Anyone in a trucking business? Cost tracking...


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Jan 22, 2016
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I have some industry-specific questions & am hoping to get a bit of help with creating a spreadsheet to capture what my boss has now tasked me with creating. Of course, I'll list what he is wanting and maybe it will cross over to other industries as well.

We operate a business where we go to towns in about 100 mile radius of our office. He wants me to create a tracking spreadsheet where we can place mileage, fuel cost, time, & driver hours in order to find out our costs to do each stop. He rambles off a bunch of things so I am basically trying to decipher what it is he really wants and I think this would best summarize my task.

If it is too much to ask for help, I apologize.

Thanks in advance,
Hello Anita

This is an interesting problem you are facing but I think you are correct when you said you feel a spreadsheet should be able to solve it. Before I say anything else, I had to laugh when you were talking about your boss and said, "He rambles off a bunch of things so I am basically trying to decipher what it is he really wants ..." Anita, I know exactly what you are going through and the feeling of almost despair, when this happens. :) My boss and yours must be related, because mine will do the same thing. He'll hand me a scrap piece of paper or an old envelope with stuff scribbled on the back, and say, "Can you make this?" and then he leaves. I'm left trying to decipher his writing, then like you, attempting to figure out exactly what he wants and how am I going to do it. It's nice to know I'm not the only person that has to deal with things like this. If anyone on this site is a boss/manager, please have mercy on your employees.

I agree with you when you said AhoyNC put a great deal of thought into coming up with the solution being presented. Good job, AhoyNC! There are a couple of concerns and suggestions I'd like to offer for your consideration. These deal with the Data Sheet and its formulas.

1) The way the sheet is laid out now, you have the first five columns (column E = Customer) are data entry and are together, then a couple of calculated columns, then another data entry, followed by a calculated column then another data entry one with three calculated columns at the end. I'd suggest that all Data Entry columns be placed together as far to the left as possible. This will greatly simplify the data entry process by removing a lot of scrolling the right to get to the next column. Not only will this reduce the time needed but will help eliminate something being missed. Since everything is calculated by formulas, it doesn't matter to Excel where the numbers come from.

2-A) While this sheet will certainly work as it is, you might consider moving all calculated columns to another sheet. This will leave only the Data Entry ones here, so if someday your boss comes to you and says, "Anita, you did such a wonderful job last August in giving me that Summary report, could you include '????' so that information could be added to the Summary report or another one?" My boss has done that to me, and remember, these two guys must be related so they probably also think alike. :) All you have do now is say, "Sure boss, no problem," then add the required Data Entry column to the end of what you already have. Everything is still together. By being so agreeable, this alone should get you a raise in salary. :)

2-B) If everything is together and you are interested in some column in the middle of a whole screen full of numbers, it can be a bit overwhelming and hard to follow with your eye.

2-C) If the Data Entry sheet gets to large, someday you may want to print it but you'll have so many columns they won't fit on a sheet of paper.

3) This deals with the formulas. It's true that I'm fairly new to Excel so I could be mistaken, but I think I'm right. If not, please correct me. I know the sample Data Entry sheet is only a demonstration, however, the formulas as they are now written that fill out the calculated columns, will access ONLY the first five rows of data, e.g. rows A3 to A7. Before you could add a sixth row, you will have to edit the formulas, mainly by removing the '$' signs that are in front of the numbers. After making those adjustments, then you can copy them down several rows and they will adjust themselves according to the number of data rows.

A possible solution to having to continually copy formulas, would be instead of using formula's, to write some VBA code. This will automatically adjust itself to the number of rows, and columns of data, regardless of how many you have. This may take a little longer to set everything up, however, in the long-run, it may pay off. Sometimes a little planning can go a long ways.

Just a few more things for you to consider.

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Hello Anita

This is an interesting problem you are facing but I think you are correct when you said you feel a spreadsheet should be able to solve it. Before I say anything else, I had to laugh when you were talking about your boss and said, "He rambles off a bunch of things so I am basically trying to decipher what it is he really wants ..." Anita, I know exactly what you are going through and the feeling of almost despair, when this happens. :) My boss and yours must be related, because mine will do the same thing. He'll hand me a scrap piece of paper or an old envelope with stuff scribbled on the back, and say, "Can you make this?" and then he leaves. I'm left trying to decipher his writing, then like you, attempting to figure out exactly what he wants and how am I going to do it. It's nice to know I'm not the only person that has to deal with things like this. If anyone on this site is a boss/manager, please have mercy on your employees.

