Hello, I have a sumproduct array formula before but it is double counting the two conditions...
= SUMPRODUCT(--(RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10) = "(ACCRUALS)"),(H$17:H$17)) + SUMPRODUCT(--(C$17:C$17 = "Dividend Receipt"),--((E$17:E$17 = 0) + (F$17:F$17 = 0)),(H$17:H$17))
Therefore, I am thinking a way to put a or condition in between...
I have two conditions in the excel formula
1. =ISNUMBER((C$17:C$17="Dividend Receipt")--((E$17:E$17=0)+(F$17:F$17=0)))
2. =(RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10) = "(ACCRUALS)")
which works well individually giving the answer as TRUE in excel.
I would like to build one formula to incorporate the two in a OR condition.
I have tried the followings, but it doesn't work...
Is there anyone who can help?
=SUM(IF(OR((--RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10)="(Accruals")),(ISNUMBER(--(C$17:C$17="Dividend Receipt")--((E$17:E$17=0)+(F$17:F$17=0)))))=TRUE,H$17:H$17,0)
Thanks a lot !!!
= SUMPRODUCT(--(RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10) = "(ACCRUALS)"),(H$17:H$17)) + SUMPRODUCT(--(C$17:C$17 = "Dividend Receipt"),--((E$17:E$17 = 0) + (F$17:F$17 = 0)),(H$17:H$17))
Therefore, I am thinking a way to put a or condition in between...
I have two conditions in the excel formula
1. =ISNUMBER((C$17:C$17="Dividend Receipt")--((E$17:E$17=0)+(F$17:F$17=0)))
2. =(RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10) = "(ACCRUALS)")
which works well individually giving the answer as TRUE in excel.
I would like to build one formula to incorporate the two in a OR condition.
I have tried the followings, but it doesn't work...
Is there anyone who can help?
=SUM(IF(OR((--RIGHT(I$17:I$17,10)="(Accruals")),(ISNUMBER(--(C$17:C$17="Dividend Receipt")--((E$17:E$17=0)+(F$17:F$17=0)))))=TRUE,H$17:H$17,0)
Thanks a lot !!!