

Hope this helps! :biggrin:
Thank you so much, Eric. It works like a charm! Even after 4 years you are as good as new :)

If you don´t mind, I will be working on your code to adapt to another tab where I will list my position and fetch the average price paid. I hope I will be able to do that.
Upvote 0
For what it's worth, here are my (slightly revised) formulae from the thread referred to above:

E2: =E3+IF(AND(C2>0,B2=StockRequired,A2<=TransactionRequired),C2)
C15: =INDEX(Stock,TransactionRequired)
C16: =SUMPRODUCT(Qty,--(Stock=StockRequired),--(TransactionNo<=TransactionRequired))

C17: {=IF(TotalQuantity=0,"-",SUMPRODUCT(--(ROW(Qty)>=MAX(IF(CumulativeBuys>=TotalQuantity,ROW(Qty)))),--(Qty>0),--IF(CumulativeBuys-TotalQuantity>0,Qty-CumulativeBuys+TotalQuantity,Qty),--(TransactionNo<=TransactionRequired),--(Stock=StockRequired),Price)/TotalQuantity)}

C18: =IF(TotalQuantity=0,"-",TotalQuantity*C17)

These formula calculate the average cost on a FIFO basis of the holding after the transaction, whereas Eric W calculates the average cost of the transaction. You can easily reconcile the two.

For example, my results show:

- After Transaction 6: Qty 135 @ total cost $167
- After Transaction 7: Qty 40 @ total cost $52
--> transaction = 135 -40 = 95 shares at $167 - $52 = $115
--> average cost of transacted shares = $1.21

i.e. same as Eric W's: =AvgCostPerShare(A$2:C8)

17Average Cost1.30
18Total Cost52.00
Hi Stephen,
I am currently dealing with a similar problem, which you solved so well a few years ago. However, what I am trying to do is to see my average cost of each stock an overview list all the time. I cannot work with the input "stock required" and would therefore need to eliminate a dynamic cumulativebuys section and instead integrate it into the average cost formula. Would that work? Do you know how to do it? Thank you very much.
Upvote 0
@ETH20k I would suggest that you take the time to read the rules of this site. Both your threads were cross posted without links & know you are duplicating your question.

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