I agree with you when you said AhoyNC put a great deal of thought into coming up with the solution being presented. Good job, AhoyNC! There are a couple of concerns and suggestions I'd like to offer for your consideration. These deal with the Data Sheet and its formulas.

1) The way the sheet is laid out now, you have the first five columns (column E = Customer) are data entry and are together, then a couple of calculated columns, then another data entry, followed by a calculated column then another data entry one with three calculated columns at the end. I'd suggest that all Data Entry columns be placed together as far to the left as possible. This will greatly simplify the data entry process by removing a lot of scrolling the right to get to the next column. Not only will this reduce the time needed but will help eliminate something being missed. Since everything is calculated by formulas, it doesn't matter to Excel where the numbers come from.

2-A) While this sheet will certainly work as it is, you might consider moving all calculated columns to another sheet. This will leave only the Data Entry ones here, so if someday your boss comes to you and says, "Anita, you did such a wonderful job last August in giving me that Summary report, could you include '????' so that information could be added to the Summary report or another one?" My boss has done that to me, and remember, these two guys must be related so they probably also think alike. :) All you have do now is say, "Sure boss, no problem," then add the required Data Entry column to the end of what you already have. Everything is still together. By being so agreeable, this alone should get you a raise in salary. :)

2-B) If everything is together and you are interested in some column in the middle of a whole screen full of numbers, it can be a bit overwhelming and hard to follow with your eye.

2-C) If the Data Entry sheet gets to large, someday you may want to print it but you'll have so many columns they won't fit on a sheet of paper.

3) This deals with the formulas. It's true that I'm fairly new to Excel so I could be mistaken, but I think I'm right. If not, please correct me. I know the sample Data Entry sheet is only a demonstration, however, the formulas as they are now written that fill out the calculated columns, will access ONLY the first five rows of data, e.g. rows A3 to A7. Before you could add a sixth row, you will have to edit the formulas, mainly by removing the '$' signs that are in front of the numbers. After making those adjustments, then you can copy them down several rows and they will adjust themselves according to the number of data rows.

A possible solution to having to continually copy formulas, would be instead of using formula's, to write some VBA code. This will automatically adjust itself to the number of rows, and columns of data, regardless of how many you have. This may take a little longer to set everything up, however, in the long-run, it may pay off. Sometimes a little planning can go a long ways.

Just a few more things for you to consider.

Said, in all kindness, I think you'r user name are spot on. After reading what you wrote, I think the OP will be more confused! ;-)
I can't see in which way it should help her!
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My suggestion would be that you get with your boss and see what he wants to use the information for and how he would like it presented.
Since you don't think he wants to add in maintenance, insurance, etc. into the cost/mile I would assume your company has other ways that they are tracking their trucking cost.
If he/she is just looking for a quick way to quote a new customer then you could probably cut the spreadsheet down to something like below. I cut out the beginning and ending mileage as I assume since the driver is paid per hour, they are not recording mileage to each customer (and adding paper work to a driver usually just aggravates them).
You may want to add a sheet were you have mileage to each customer and keep track of what you pay for fuel based on a month, week, quarter, etc. These would be lists that you could update as needed.
You could then design a summary sheet based on what your boss wants to see.

Simplified data sheet:
1DateTruck#CustomerMilesDriver HoursDriver PayBox IncentiveEst. Fuel $Cost$/Mile
26/12/2020Unit1Cust1482.25 $34.43 $25.00 $22.18 $81.60 $1.70
36/12/2020Unit2Cust2301.00 $15.30 $25.00 $13.86 $54.16 $1.81
46/13/2020Unit3Cust31004.25 $65.03 $25.00 $46.20 $136.23 $1.36
56/13/2020Unit1Cust2301.25 $19.13 $25.00 $13.86 $57.99 $1.93
66/15/2020Unit6Cust6803.00 $45.90 $25.00 $36.96 $107.86 $1.35
Cell Formulas

Example of a sheet for VLOOKUP data.

