I current have macro set up to log in CMS and pull the need reports. This works fine for me however my co-worker gets the following error when he attempts. He had upgrade to Excel to 64bit but since has revert back to he 32 bit. Before the upgrade it worked just fine. Error Run-time error '429' ActiveX component can't create object.
This is the line that they get the error on: Set cvsconn = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection")
Thank you for your help!
This is the line that they get the error on: Set cvsconn = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection")
Thank you for your help!
Sub fetch_CMS_Data()
Dim begindate As String
Dim skill As String
Dim Agentgroup As String
Dim Agentskill As String
Dim Agentskill1 As String
Dim username As String
Dim password As String
Dim skill1 As String
Dim Year As String
Dim Region As String
Dim sserverip As String
Dim acsapp As Object
Dim acssrv As Object
Dim cvsconn As Object
Dim cvsCatalog As Object
Dim blankrowint As Long
Dim info As Object
Dim acsrep As Object
Dim sExportName As String
Dim x As Long
Dim blankrow As Long
Dim reportacd As Long
Dim blankrow2 As Long
Dim Location As String
If Sheets("Master Agent List").Cells(1, 45) =vbNullString Then
Region = InputBox("What Region isthe file for? (MN or WI)", "Input Region")
If Region = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Sheets("Master AgentList").Cells(1, 45) = Region
End If
Location = Sheets("Master Agent List").Cells(1,45)
If Location = "MN" Then
username = "m111111"
password = "abc123"
report = 1
Agentgroup = "MN Prior Auth"
Agentskill = "783"
skill1 = "Yes"
Agentskill1 = "784"
sserverip = "10.xxx.x.x "
ElseIf Location = "WI" Then
username = " abc123"
password = "mchs4U"
report = 2
Agentskill = "PRECERT"
Agentgroup = "PRECERT"
sserverip = "10.xxx.x.x"
End If
reportacd = report
begindate = InputBox("Please enter the Month you wishto pull data for in mm/dd/yy.", "Input Month")
If begindate = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Logging into the CMS..."
'log into the CMS
Set acsapp = CreateObject("ACSUP.cvsApplication")
Set acssrv = CreateObject("ACSUPSRV.cvsServer")
Set cvsconn = CreateObject("ACSCN.cvsConnection")
Set cvsCatalog = acssrv.reports
If acsapp.CreateServer(username, password, "",sserverip, False, "ENU", acssrv, cvsconn) Then
If cvsconn.login(username, password,sserverip, "ENU", "", False) Then
End If
End If
acssrv.reports.ACD = reportacd
Sheets("CMS Report").Select
Set info =acssrv.reports.reports("Historical\Split/Skill\Summary Monthly")
If acssrv.reports.CreateReport(info, acsrep) Then
acsrep.SetProperty"Split/Skill", Agentskill
acsrep.SetProperty "Dates",begindate
If acsrep.ExportData(sExportName, 9, 0,True, True, True) Then
Sheets("CMSReport").Cells(1, 19).Select
End If
Set acsrep = Nothing
End If
If skill1 = "Yes" Then
If acssrv.reports.CreateReport(info,acsrep) Then
acsrep.SetProperty"Split/Skill", Agentskill1
acsrep.SetProperty "Dates",begindate
If acsrep.ExportData(sExportName, 9, 0,True, True, True) Then
Sheets("CMSReport").Cells(9, 19).Select
End If
Set acsrep = Nothing
End If
End If
Set info =acssrv.reports.reports("Historical\Agent\Group Summary Monthly")
If acssrv.reports.CreateReport(info, acsrep) Then
acsrep.SetProperty "Agent Group",Agentgroup
acsrep.SetProperty "MonthStarting", begindate
If acsrep.ExportData(sExportName, 9, 0,True, True, True) Then
Sheets("CMSReport").Cells(1, 1).Select
End If
Set acsrep = Nothing
End If
reportacd = 1
acssrv.reports.ACD = reportacd
blankrow2 = 1
blankrowint = 2
x = 0
Application.StatusBar = "Logging out of theCMS..."
acssrv.Connected = False
Set cvsconn = Nothing
Set cvsCatalog = Nothing
Set acsrep = Nothing
Set acsapp = Nothing
Set acssrv = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.StatusBar = ""
MsgBox ("Report Updated")
End Sub
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