1CustomerMilesDateAvg Fuel $/galEst. mpgAvg. $/mpg
Cell Formulas
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Hello Ebea

I want to thank you for your comment about what I wrote to Anita. It is always nice have someone critique my work and believe me, I took NO offence at what you said. None, what-so-ever. However, I do wish you had been a bit more specific and said what it was about my comment that you think will cause Anita to be more confused than she probably already is. Maybe I can explain now what my thinking was when I wrote that posting.

It's obvious her company is setting up a new system from scratch and it's always been my experience that it is much better, faster and easier to do a little planning ahead of time. This way, hopefully, any potential problem can be foreseen, and taken care of before it occurs, than to try to correct it later. This is the main thought I had in mind when I wrote my posting about what AhoyNC had proposed. As I previously said, AhoyNC's system will work just fine, but I thought maybe a few little modifications would be helpful to Anita. As far as I can see, the only big problem with AhoyNC's idea was the design of the formula's as I pointed out in my third suggestion. If she is comfortable with editing those formula's and then copy/paste them every so often from now on, then that's fine. At least she will be aware of this additional task that will have to be performed. If Anita isn't sure about anything I've said, I hope she will send me a note and I'll be more than happy to try to answer her questions. I'm going to follow this thread as I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

Ebea, I appreciate your comment and if you'd like, please feel free to contact me with any further concerns you may have. I'd love to discuss them with you. You have a good day.

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Ok...sorry for the delay in posting the link to my cross post.

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Ok...sorry for the delay in posting the link to my cross post.

Thanks for that. (y)
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Thanks for that. (y)

You are MOST welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know and not just kick me out...LOL.... you have no idea what it means to me to even have such a resource as this forum.

Thank you again!
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My suggestion would be that you get with your boss and see what he wants to use the information for and how he would like it presented.
Since you don't think he wants to add in maintenance, insurance, etc. into the cost/mile I would assume your company has other ways that they are tracking their trucking cost.
If he/she is just looking for a quick way to quote a new customer then you could probably cut the spreadsheet down to something like below. I cut out the beginning and ending mileage as I assume since the driver is paid per hour, they are not recording mileage to each customer (and adding paper work to a driver usually just aggravates them).
You may want to add a sheet were you have mileage to each customer and keep track of what you pay for fuel based on a month, week, quarter, etc. These would be lists that you could update as needed.
You could then design a summary sheet based on what your boss wants to see.

Hi AHOYNC and THANK YOU SO MUCH for your examples which go pretty much right to the heart of what I need to put together for him at least as a jumping off point. I am always open minded to learn and usually can expound upon things as the need arises.

At this point, he isn't looking to incorporate all aspects into this project. I can't fully even say I understand why he wants to do this after we've been at this the past 7 years and he put together the pricing structure---he evidently just shot from the hip---LOL

Yes, drivers are hourly but they do have to keep up with their miles (round trip) for each stop they make and we actually have to keep up with the actual miles we run into a different state---we are located in a quad-state area so we are able to service beyond the state line. I have to report that mileage into other states in my IFTA quarterly fuel taxes as total miles within each state we traveled, so we do keep up with that as well.

I like where you are going with the summary idea as I usually try to create summary pages for 'clean' presentation purposes---he doesn't really care about the details...LOL

I'm building the spreadsheet verbatum to your example and can work off of it from there with guidance as needed.

Thank you again!
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Happy to help and give you some ideas on how to proceed. Since you are having to fill out quarterly fuel tax reports you already have a lot of the data need and your drivers are already use to keeping up with mileage. Good luck.
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There are number of ways to do this, but maybe this example will give you some ideas. You could setup a Data sheet to capture the cost items and then have a summary tab.
It may be difficult to have the drives give you the starting and ending odometer reading for each trip, so you could just use an estimated mileage in the mileage column and delete the odometer columns. Also, add any other cost columns if needed.

The summary sheet could be setup to look at a date range for total cost per mile and/or by customer.

Hopefully this will give you a little help.

Ok...I do have a question about the incentive column...I don't see that it calculates into the "Cost" column---and maybe it shouldn't. But in the event it should, I believe that will be an easy fix for me to just add the total of the incentive to the final cost--- I'm posting this for clarification and reassurance that my thought process is accurate. LOL I'm the worlds worst and 2nd guessing myself.

So...does that make sense or do I need to crawl under the desk for a while. LOL

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